Feb 17, 2007

weekend devotion & reflections

Finding God In The Darkness>>>more
devotion from
our daily bread
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Many people come to Christ Jesus in different situation. I came to him in the autumn of 1999. I had been living with a young lady and we had been dating off and on for about 7 years. It had come to a point where I was tired. Tired of missing God's best for me, knowing what I really wanted for my life and knowing now if I were to be single all of my life that would have been okay with me, I was just tired. That is my "finding God in the darkness" experience.

I have a friend that came to the Lord while she was a drug dealer. She's young, very beautiful but just got tired of the life style. She was getting everything material wise, the clothes, the money, the cars but still was wandering in darkness. She told me one day she was at home, knelt down in the middle her living cried out to Him to show himself, she said she wept like a baby for hours and in that God came into her life began a new chapter in her life.

am not saying once you allow God to become the Lord of your life that you can walk around with rose colored glasses but what I am saying that the pressures of life are much easier to bear because you do not feel like you are at your wit's end. When you begin your day with the Lord by reading His Word, praying and giving Him thanks for another day you and I begin to put things into perspective. Each morning before my feet hit the floor I ask Him, "Lord, what is Your will for me today?"

od is here for you each and everyday because He knows since the fall of man we will encounter obstacles in our lives and He does not want our lives to be stressed to a point where we do not know where to turn. I don't know about you but to know they is an instruction book for my life is a true blessings because more and more our lives our becoming more hectic with the pressures of life telling us that it's okay to take short cuts, if you hurt someone on the way toward your goal is their fault for being weak is so prevelent now. This past week I say on our local news a book called, "The 48 Laws of Power" and it basically tells you to do whatever it takes to get to the top without having any remorse and if you wish to take that route I always try and keep in mind that no matter what their are always consequences for my actions. Do I want blessings to overtake me or do wish to live with the constant "looking over my shoulder"...I choose the former.

any people think that Christ Jesus teach people to be door mats and that is further from the truth. Read a chapter of Proverbs each day. Read the sermon on the mount (Matthew chapters 5 thru 7) and then read Matthew chapter 10. I am finding more and this inspired word of God has all the answers for me. I'm I saying not to read anything else...of course not, the apostle Paul read the scriptures and many other material but the word of God was his compass, this is what kept him balanced and kept him walking in the light.

alking in the light(living by God's word) keeps me focus, keeps me balance, keeps me moving forward in life because even I am passing through the darkness, it is what is...passing "through the darkness" and not wallowing in the darkness.

Be Safe, & as always
Have a
Wonderful Weekend

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

"Heavenly Father, grant that my children would be filled with the joy by the Holy Spirit"

1 Thessalonians 1:6


"Lord teach my children to persevere in all they do, and help them run with perseverance the race set before them."

Hebrews 12:1

messages from Oneplace.com tech news for Saturday podcast for today image: allposters.com

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