Feb 27, 2007

a Wonderful Devotion from Dr. Charles Stanley's In Touch Website

I know this is rude to post an entire article in your own blog and you should link to the story but this one I have to post. Dr. Charles Stanley's In Touch Early Light devotion page was once set up that you could link to a specific devotion but now you can't. So this is the reason I'm putting the entire devotion from today in this post. I hope this will help my fellow Christian and I the person who is one the fence thinking about coming to the Lord.

Be Blessed, Be Safe &
Have a Wonderful Tuesday

from today's In Touch Ministries website...

The Grace to Wait

READ | Psalm 62:1-2

For most of us, waiting in line is pure agony. We arrive at a doctor's appointment on time. But we're forced to sit in the waiting room for what seems like forever. We go to the grocery store for just a few things, and get stuck in a long checkout line. And, then, there's the glacially-paced traffic jam at the bank drive-thru! It seems no one in our culture likes to wait.

When we take something to the Lord in prayer, we bring our human impatience with us. We may make a request and expect an immediate answer. If God doesn't spring into action right away, some people may think prayer doesn't work. They believe God didn't hear them, or He simply wasn't listening.

How tragic! Compare that attitude to King David's. He was only 16 years old when God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint him as king. Yet, 16 more years would pass before that promise was fulfilled. What did David do during that time? Did he moan and groan, shaking his finger at the Lord and demanding his throne now? Not at all. David understood God was trustworthy. He also realized his heavenly Father was not only the God of who and what, but also of when and how. David wanted the kingship only when God was ready for him to have it. So, he waited.

Are you waiting on something today? Will you wait on the Lord like you impatiently wait on a bank teller? Or will you, like King David, trust in God's timing and His provision?

image: allposters.com

Feb 24, 2007

devotion & reflections for the weekend February 24th-25

The New Religion>>>more
devotional reading from our daily bread

I don't understand rich people...why are they so unhappy? I am not saying money is evil, far from that, like Zig Ziglar always says, "Money ain't everything...but it's the next best thing to oxygen...I mean when you need it you really need it." I'm not saying that money solves all problems because what I have learned for myself, if you not "Christ centered" you really have nothing. In a way I guess I do know the answer but it still makes me wonder, why are rich folks so unhappy?

If they want to just get up and travel to another state or another country they can. If they wish to shop they can and by just about whatever they want whenever they want. Check out the people in Hollywood, what is their problem? It's just amazing how they could do just about whatever they want and still most get divorced, sleep around, in and out of rehab. Whatever they want the can have but they turn to drugs, alcohol, millions of dollars in therapy sessions. I mean, they should be having the times of their lives. The Oscars are coming on this Sunday and the only thing I can think of are the cool swag bag they are going to receive (I know it's sad on my part...do I pay attention to the clothing, the movie stars, no...I'm thinking about the gadgets they are going to receive...oh well, life of a geek). I know even after the awards and after party some of them will still go home depressed, unhappy, unfulfilled...why?

I remember back in 2000 I was security lobby officer at a fortune 500 company how I would see so many of the workers come in and would be and look so unhappy. Their attitudes would be so nasty sometimes and I could not understand why? Everyone has bad days, we all have them. But some of them were just miserable every day. Their salaries were really nice, the building where I worked was pretty cool, most of the offices were loft and the set up was sweet but for the most part, they would walk past my desk, half speak(when they locked their keys in their vehicle or had a flat tire I was their best friend for a short time) but for the most part attitudes just nasty. Were the employees like these? Not at all.

I remember the CEO of Ralston Purina at the time, now this guy had to be the most humble man I saw. The only regret I have was not asking him why he was so humble and how could I achieve what he has done. I was not looking for handout but just some guidelines on how to obtain some financial secure, how to keep a level head when you have made to the top of your field. Each employee when passing my desk would have to show their employee badge and Mr. McGinnis had no problem do that. Even if his hands were full, he would stop, set his items down and pull out his employee badge, show that million-dollar smile and go on his merry way. Was he a Christian I do not know but I do know he was very kind, always spoke, and always had a kind word to say to you, always humble. I can read people pretty good and this was genuine. Some people you know when they are shooting you bull but not Mr. McGinnis. I'm not saying he was a saint but just a very kind man.

