Sep 16, 2007

Devotion and Reflections for Today

Kathy Griffin, guess what, I agree with you...

Ms. Kathy Griffin, guess what? You hit the nail on the head with your comment. One thing I can say about most comedians they are truth tellers. Here is the comment she said at the Emmys...

"A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus," an exultant Griffin said, holding up her statuette. "Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now."

She told the truth about herself, to Hollywood actors and actresses, the Emmy, the Grammy statuette is their God, their Jesus.

Many Hollywood actors and actresses will do anything to achieve this award.

Many actresses that were attractive BEFORE arriving in Hollywood, have plastic surgery they do not need, take Botox to keep winkles from appearing. (Meg Ryan, Kathy Griffin, Marlo Thomas, Farrah Fawcett, Jennifer Grey all have went under the knife), the list is endless.

whats more offensive is the fact that rock stars, rap artists who demean women, use profanity to no end, live a reckless life get up on stages and say, "I want to thank God for this award." Which God? that little statue in their hand?

Should she have said what she said? In my opinion no. Does this surprise me? No.

Many of my fellow Christians fell to realize that Kathy and many other people are worldly and they worship worldly things. They want to be accepted by the masses, in their eyes when you which a certain age, when the camera begins to see wrinkles on their faces, in many entertainers' mind their life is coming to an end.

Many movies that were on the big screen that comes to television, they can damn God's name but they will bleep out other words of profanity. Even in prime time shows now they can damn God's name and nothing is said.

As with Kathy am I learning to voice my opinion when someone uses God name in vain but many of my Christian brothers and sisters do far worse with their actions. In the devotion from In Touch Paul chastises the older Christians for not watching their actions in front of "baby" Christians. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ but if we focus on our homes more and be an strong example for our children and our children friends, to love and treat one another the way God love us, to speak up when we see something wrong and not just turn the other way many times our voice would be much stronger in the world.

It's a shame that worldly entertainers that cohabit with one another can take on the cause of genocide in other parts of the world or come to the aid of the homeless here in our own country before we "Christians" pick up the cause. We're still segregated in many churches but we say we are "one". We rally against gay marriages and not really address the issue of teenage pregnancy, sex outside of marriage, living together before marriage. Over 50% of "Christian" marriages end in divorce... Is it a wonder why people in Hollywood or in the music industry do not take us (Christians) seriously?

I do not condone what Ms. Griffin said because I know what Christ Jesus has done for me, how my life far better than before, how He gives me strength to get through some hectic days and not lash out at the world but why does this come as surprise, she is not a Follower of Jesus Christ and for the most part look at where she lives, the business she is in...Hollywood. A place that will kick you to the curb at drop of a hat.

I'm learning to do what my Lord and savior tells me to do, pray for the lost because we have seen this time and time again in Hollywood where we think an entertainer, a Hollywood star has the world in their hands only to take their own life and leave this precious world.

Kathy you are right, that is your Jesus, that is your God.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and have a Wonderful day.

Praying for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Peace Loving

"Father God, help my children make every effort to do what leads to peace."

Romans 14:19

Sep 9, 2007

Devotion & Reflection For Today

What Am I So Afraid Of and Why
Do I Have This Large Bump on my Head?

I have to admit I have a fear of failure and worse yet sometimes that stops me from even trying and I may have missed opportunities along the way in the way. But for me the older I have become the less fearful I am. I think working at a place where you know that doesn't make you happy places a BIG part. More and more I am realizing the I have to take that so called "leap of faith". But here is thing that I do not get, why every I have part my trust in Jesus whole-heartily he has always come through for me yet I still become fearful at times?

The problem is we as Followers of Christ at times look around at our circumstances instead of putting our focus on Christ and what he has already finished for you and I. As time has passed I am realizing that now my work place is just a "tent" and not my land of milk and honey. I do not have any personal items on my desk because one thing my job has taught me is this: (1) Keep my eyes on Christ Jesus (2) the company is growing (3) I could be let go at any with today's market (4) if I'm going to work this hard for someone else and not like what I'm doing why not spend that energy doing what God has placed in Spirit to pursue. (5) my work is "work" and my home life is my "home life". I find it keeps things simple and less stressful for me.

I am also finding that putting my trust in God is the best thing because I now that when beginning my morning, before my feet hit the floor I give God thanks for another day to pursue what He has in store for me. I'm learning that knowing that Jesus has told me to follow him and that he will give me strength to go through my valleys is very assuring.

