Oct 3, 2006

Tuesday Devotions & Tech News

Shall I Go?>>>more
from Turning Point

I remember a skit on Saturday Night Live with the late Phil Hartman & Sally Field where Mr. Hartman was playing Jesus Chirst and his conversation with Sally in the kitchen. Jesus was telling Sally's character "you don't have to consult me on every little thing you do everyday". In a way he was right. We shouldn't have to ask God, "Lord, should I shower today?" or "Lord, should I get up out of bed and go to work?" We can lay there all day if we wish and don't earn an income...just don't get upset if your electricity or gas get cut off.

I talk to Jesus on a daily basis, I asked Him through out the day about different decisions, I thank Him for leading me the right directions in life or sometime which way to turn when trying to find some place (some people call it "gut feeling", I call him the Holy Spirit). But there are somethings I know I should and shouldn't do because of just plain common sense.

One of my favorite people in the Bible is Abraham. He always had an ongoing dialoge with God. When Abraham wanted to know something he ask the Heavenly Father, when God was about to send His angels to destroy Sodom and Gohmore, Abraham was so close to God where he could question His action. When I first began reading the Holy Bible and read that passage I thought Abraham was crazy question our Heavenly Father like that until I really understood what was going on, Abraham had that closeness, that covenant with God.

Once you give your life to the Lord, obey His principle set for your life, the sky is the limit.

Have a Blessed, Safe and Wonderful Day. :-)

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Father, grant that my children would learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who lives in them".

other readings for today: Coping with Loss, Sports & Humility, The Point of No Return

tech articles: Amazon.com drops search engine features, Just One More Release Before Windows Vista Goes Gold, Is Th-Th-That All, Folks?

podcast for today: Thru The Bible: Exodus 29, Windows Weekly with Paul Thurrott

1 comment:

  1. amen! that's the beauty of the wisdom God grants us. through the Word we already know God's will on specifics. He wants us to be holy as He is, preach the gospel, and be spirit-filled, and many other things. those things not specifically dealt w/ in the Word are ours to work out in wisdom and good conscience.