I remember when I first gave my life to the Lord and Mr. Cleo Horton told me a book to read in the Bible, Ecclesiastes. When I first began reading it I thought, "man King Solomon is one depressed dude...sheesh!" Then from out of now where the Holy Spirit opened up my mind and understanding and told me, "This is what it's like when you can have everything you ever want and if you do not have Me (God) at the center of your life, it's all emptiness". Wow...that did for me. This is what King Solomon saying, “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”(Ecclesiastes 1:2).

Now I am not saying that we all have to be paupers in order to be happy, if that's the case Solomon would not have been the wisest, richest man in the world. What I am saying is that everything has it's place. They is nothing wrong with having money, being rich, being famous, being successful. God wants you and to enjoy life to the fullest but to put everything in it's place. He have given you and I principles, guidelines to live by and in the end they are for our best at heart. One pastor has said the book of Proverbs is the "Book of Wisdom" where as Ecclesiastes is the "Book of living foolishly" I am getting a second chance at life. I will begin school soon, I am going after what God has placed in me to do with my life. It's going to be challenging, it's going to hit some speed bumps from time to time but deep down it's going to be fun.

What I take from the rich and famous is this: love Jesus Christ first, family second, career third. Take care of you business always, keep your affairs(will, paying bills, savings, investment) in order, love life, treat people the way you wish to be treated, always keep learning, if you don't want people to know your business...don't put it out there, seek God in everything you do, keep your eyes on Him always as King Solomon said if you do that...

"Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
Then you will find favor with both God and people,
and you will earn a good reputation."

~proverbs 3:3-4

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, & as always
Have a Wonderful Weekend


Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

A Servant's Heart

"God help my children develop servants' hearts, that they may serve wholeheartly."

Ephesians 6:7

messages from oneplace.com:

tech news for Saturday:

podcasts for today:


Feb 21, 2007

devotion & reflections for Wednesday

The Blame Game>>>more
from rbc ministries|odb

This devotion from Our Daily Bread is really needed in this day and time in our lives. The Blame Game is really rapid today. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions any more. McDonald restaurants took Super Size fries off their menu because people blamed the restaurant of their weight gain, Oreo cookies had to change their ingredients because people complained about their weight gain, a representative in New York want to pass a $100 fine for people who wear or use their electronic devices while crossing the streets. As I heard Leo Laporte say, "you can't legislate stupidity."

Since the blame game began with Adam we have been sliding more and more into the abyss. From Abraham lying about Sarah, from David lying about Basheeba, from Peter lying about knowing Jesus it's not getting better. Even today how many of us (yes I did as well) living together without marriage for 6 or 7 years then when the subject marriage comes up we get offended..."I don't need a piece of paper to prove anything." No, that's called "Playing House". We have sex outside of marriage and then want to blame the woman for getting pregnant..."she tricked me dude!" and then walk away from a life you have created. No, that's called being a little boy. In this day and time we make choice and then we wish to blame others for our mistakes and get offended when someone points out our errors yelling, "Don't judge me man."

Here's the thing, the choice we make, we may not care about the outcome but it effects a ripple of people for decades to come. Men, we have children and do not care for them, that child grows up thinking you do not have to be responsible for bringing another life into this world. A mother can only do so much but children need a mother and father, that is the way God attended it to be...period. I'm I saying a single parent can not do it...no I am not because I am a product of a single parent. But I do know I did not have a positive male roll model in my life until my late twenties and thank God he had He put that "thorn" in my side through my teenage years because if I would have had my way, I would have had about 3-4 children right about now and would have done the same thing my father did, ran away from my responsibilities.

We get into relationships that we know is not healthy for us to begin with but we do it because we think "we can change that person". He is a tip, especially for Vox female neighbors out there, God has blessed you with a wonderful gift, I called the Holy Spirit, most people call it "instinct". If you come across a guy who loves to sleep around before you get marriage....it gets worse when you become man and wife so you have no right to complain to your girlfriends that your man is a Dawg. Do not be let by your feelings, be lead by the facts.

Last week I was watching a organization show on HGTV and the younger sister was...umm..very unorganized...okay a slob. It had gotten to the point where the mother and the older sister would not got into young lady's room. The host asked the mother, "why do you allow this?" and the mother response?

"She's really a sweet kid".