In today's devotion and Bible passage is that Moses too was afraid of many things, questioned the Lord at times and I'm learning that it's okay to have doubts at times. Every time when Moses questioned God and assured Him what he was with him and that is what I am learning now in my 40s...asking God to lead me, reading His word and then ACTING ON IT!

This is why so many Followers of Christ fall short, we ask God for his help, his guidance, he gives it to us and if we do not like on how he wants us to carry it out we say, "Ummm....I don't think you want me to do it THAT way. Here's what I think" and that is when we fail each and every time. I have to get it through my thick, "I'm so smart I'm stupid" skull that how can I tell the creator of all, the person who sees my Beginning and my Ending what is best for me? God has a sense of humor, I know he does because He doesn't force us to do it His way, he tells us to see if we will obey. If we don't and when we get frustrated and we cry out, get angry with Him I think He just sits back just begin humming to himself; and after we have finished our little tyrant, He says softly, "now, are you ready to do it the "right" way or do you wish to continue keep to keep bumping your head and starting from scratch?"

God knows we need some struggles in our life because it builds character within us, our faith grows stronger and stronger, He reminds us time and time again, "do what you can do and I will do what you can't do." because this is covenant you have with me. We have seen in the real world that when parents do everything for their children how they turn out when the children become adults and how dependent they are on the parents and that's not a good thing. So why do we continue to think God is our Daddy Warbucks? When we do our part, our very best while completing the task in His will what a wonderful testimony we are for Him and others see how God truly works in our lives.

Thank God I am learning this in my 40s and not when I am old and gray.

Be blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Great Sunday.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to show proper respect to everyone, as your Word commands."

1 Peter 2:17

Sep 8, 2007

Devotion & Reflections for the Weekend

Thoughts on the Devotion: Quiet Please
from RBC Ministries

I wrote on this a while back and it's funny how when you get into the word of God how know matter how many times you read it, you get a deeper many of his passages. It's funny how now when I travel to work I have no radio on to and from because I that is my time with Him. I don't know if I'm getting it's making me appreciate the nature of quietness or I'm I mature with my walk with God but one thing is for sure, it's really peaceful.

Many times we try and not think and hear what we really need to hear about ourselves, our love ones, the purpose of our lives but we can not run away from it because we are only hurting ourselves. I know coming up when I didn't have directions I would have to turn on the radio, the television "just because"...why? Because it was automatic, it sometimes helped me cope with being alone. I'm not saying everyone does this but I know I did but one thing change that for me...

When I was younger, single, and foolish with money I kinda "forgot" to pay my light bill and coming home to an apartment with no electricity is not cool. Of course I scrambled and paid it to have it restored the following day but something happened, no television, no radio...just quietness. The first hour I was climbing the walls and I could have gotten out of there but then the quietness made me reflect on me. My accomplishments, my shortcomings, what was I truly doing with my life and to be honest, I truly needed that. To be alone with your thoughts at times is a scary thing but then you realize how important you are in the eyes of God. How much he truly loves you. How things you think are "so bad" are not so bad. You realize how your life truly has purpose, meaning and how your uniqueness has so much value. At first I used to beat myself up at that time because I thought I should be so much farther ahead in life, why I didn't have a new car by now, how I didn't own a home but that quiet time with God and myself told me,

"you're not doing so bad. you are single and doing this by yourself."

"the reason you are not ahead is because you are afraid to step out of your comfort zone."

"it takes time, it's takes discipline, you have to be a better manager over your finances."

"who are putting before Me?"

some things I have accomplished, some goals I haven't reach yet but one thing is for sure, He gives me another chance each day He breathes life into my body. I'm learning to prioritize and stick to it and it's a process and the key thing is "sticking to it" no matter what may come up because things will come up, that's just life.

One thing I have learned about God, he does not shout at us, he does not force us to live by his principles but as a loving parent, he let's you know the benefits of following his lead the consequences when we do not. I try and live by this principle, "God has giving me instructions on how to live my life but it's still my choice, but I can't get upset when I choose not to follow Him. I can't blame him, my wife, no one around me for my actions."

I love how when God explained to Adam and Eve what they could have and could not have (and mind you it just "one" tree they could not eat from and they had an entire garden to choose from) and when they did disobey and when given there excuses it was as if God just tuned them out. He didn't want to hear because His word is his bond. He did not stop blessing them but they paid a heavy price for their disobedience. I am maturing (as I said I am a work in progress and process) to know now that looking within, being still, listening and being obedient is the key to doing it God's way and to be honest, it really does make life much simpler, it helps you cope with the curve balls of life, it makes you humble, it allows you not to let things blindside you and you have a calmness about yourself that people seek.

