Nov 20, 2009

happy with Windows 7 and neat little software apps

I remember being away from computers for a couple of years (my computers were Commodore 64 and 128), I was going to get an Apple IIe but the first one I got was DOA and I was pressured into feeling like an ungrateful person so I ended up getting a color TV which to this day I regret. Flash forward to 1995 and coming across Windows 95 for the first time. I have to admit I was kind of imtidated of Windows 95 and stepped away from it for a couple of years because I felt I was too far behind. Flash forward to 1998 and and dug in and began messing around with Windows 98 and was so blown away, I never knew computing would be so much fun. This is how I feel about Windows 7

Reflections on Friday's Devotion

Devotion for Today: Help With A Home Run
Passage for Today: 1 Peter 4:7-11 (New International Version)

This devotion hits me in a way that makes wonder why many churches...many Christians are not this way. I say "Christians" because I will never forget what Dr. Charles Stanley said years ago, "Anyone can call themselves a Christian but when you say "I'm a Follower of Christ" that draws a line in the sand to let people know that you truly love the word of God and depend on His guidance and His alone."

What I love about Christ Jesus and his teachings is that he did not sugar-coat it...he told it like it was. The same with Apostle Paul, Peter and so many of the true Followers of Christ. We as Followers of Christ have to let fellow followers that no one perfect, we are not perfect. We fall short but knowing that we cannot live this Christian life without the Holy Spirit and having Christ in our lives we will become full of ourselves and before long we will have the same attitude as the Pharasies. Our heart will become hardend with pride, arrogance and will live by rules instead of Christ's teaching.

People need to see that we are not just "mindless" followers but we are hard working people that know that we have do works and not just wait on our Lord and Savior to just do everything for us. We know that we have to do what we can and God will do what we cannot. We fail, we make mistakes but we do not dwell on our short-comings because we know as long as long as we are granted another day we have another day to do the right thing.

When we show we are not perfect and never will be perfect more people will come to Christ because true Christians "Do"...not just "Talk".

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& have a Wonderful Weekend.


message to check out today: Can you trust God? Part 2 from Dr. Charles Stanley 
photo: MasterChief/InterfaceLIFT

Nov 6, 2009

Reflections on Friday's Devotion and Passage

Friday's Devotion: Where History Comes Alive
Friday's Passage: Exodus 13:14-16 (New International Version)

It's funny as a child how I had a very vivid imagination when it came to the stories I would read and hear when it came to the word of God. I remember sitting there imagining "what it would have been like in the ark" or seeing the people of Babel building the tower toward heaven. Sometime I would smile at the thought of actually being there...but then there were times I would be frighten when hearing some stories of the Bible like the book of Revelation but over all to hearing the story of God's people has always intrigued me.

Nov 3, 2009

Reflections of Tuesday's Devotion For Me

Tuesday's Devotion and Passage
Helped By Fear - Our Daily Bread
Proverbs Chap 9:vv 1-12 -

Today I'm going to try and begin using fear as an asset instead of hindering my life. I'm not going to lie, I have let fear stop me from doing so many things I know I should be doing because I'm afraid of sounding silly or failing or even asking God for certain things that I know that will help me in the end in regards to my relationship with Him.