I think this is the new buzz word for parents not wanting to be a responsible parent but a popular parent. What the heck does that mean?

I have seen too many people come on Oprah telling her, "I don't know what I'm going to do with him...he gets upset whenever I turn off the television and he lays in bed all day". Then you find out the child is 3 years old. Question...why do some people have children? This may sound harsh but it's the truth. Having children are a true gift. Parenting does not come with a manual and I know it can be tough sometimes but in this day and age we make it much tougher than it is...we really do. Is it amazing back in the day when parents had about 5-6 children and most had manners? You may had one in the family that just would not do right but for the most part, the majority of the children respected their parents. Our parents may not have had the best education but they taught us right from wrong, taught us about consequences for our actions. Now we have parents that have the books smarts and no common sense...and they only have one child? What gives?!?

I have a grandson and my step daughter bought him a 30GB iPod and a cell phone...and he's 7 years old? What kind of sense does this make? Then she gets upset when the boy does not keep up with them. But you have to look at the parents of the grandchildren. They is a saying I heard which is so true..."Raise your children the way you would want your grandchildren to be raised."

There are plenty of parents or single parents that are doing great jobs when it comes to raising children and I keep you lifted up in prayer ALWAYS because of the fact that your children cross paths everyday with parents who are not doing what they should do when it comes raising their children and then these parents want to blame television shows, the music they listen to instead of going into the bedroom or bathroom, stand in front of that piece of glass that will show the true culprit....themselves.

I'm not letting the industry off the hook but we as adults have the power what comes into our homes each and everyday(Notice I said our homes...somebody will comment and say "we can't police what goes on outside our homes", but if we instill in our sons and daughters how to conduct themselves in private, they will be able to handle themselves in public). I tell parents all the time if you worried about what your children see on the computer when they are at home, put the computer in a central area of the home and not in their bedroom. We give our children gadgets to get them out of our hair but then get upset with people in the industry that put some ungodly content on the web. These are our children, not the entertainment industry children.

Isn't it funny how we as people put ask do not want Godly principles in our lives, in our businesses, in our schools but when chaos breaks out, the first thing comes out of our mouths, "How could God allow this to happen?" When God gave Adam dominion of the land, He gave us the responsibility to do the right thing and we gave dominion over to Satan that day in the garden of Eden. We have no one to blame but ourselves. As my pastor always says, "If you give Satan a ride he's going to want to drive."

It's that simple.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, & as always
Have a Wonderful Wednesday

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord grant my children would learn to be responsible, for each one should carry his own load."

Galatians 6:5

messages from Oneplace.com

tech news for Wednesday

my podcast pick for wednesday


Feb 17, 2007

weekend devotion & reflections

Finding God In The Darkness>>>more
devotion from
our daily bread
leave a comment here or techmusicgospel

Many people come to Christ Jesus in different situation. I came to him in the autumn of 1999. I had been living with a young lady and we had been dating off and on for about 7 years. It had come to a point where I was tired. Tired of missing God's best for me, knowing what I really wanted for my life and knowing now if I were to be single all of my life that would have been okay with me, I was just tired. That is my "finding God in the darkness" experience.

I have a friend that came to the Lord while she was a drug dealer. She's young, very beautiful but just got tired of the life style. She was getting everything material wise, the clothes, the money, the cars but still was wandering in darkness. She told me one day she was at home, knelt down in the middle her living cried out to Him to show himself, she said she wept like a baby for hours and in that God came into her life began a new chapter in her life.

am not saying once you allow God to become the Lord of your life that you can walk around with rose colored glasses but what I am saying that the pressures of life are much easier to bear because you do not feel like you are at your wit's end. When you begin your day with the Lord by reading His Word, praying and giving Him thanks for another day you and I begin to put things into perspective. Each morning before my feet hit the floor I ask Him, "Lord, what is Your will for me today?"

od is here for you each and everyday because He knows since the fall of man we will encounter obstacles in our lives and He does not want our lives to be stressed to a point where we do not know where to turn. I don't know about you but to know they is an instruction book for my life is a true blessings because more and more our lives our becoming more hectic with the pressures of life telling us that it's okay to take short cuts, if you hurt someone on the way toward your goal is their fault for being weak is so prevelent now. This past week I say on our local news a book called, "The 48 Laws of Power" and it basically tells you to do whatever it takes to get to the top without having any remorse and if you wish to take that route I always try and keep in mind that no matter what their are always consequences for my actions. Do I want blessings to overtake me or do wish to live with the constant "looking over my shoulder"...I choose the former.