Learning to be in a quiet place is not easy at times but it's truly worth it in the long run because you learn about yourself, you teach others in this day and time it's okay to not have your television, radio, iPod going, you can have a joyful time just being still and silent.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Blessed Weekend.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Oh Father, grant that my children would be full of mercy and compassion as you are Lord."

James 5:11

Sep 1, 2007

Devotion and Reflection for the Weekend

Spiritual Shortsightedness<<In Touch Ministries

Being humble and being hasty does not go being prideful and hasty, those go together. This past month God has really had to show me that He comes first and trying to accomplished things "my" way will not work, it only leads to an emotional rollercoaster. It had me despising my job, working two jobs and in the process, I moved so far from God by not getting into His word like I should, not praying, not attending church and as the result always behind the 8 ball.

Now you know me by now I am not one to tell followers of Christ, "just sit back and let God bring everything to you." because our Lord does not operate in that fancy but I am telling you that sometimes we can get before God's plan for our lives and in the end it brings you pain and sometimes you may have to begin from the "start" position. This past Sunday was an eye opener for me because on the lesson that our pastor taught on and then the passages and devotions I have read this past week, I can not live my life with Him(God) leading and directing my steps. My pastor said something so profound and he has says this before but sometime one needs to be reminded time and time again (God knows we as Christian are a stiff neck people).

"Living the Christian life is really simple. We as Christians make it difficult."

and we do. Why is it that we hop in our cars and not even praying about knowing that the car is going to start or plop down in a chair knowing that it will hold us or as for me a geek, knowing that when click on the Internet Explorer or Firefox icon that the internet will pop on? But when it comes to trusting the word of God we have to "rationalize" it and try to "help" Him along. We know if we do not check our oil in our car, check the stability of chairs or not pay our cable or DSL bill we will not have transportation, chairs to sit in or the internet to surf...we have to do our part. This is what God tries to tell us day in and day out. I know He has been trying to tell me this message this past month. But by my pride, my being too busy for God caused me to not truly appreciate all what He has done for me and in the end I was transfered to another department, tired day in and day out, being to busy for the word of God and going to His house may have caused me the loss of my step-son by not camping my angels around him day in and day out.

I'm I say this had him murdered, of course not!(I will write on his death later this month). But what I am saying that by putting occupations, striving for more material we forget who has giving us these joys in life, our Creator. The two devotions from today lets me know that God wants me to do my part but sometimes I have to stop and realize I can not do things my way and get the best results and that sometimes God has answers and solutions that come in different ways when we least expect it. I love how pastor Greg Laurie taught on King Naaman and his pride when the prophet Elisha told him what to do in order to be cured of Leprosy. Pastor Laurie believes that many of King Naaman's men did know that he suffered from this disease and worse yet to go and emerge himself in the Jordan River was even worse because this is not the cleanest river in northern Israel but it took one of his men to calm him down and for him to "humble" himself to complete the task told to him by the prophet.

The second devotion from In Touch Ministries is a reminder that making decisions in haste only leads to heartache down the road. Dr. Stanley's "HALT" lets me know that compromise is not an option when it comes getting things accomplished, wanting material things, not appreciating what God has blessed me with in my life. Two times I have taking on a second job calling myself getting "ahead" and both times I have not. Don't get me wrong, it has helped me and my wife and she tells me time and time again how thankful she was by me taking the part time job but God is telling us also, "do it my way and you can survive off of you having one job and your wife having a job." This means not money management, not buying on impulse, giving God what is His(10% is not a lot considering He gives me health and faculties to get up each and every morning to complete my tasks).

Reading His word, spending time with Him, talking and LISTENING to Him is what I must do one a daily basis and just this week and part of last week I have realized that going in and doing what I need to do my job and focus on Him is making my life much more relaxed. I'm I saying they will not be rough days, nope. But what I am saying that God is making me practice what I job is my job and my home is my home. Where I work is only a stepping stone for what God has for my life ahead. I have a long road ahead of me but this time around, it's not that bad traveling this road.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and Have a Wonderful Weekend/Holiday everyone.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, I pray that my children would obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory."

2 Timothy 2:10