Nov 10, 2008

Reflections from Monday's Devotional

Devotional from Our Daily Bread: Gossip-Free Zone
Biblical Passage: Proverbs 25: 8-18

I know this is going to sound bias and I'm going to sound like a male chauvinist pig so I'm getting that out of the way right now but I often tell people that the only women I enjoy working around are geek women. With geek women gossip is truly at a minimum. They care about their appearance but I have never heard them tear down another woman, well at least while I'm around. They are not into dumb shows like Desperate Housewives, Girlfriends, Sex & the City, The Starters Wife (while USA Network airs that show I will never know), Tyler Perry movies...yes I said it.

Gossip is something I have heard men and women do from time to time and it's very easy to get caught up in it. Gossip is one of those subtle sins that before you know it you're right in the middle of that mess. You don't think you get caught up in it? Have you ever read PEOPLE, US, Star magazines? Have you ever watch any so called Reality shows?

*my hand goes up slowly

It's amazing so many things that are positive that surrounds us and many times we are drawn to the negative. There is the Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, TLC, National Geographic Channel, heck for me The Weather Channel is productive (they play some of the best smooth jazz when showcasing "The Local on the 8's"). Do you own a mp3 player? So many positive podcast are out here from pastor Greg Laurie, Paul Sheppard, Dr. Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Tony Evans, the late Adrian Rogers & Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Michael Yousef, James McDonald...and these are national pastors and I'm sure that there are local pastors in your area that great teachers of God's word. You have some great music podcast (mine included...hint, hint), great tech shows and yet we sometimes get sucked into the gossip abyss.

I love the book of Proverbs. If you ever want sound, no nonsense every day advice this is the book to read a chapter a day. So much is written about gossip because God knows that is where the majority of all problems begin...word of mouth. If we want our children, our grandchildren gossiping or talking ill of people we as adults must lead by example when it comes to what we read, what we watch, what we say. Let's begin to make our home, our speech a "Gossip-Free Zone".

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Monday

Christian Podcast to check out:
Thru the Bible Questions & Answers - Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Broadcast for Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tech Podcast to check out:
Windows Weekly 82: Pocket Paul
Hosts: Paul Thurrott with Leo Laporte

Nov 7, 2008

Reflections from Friday's Devotional For 07 November 08

Our Daily Bread: Waiting
Biblical Passage : Psalm 70 (New Living Translation)

There are so many ways to approach this subject on patience. I thought I was a patient person but then a situation comes up from time to time and I see I have a long way to go. There are some things I can just sit back and wait and other things I wish it would come and be over with (like the election...thank goodness it is over). It's amazing when waiting on God to respond to certain things in my life I want him to act "right now, CHOP, CHOP!

But I realize I am on His time table and not the other way around and deep down I know in the end it is always in my best interest. I think back on past relationships that I knew "man she is right for me" and now I look back and say, "Thank you Jesus for not answering that prayer." I have to get this through my head day in and day out which is so true each day I am on this earth, God ways are not my own ways plain and simple. He knows what I need in my life, what I need to pursue, what I need to avoid but it's up to me that when I go His way that I learn how to realize that while I'm waiting, God is working.

Now waiting on God does not mean I just sit back at do nothing. This means I keep doing what is right for my family, for myself and just know that God is working it out in my favor and I'm not going to lie that is not easy to do many times but if I don't want to start from zero it's best to do it His way. The next time you read about Abraham or about Jonah read how when they did not do it God's way and not have patience how many times that they were placed at the very starting point where they began. I have had those kind of situations and let me tell you, the older you get the less fun that is beginning all over again. You begin to learn that doing it God's way, the right way saves you so much unnecessary grieve.

Not being patient, doing it your own way will work for you for a little while but when it falls apart, it falls apart hard and your ways breaks in sometimes a million pieces and sometimes you cannot put it back together again and in the end you are left with the three famous words many hate to say and go through, "shoulda, woulda, coulda". Learning not rush God is a lesson that will save you heartache in the very end...but being a Follower of Christ we already know this right?


Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Friday

Christian Podcast to check out...
Love Worth Finding - Dr. Adrian Rogers
Are You Fit to Be Tied?

Tech Podcast to check out...
TWiT - net@night with Amber and Leo

Nov 6, 2008

Reflections from Thursday's Devotional

Our Daily Bread Devotional: Serve Or Die
Biblical Passage: Mark 10:35-45 (New Living Translation)

You hear this all the time, "If God is a loving God, why does he allow suffering in the world?" Straightforward question and here is the straightforward answer: God has given HUMANS, yes, You and I, domain over the world. It's amazing how we forget things like this. We want to do want we want, live anyway we want to live but when trouble hits the world or our little part of world we want God to wipe the slate clean.

God has blessed us all with a very solid blueprint on how to handle things in the world...the Holy Bible. I have to be honest, whenever I have wholeheartedly obeyed God I can not say He has ever forsaken me. But I have to keep telling myself when I live God's way I am on his time table, not my own. I may get upset with him wondering why doesn't He move in my life when I want Him to but I am old enough now to know that many times I get myself in certain situations that has caused me grief. I was the one that went right when God told me and has taught me to go right. When you get real and honest with yourself it humbles you and you begin not to play the "blame game" so much which many Christians and non-Christians do now.

I'm I saying that all Christians have this "oh whoa is me" attitude? Of course not. But we have to get to a put that we as Followers of Christ can not disobey God and assume that we can treat Him as our own Genie in the bottle and wipe our mistakes away. He can do that but what would he have learned from our mistakes? There is the other scenario...there are things that popped up in our lives that we have no control over and it will bring us heartache and at the time it hurts like heck and we have every right to asked God why. Job asked God why, Many prophets in the Bible as God why. In the book of Psalms King David asked God why time and time again but what I have learned to ask God now is not "why" but "what can I learn from this situation." Now that I have learned that very important key it stops me from being a victim to becoming a conqueror.

We must come to the realization that God has put us in charge of the world. It is not God that fail people, we fail people but every day we have the power to correct this mistake when we wake up each morning.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Thursday

Christian podcast to check out for today...
Conclusion of: Dealing With Detractors- Paul E. Sheppard
net@night 73: WeadWiteWeb- Amber MacArthur and Leo Laporte

Nov 3, 2008

Reflections from Monday's Devotional

Reflections for Monday

RBC Monday Devotion: God’s Catalog
Bible Gateway Passage: John 17:20-26

I love this devotion for Monday. It sums up how we are to represent Jesus Christ. It makes me wonder what do we as Followers of Christ have to do to make non-believers see that being a Christian is a wonderful life.

One thing we should do as Followers of Christ is that to get across that we do not try and keep up with the "Jones" when it comes to material things. I am not saying we cannot have nice things but I think many times as Christians how we go about obtaining them is another matter. We now have this "have to have it NOW" attitude and not saving little by little is now a thing of the past. Have you noticed how many get into debt? Little by little. We have to get the attitude and discipline back that our parents and grandparents had. When you true want something, you have to sacrifice to achieve it. Still enjoy and appreciate what you have at the moment while at the same time striving for your goal.

Another thing we as Followers of Christ feel we have to do is blend in with the world. Christ Jesus wants us to be a shining light for Him. We are in this world but we are not to become of this world. We have to know when to act and when to just pray. Many times we as Christians allow ourselves to be sucked into the way the world lives and once that happens our creditability is gone. We have to know when to jump in, when to let go, when not to get involved altogether because it's easier to be pulled down than to pull someone out of the abyss. Our job is to plant the seed, another will come along and "water" the seed and God will take care of the rest.

Reading the devotion for this morning makes me realize I need to do more in regards to my prayer life, how I carry myself and cutting away from things on the web that has slowly taken me away from being a better disciple for my Lord and Savior.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Monday.

Christian podcast to check out for Monday: Thru the Bible Questions & Answers
tech podcast to check out for Monday: TWiT 167: More TWiT Than You Require