any people think that Christ Jesus teach people to be door mats and that is further from the truth. Read a chapter of Proverbs each day. Read the sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5 thru 7) and then read Matthew chapter 10. I am finding more and this inspired word of God has all the answers for me. I'm I saying not to read anything else...of course not, the apostle Paul read the scriptures and many other material but the word of God was his compass, this is what kept him balanced and kept him walking in the light.

alking in the light(living by God's word) keeps me focus, keeps me balance, keeps me moving forward in life because even I am passing through the darkness, it is what is...passing "through the darkness" and not wallowing in the darkness.

Be Safe, & as always
Have a
Wonderful Weekend

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

"Heavenly Father, grant that my children would be filled with the joy by the Holy Spirit"

1 Thessalonians 1:6


"Lord teach my children to persevere in all they do, and help them run with perseverance the race set before them."

Hebrews 12:1

messages from Oneplace.com tech news for Saturday podcast for today image: allposters.com

Feb 15, 2007

powered by ODEO

A Message for All To Hear

This audio message from Dr. Charles Stanley today, "Shortcutting the Will of God" is an on time word because we as Followers of Jesus Christ have this problem...we want the Will of God but we think of Him as a bell hop from time to time. We tend to forget we are on His time frame, He is not on ours. This is not only a Word for my fellow brothers and sisters but for me as well. Many times when I post messages are devotions they are for me because I am not perfect, I will never come across as perfect.

e hear all the time, "God help those who help themselves"...this IS NOT in the Bible. As Dr. Charles Stanley explains in that way of thinking sometimes we get ahead of God's plans and path we end up making a mess of things. We do this many times because we don't like God's time frame, but remember God is the "author and finisher" of everything.

Shortcutting the Will of God Part A( the link will take you to the archives and then scroll down to "Shortcutting the Will of God). I would highly recommend subscribing to the podcast) Be Blessed, Be Safe, and have a Wonderful Thursday

In Touch Ministries website Check out today's message...part 2 is tomorrow.

Feb 12, 2007

devotion and reflections for Monday

"Fools think their own way is right,
but the wise listen to others."

~proverbs 12:15

Knock, Knock>>>more
devotional from our daily bread

leave comments here are at techmusicgospel

This is a pretty cool, very insightful devotion from rbc today. This makes me really realize how important my walk with Christ Jesus should be and how you should always carry yourself. As the late Will Rogers said, "You should be so confindant with your character where you could give your parrot to the local gossip." No one is perfect but I think the person should carry themselves in a way that...

  • You believe in what you say
  • You always try to find the good in people
  • When you're right not to brag, when you're wrong you're big enough to admit
  • Treat people the way you wish to be treated
  • That your "yes" means yes and your "no" means no
  • Be humble but not a doormat
  • You do judge people but use Godly judgment when it comes to situations, the people you socialize with on a daily basis

The older I get I realize that less I trip off what people think of me because I'm realizing, I rather be "Christ's Loved and people hated" than the other way around. I have come to realize from the book of Proverbs is so true in most cases in my life...

Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
Then you will find favor with both God and people,
and you will earn a good reputation.

~Proverbs 3:3-4

What I have come to realize is that sometimes just speaking positive into someones lives is what that person needs at that time. True, it's up to the individual in the end to change their lives but doesn't hurt sometimes to let a person know how much God loves them and to let them they make a difference by walking this earth. So many of our great leaders had very rough beginnings but time and time again you read how someone spoke "positive" things in their lives because many times we are our own worse critic.

Speak something good in someone life today...you may be surprised how it comes back to you.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Wonderful Monday

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, may my children always be strong and courageous in their character and their actions."

Deuteronomy 31:6

messages from Oneplace.com

tech news for monday

podcast from TWiT


Feb 10, 2007

Weekend Devotion & Reflections

"A wise child brings joy to a father; a foolish child brings grief to a mother."

