Sep 9, 2007

Devotion & Reflection For Today

What Am I So Afraid Of and Why
Do I Have This Large Bump on my Head?

I have to admit I have a fear of failure and worse yet sometimes that stops me from even trying and I may have missed opportunities along the way in the way. But for me the older I have become the less fearful I am. I think working at a place where you know that doesn't make you happy places a BIG part. More and more I am realizing the I have to take that so called "leap of faith". But here is thing that I do not get, why every I have part my trust in Jesus whole-heartily he has always come through for me yet I still become fearful at times?

The problem is we as Followers of Christ at times look around at our circumstances instead of putting our focus on Christ and what he has already finished for you and I. As time has passed I am realizing that now my work place is just a "tent" and not my land of milk and honey. I do not have any personal items on my desk because one thing my job has taught me is this: (1) Keep my eyes on Christ Jesus (2) the company is growing (3) I could be let go at any with today's market (4) if I'm going to work this hard for someone else and not like what I'm doing why not spend that energy doing what God has placed in Spirit to pursue. (5) my work is "work" and my home life is my "home life". I find it keeps things simple and less stressful for me.

I am also finding that putting my trust in God is the best thing because I now that when beginning my morning, before my feet hit the floor I give God thanks for another day to pursue what He has in store for me. I'm learning that knowing that Jesus has told me to follow him and that he will give me strength to go through my valleys is very assuring.

In today's devotion and Bible passage is that Moses too was afraid of many things, questioned the Lord at times and I'm learning that it's okay to have doubts at times. Every time when Moses questioned God and assured Him what he was with him and that is what I am learning now in my 40s...asking God to lead me, reading His word and then ACTING ON IT!

This is why so many Followers of Christ fall short, we ask God for his help, his guidance, he gives it to us and if we do not like on how he wants us to carry it out we say, "Ummm....I don't think you want me to do it THAT way. Here's what I think" and that is when we fail each and every time. I have to get it through my thick, "I'm so smart I'm stupid" skull that how can I tell the creator of all, the person who sees my Beginning and my Ending what is best for me? God has a sense of humor, I know he does because He doesn't force us to do it His way, he tells us to see if we will obey. If we don't and when we get frustrated and we cry out, get angry with Him I think He just sits back just begin humming to himself; and after we have finished our little tyrant, He says softly, "now, are you ready to do it the "right" way or do you wish to continue keep to keep bumping your head and starting from scratch?"

God knows we need some struggles in our life because it builds character within us, our faith grows stronger and stronger, He reminds us time and time again, "do what you can do and I will do what you can't do." because this is covenant you have with me. We have seen in the real world that when parents do everything for their children how they turn out when the children become adults and how dependent they are on the parents and that's not a good thing. So why do we continue to think God is our Daddy Warbucks? When we do our part, our very best while completing the task in His will what a wonderful testimony we are for Him and others see how God truly works in our lives.

Thank God I am learning this in my 40s and not when I am old and gray.

Be blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Great Sunday.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to show proper respect to everyone, as your Word commands."

1 Peter 2:17

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