~proverbs 10:1

What’s The Cost?>>>more

devotion from our daily bread

It's amazing when God places something on your heart and you come across a devotion that confirms what has been in your head and heavy on your heart. Today's devotion from RBC Ministries hits on something where even today's Christians do not want to deal with...the cost of following Jesus Christ. Sure we like to talk about the love of God but we also have to deal with the fact what God will not tolerate and what Christ Jesus taught His disciples when choosing to follow Him.

When teaching the disciples Jesus taught the cost of following Him(read Matthew Chapter 10 and then truly decide if you wish to follow Christ. I love this chapter because Christ Jesus holds no punches when letting you and know the true cost of following Him) and He teaches us as well. We must believe that He is the only way, the true way and many Christians do not want to say this because the fear of alienating close friends, relatives, co-workers. Right now by me even posting this people are going to disagree with this because many believe how could a loving God be so narrow minded? People see it as narrow minded I see it as truth not only from my pastor in my church but from the teachings from God by studying, praying, meditating over His word.

Many non Christians, atheists feel the Christians are fools and that we "blindly" follow this make believe person that hovers in the heavens...that's their opinion and what I truly love about God is that gave us all free will to do what we want to do. But with any loving parent He has told you and I the consequences of our actions. Isn't it amazing how we do not want "boundaries" or "rules" in our lives, in our schools, in our companies saying "keep God out of our lives" but when things happen we as a nation are the first to yell, "Where was God when this happen" or "If God is such a loving God how could He let this happen?" Free will once again and also God gave you and dominion over the earth and we gave it to Satan in Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Think about this...

God told them the could have anything in the garden except the fruit from the tree of Knowledge. This is like me being a guest/steward in "a state of the art" castle and the owner tells me I have a job to do in the castle and that I can have anything I want, go anywhere in the castle, go into any room I please but there is one room I can not enter and if I do I will no longer be able a guest in the castle. Now me being the geek I am they is everything I could ever want and since I love gadgets, food, music I have access to anything I please...except that one "little" room. Then I get to thinking selfish and saying to myself, "why can't I go in there? If I can have access to everyone other room why not this one? He must be hiding something."

This is how Satan get you and I each and every time. Instead of focusing on the goodness of God and what all He has blessed us with he(Satan) has us focus on instant gratification and Satan never has and never will warn you and about the consequences of our actions. I go in the room to find there are the servers that run the entire castle. Now the owner knows I have accessed the room. Now what was in the room is not important but what is important is the fact is I am a guest, a steward in the castle...not the owner. The owner knows that what I find the servers in the castle I will be tempted to tell him how him (the owner) how he could have his castle run much better. This is sort of the same way with Adam and Eve. God knows everything, our beginning, our end. He knows what we need in our lives, what we need to know, what we do not need to know. God knows if He does not have boundaries in our lives we will think we can do anything and still be welcome into His kingdom...sort of like how our world is today.

We think we can sleep with whom ever we please and God will open us with open arms. We think we can co habit with one another and "God will understand...we're in love". We think it's okay for men to sleep with men and women with women because, "God made me this way". When Christians get to talking about this, we are judging and we have no right to judge.

Here is the thing...this is not judging, this is judging choices we make and this goes back to good and bad consequences. Example if I am standing before the Lord and I am a heterosexual, I a Christian, I tithes, I on the deacon's board but I slept around on my wife and there is a gay person standing before the Lord who do you think will be turned away from God...both! God does not judge us on who we are but whether or not I lived by the standards he put in place for our lives. Think again, He is our Father and he wants what is best for us and He will never keep anything from us that will enhance our lives.

We talk about judging...our parents did this throughout our lives when growing up. We may have wanted to play with a certain child and our mom and dad told us "No". We ask why and they tell us "he's not a good kid. They have seen him around the neighborhood always getting into trouble". Did they think they were better than that kid or are they judging him because of who he is? No. Our parents say his action, how the child was living his life and our parents invested to o much time in our lives teaches you and I right from wrong and did not want us getting into trouble. By them being our parents means they are out and they see more what is going on in the neighborhood. We may not like the call our parents make in our childhood but we thank them once we are older and we begin to see things the way our parents see them in the world.

When we count the cost of obeying God, following Christ Jesus we will lose something that will bring us pain, but it's only temporary because what He has in store for our lives our weigh the worldly choices Satan has for you and I. God is a very loving God and He wishes no one to perish but God is our Father that has principles, standards and virtues for you and I to live by and like I said before, He gave us free will but He also reminds us time and time again the rewards of obeying Him the cost of not obeying Him.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe & have
a Wonderful Weekend.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church


"God, help my children develop a strong self-esteem rooted in the realization that they are Your workmanship."

Ephesians 2:10



"Let faithfulness never leave my children, but bind this virtue around their necks."

Proverbs 3:3

messages from Oneplace.com

tech news for Saturday

netcast from TWiT


Feb 8, 2007

devotion & reflections for Thursday

devotion from Our Daily Bread
to hear the songs for today go
to my Vox blog

Sometimes God has to put you and I in the "wilderness" in order to work on our lives. It's not fun being there, it's lonely at times but in the end we come out stronger, wiser, better equip to help others. How long we stay in out wilderness, that depends on individual. We ask God to come into our lives to clean up the mess we have made but when it comes time to get rid of things, people, locations that hinder us we want to hang on because we feel that we can not do without...but isn't that part of growing?

Many times we want the benefits but do not want to go through the process of becoming. It takes sacrifice, it takes time and yes we will lose some things that we think at the time is so important to us but God never takes anything away that He will not replace which is far better for you and I. It's easy for me to write this but I will admit, when it's time to go through at times it's very rough for me.

Right now I'm at a point where I want my life to become full, rich with His blessings, His wonders for me but I know I have to put some things to the side and it's hard for me but in order for me to receive I have to give. By this I mean I have to give of my time, my income, my obedience. I must surrender all because I will never bend God to my will, it just will not happen. I have to begin and continue(that's really the key isn't it...we start off strong then get side tracked) to wake up with His Word, ask for guidance, do my part(which is another key ingredient), be still when He tells me to still, move when He tells me to move...let Him be my 'Pilot'. One thing I am truly learning is that God does not come the same way because His ways are never our ways.

ase in point...last night at work, I arrived there late and I was hoping they did not trash the offices I normally clean. Each night I ask God how do I proceed because sometimes I get out of there later than I want to leave and I have to be honest I sometimes make things harder than they really are so this time I let Him give me wisdom and obeyed. Not only did I finish earlier than normal but I had time to rest and give Him thanks before heading home. Two lessons I learned last night
  1. Ask Him to lead and direct me in EVERYTHING I do
  2. Obey Him...period
I could not understand how I finished at the time that I did but then again as I mentioned earlier...His ways are not my ways. This may sound corny or weird to some people but it worked for me last night and I'm going to be obedient to Him tonight when I get there.

od always has our best interest at heart but by Him giving us free will we sometimes go against what He has for you and I and we have to let go and follow His lead. The end result is so wonderful and our testimonies are a inspiration to others.

Be Safe, &
Have a
Wonderful Thursday.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

Mercy "Oh Father, grant that my children would be full of mercy and compassion as you are Lord."

James 5:11

messages from oneplace.com

tech news for thursday

netcast for today from TWiT

image: allposters.com

Feb 7, 2007

The next iPod...flash memory...well, maybe.

Will our next iPods be flash memory? According to a piece from the AppleInsider we may be close. Nothing has been confirmed but maybe the next generation iPod will have NAND flash memory instead of the HDD(Hard Disk Drive) beginning late 2007. Right now the iPod uses a 1.8-inch hard drive and giving the fact that it's has the capacity to have 80gigs is pretty amazing. But imagine having a lighter ipod(which weights what, 1pound or so) and the battery life longer what be a big plus.

From what I have read right now the largest in flash memory is 32GB (if I'm wrong please correct me) and the price tag would be>>>more

Small Hiccups with Vista

This post is not to dump on Microsoft's new OS Vista...just a warning for people. This article on CNet is just confirming what I feel about Microsoft products...wait for about 6 months to 1 year before upgrading.

From what I have been hearing so far so good but people have been having some trouble with Vista. To me this is not because it's a crummy OS(Operating System) but as I have and will always say, when it comes to Microsoft, the first year that any of their products are released to the retail public, that's the "Beta Version" to me.>>>more

devotion & reflections for Today

The Power Of Influence>>>more
devotion from
Our Daily Bread

to here the Gospel/Christian Songs for today
visit my Vox Blog

Coming up as a kid I really never had a positive male role model in my life. Being a only child has its highs and lows. Somethings I could not be influenced to do for the life of me like to drink (I never acquired a taste for liquor...to me all of it taste yucky) to smoke (as a child they would show how lungs in a healthy person looked and a smoker's lung looked...not for me). But they were things and people I was influenced by because I wanted to impress some girl or be in the "end crowd".

I never did fit in with anyone because of the things I enjoyed, the books I read, the music I listened to at that time (telling someone you like Glen Campbell growing up in a all black neighborhood was like wearing a sign, "Beat Me Down Now"). I felt all alone many times growing up, like I was born to the wrong mother or that I grew up in the wrong town.

But what I did not know was that my Heavenly Father was grooming me to an influencer. God has made each one of us a very "peculiar" individuals. This does not mean 'weird' or 'strange' but to bring something different to the table which in most cases is a great thing because we learn from one another, people bounce ideas off of one another. Some things people may not agree on and even in situation like that we still learn from one another.

Learning how much God loved me and how He has placed information inside me I now can share with world via blogs, interacting with people on my job, IM is a wonderful thing and to share the gospel is really awesome because not only do I teach and influence but I learn and get influenced as well. I am learning that learning the Word of God, studying His word how "Beautiful and Wonderfully" made I am. I love being me, I love being a Follow of Christ, I love being a geek, I love being nice to people because I can and not because I am looking for something in return.

Being an influencer is a wonderful thing but at the same time you have to be careful because you don't want to steer someone wrong because if that happens trust is broken and it makes it hard for the next person who comes along who means well. We see this everyday in the workplace, in relationships.

This is why it's best for me to keep my eyes focus on Christ Jesus because this way I can not go wrong when influencing people or being influenced by people.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe & as always,
Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

Praying for Our Children
Christian Embassy Church


"God, Help my children to love justice as You do and act justly in all they do."

Psalm 11:7 & Micah 6:8

messages from Oneplace.com:

tech news for wednesday:

netcast for today from TWiT:

image: allposters.com

Feb 6, 2007

devotion & reflections for Today ^_^

Spiritual Passion>>>more
from rbc ministries|our daily bread

to hear my gospel/christian songs for today
go to my Vox blog
What steals your zeal from Christ Jesus. I have to confess, mine is gadgets and television and working a full and part time job. This is about to change. Yesterday after getting home from the 1st job, I went straight into the bedroom, changed into my work clothes, opened up the Bible, read a passage from Dr. Stanley's devotion book and the biblical passage to be read for yesterday, laid down and let God speak through the Holy Spirit He has giving each and everyone one of us who has turned our lives over to God. Got to the second job on time and manage to get out of there on time.

But then I screwed up when I got home...turned on the television and did not go to bed until late, got up late this morning, got to work late and now I have to stay late because of that and the worse part, I did not get a chance to go before my Father to thank Him for waking me up this morning, asking Him what is His plans for me today. I have said over and over I need to cut out television throughout the week because I do not have time to watch it. I need to get home, hop in the shower, spend some time with my heavenly Father and go to bed but I keep falling into that same habit of "television". There is nothing wrong with watching television but everything must be put in their proper place and T.V. should not be at the top of my list.

I find that when I give God my whole hearted attention He leads my footsteps through the roughest terrain in my everyday walk at work, at home....everything. So this should be a no-brainier, right? Not for me. This is making me realizes what is more important in my life and I'm not liking what I'm seeing and I can not blame anyone but myself. I'm not condemning myself but I am convicting myself because whenever I have turned anything over to Christ my outcomes have been nothing but good. So..no more talking, time for me to walk the walk because He has put too much in me to waste time and time is something we can not bargain with, bribe, buy back. I love my life and I love the abilities that God has placed in me to reach.

How is your passion for Christ?

Be Blessed,

Be Safe,
& and always have a Great Tuesday.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

Love For God's Word

"Lord, may my children regard your Word as more precious than gold and sweeter than honey."

Psalm 19:10

messages from OnePlace.com tech news for tuesday netcast for today from TWiT image: allposters.com

Feb 5, 2007

Devotion & Reflection for Monday

The Price Of A Soul>>>more
devotion from
rbc ministries

What is the price of your soul? Have you ever thought about that question? I remember The Simpsons episode where Bart sold his soul for $5 to Milhouse and everything went downhill for Bart until Lisa bought his soul back for him. Kind of silly I know but in all seriously I know my soul was worth much more for Christ Jesus to sacrifice his life for mine in order for me to not only have a peaceful life here on earth and eternity.

Throughout the Bible I read of men and women who sometimes gave up so much to spread God's word to the masses, sometimes costing them everything but in the end did they lose...no. Knowing in the end what they were gaining was worth the sacrifice. Sometimes we worry about what we will lose when following Christ and that is what Satan want you and I to think about but think about what we gain by being Followers of Jesus Christ.

We gain wisdom beyond humanly possible, we get great peace of mind knowing that the victory has already been won over Satan with our souls, we come across many people who are also believers in Christ Jesus. I can't explain it sometimes but when I go into a Christian bookstore it's like a safe haven for me many times, it makes me say to myself, "if it's peace in here I wonder what heaven is like?"

When thinking of what Jesus has giving up for me it makes me take stock in my life, getting more into His word, cutting out some unnecessary habits, people out of my life that will not build me up but slow my growth and walk with Him and I can not allow this to happen. The price of my soul must be worth something because in the end almighty God that highly of me to give up His only begotten Son for me.

Be Blessed,

Be Safe &,
Have a Wonderful school/work week.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

Self Control

"Father, help my children not be like many others, but to be alert and self-controlled in all they do."

1 Thessalonians 5:6

messages for your soul:
tech news:

netcast for today:


Feb 3, 2007

Devotion & Reflection for this Weekend.

Our Living Hope>>>read more
from rbc ministries|our daily bread
to hear the songs I have along with this post
go to my Vox blog

This devotion speaks to not only the believer but the non believer as well. When a love one dies and whether or not we are Followers of Christ or not we feel a sadness, an empty space in our heart, in our soul, we miss their presence. We understand when some one up in age has died but not someone prime in their life or someone born with a disability. We get angry with God, we feel he has done he are she was wronged in life. I have gotten older now to know that I do not have all the answers and God may reveal them to me once I am in His presence or He may not. This I do know, God is real, God has given us emotions and He know we will get upset with Him from time to time and He is okay with that.

I have come to an understanding in my life where if someone close to me dies I will mourn and I will grieve but I know that one day Jesus Christ will rise them again and if they were a believer in Christ Jesus I will be with them again because of His promise. Nothing we do surprises God so when tragic happens in our lives He knows we have questions, we will sometimes lash out at Him, we may even curse Him but He is a loving, wonderful, forgiving Father that after all the angry, sadness He is there for you and I. He may choose to answer you and in that time of hurting, the answer may come gradually, or He may answer at all. But know this, if we are truly love the Lord and we trust Him, He will give us the strength to go on and that hurt will heal and he will make you a vessel to heal someone else in that time of need.

I'm will not ever downplay someone tragedy because that pain is very real. I have learned not to say, "oh I know how you feel" or other things to that nature because as I said earlier I don't have all the answers nor will I pretend have all the answers. Many times the best thing to do in situations like these is to "just be there". When Job lost everything it says his friends came and sat with him for 7 days and just mourned and cried with him.

Sometimes they will lash out at you if they know you are a believer, it's not against you so do not take it personal because again, we as humans want to know "why?". I have come to this conclusion in my own life...I trust God, I know God has my best interest in heart. I know that since the fall of Adam and Eve, there is going to be death, tragedy, suffering. God did not attend for it to be this way but since our first, "Father and Mother" was rebellious, we are paying the price for their disobedience. But I also know that God gave them free will, to love Him or not to love and follow Him...he loved you and I that much. I also know that He sent His Son over 2000 years ago to take our place where our sins were placed upon Him...our past, present, and future sins so that we will rise again, be with our loves ones that believed in Him also and that is a awesome for me to know where I will be once I die.

Death will bring sadness, anger in our lives but knowing that they know God and believed in Jesus Christ also brings joy that we will be united with them and will be with God and them for ever and ever is great news as well.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have Great Weekend.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church


"Father, grant that my children would learn to live a life of love., through the Spirit who lives in them."

Ephesians 5:2

"Lord, may integrity and uprightness protect my children because their hopes are in you."

Psalm 25:21

image: allposters.com