Feb 23, 2009

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds February 2009

This show was a challenge for me because of pride. I don't know why I think that when I make InspirationSounds podcast I suppose not to show there are times that I am going through "storms" in my life but in all honesty being a Follower of Christ it's okay to show sadness sometimes...it's okay to share when I have made mistakes or if I'm being hurt. It's okay to feel this way at time but I have choice not to let it overcome me because in the end when you are going through tough times I suppose to focus on my "provider" not my problems.

Another thing that has hit me is that when I do make mistakes it's okay to show that I'm human because what is so awesome about God is that he has always used flawed people and will continue to use imperfect people because he knows our fears, our faults, our shortcomings. From Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul to John, he(God) will continue to use people like you and I because that is where he gets his glory because when a person has messed up they can look to people in the Bible and say, "If He can still love someone like King David, He can love someone like me too." This is where I am getting a revelation because we as Christians should not be afraid or ashamed to show our flaws because when a non-believer can look to people in this century as well to see that we as Christians mess up, we repent, we suffer the consequences for some decisions we make but they(a non-believer) can also see we are still blessed.

Dr. Charles Stanley put it perfect when giving the definition of *Grace and Mercy

Grace: It is God's undeserved, unearned favor, goodness,
kindness, and love towards us. It is also the only
means by which we are saved.

Mercy: is not getting what we

Know this about God, He loves you, always has, always will. And it is true, God loves the sinner, not the sin. By me putting this podcast together it gave me a sense of peace and freedom to be able to share my pain, my hurt, my flaws and to let people know we as Christians have flaws, we make wrong choices but we know that our Heavenly God loves us, forgives us, want's the best for our lives.

Enjoy the music and always remember, once you give your life to Christ there no sin that can make stop loving you. Be Blessed

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Track Name/Artist(s)/Albums
  1. Faithful Is Our God - Hezekiah Walker & the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  2. Lift It Up - Chi{from the LP "Sun Lake"}
  3. He Reigns - Newsboys{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  4. Bradley's Dream - Liz Story{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 1"}
  5. Jesus Is All [Remix] - Fred Hammond/Radical for Christ{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"}
  6. Dolphins - Darol Anger/Mike Marshall{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 2"}
  7. A Sunday at Home - Ralf Illenberger{from the LP "Narada Guitar: 15 Years of Collected Works Disc 1"}
  8. Take My Life - T.D. Jakes{from the LP "He-Motions "}
  9. Dream Tower - Wayne Gratz{from the LP "Narada Collection 3"}
  10. Spoken For - MercyMe{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  11. Wide Asleep - Michael Manring{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 1"}
  12. Let Go - Dewayne Woods{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  13. Rameau's Nephew - Philippe Saisse{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 2"}
  14. Goodtime - Brent Jones/TP Mobb{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"
*you can download this Life Principle Notes"Our God of Grace" by going here{http://tinyurl.com/lpnotes}

great messages to check out...
Dr. Charles Stanley

Feb 16, 2009

new smart phone coming from Palm

pretty cool.

MyLoveForMusic InspirationSounds podcasts

These are podcasts I recorded earlier this year and will begin posting them over here as well, enjoy...

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds - January 2009

This podcast went through a couple of song line up and just me finally recording this was a task within itself. This month has not been the best for me so far but I'm keeping my head up and keeping my eyes on Christ Jesus. I'm learning first hand that they are some situations I have to step out on faith, other situations I have to have patience. I have to keep reminding myself that I have to do what I can and God will do what I can't.

While listening to the playback of the tracks I selected it makes me sit back and reflect forward because I keep focusing on my mistakes I will never move forward in life and what my Lord and Savior has in store for me. This podcast almost did not get recorded until I read this passage from Proverbs 3:27-28...

27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it

when it’s in your power to help them.

28 If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say,

“Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”

It reminds me to sow good in someone else life because people are hurting worse than yourself.

to listen click here {right click to download}

to subscribe to podcast copy this rss feed to iTunes

Tracks - Artist - Album

  1. My Life, My Love, My All - Kirk Franklin{The Rebirth Of Kirk Franklin [Live]}
  2. Third Sky - Doug Fresh
  3. Walk Right - Commissioned{from the CD, "WOW Gospel 2001"}
  4. Shaman Song - Shadowfax{from the CD What Goes Around: The Best Of Shadowfax}
  5. Holy Is the Lamb - Oleta Adams{from the CD, WOW Gospel 1998 Disc 1}
  6. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square - Ron Affif{from the CD, 52nd Street}
  7. Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullen{from the CD, Redeemer: The Best of Nicole C. Mullen}
  8. Aerial Boundaries - Michael Hedges{from the CD, Aerial Boundaries}
  9. Run To You - Twila Paris{from the CD, WOW 2000 [Disc 2]}
  10. Vanishing Point - Alex de Grassi{from the CD, The Water Garden}
  11. More Than Conquerors - Praiz'{from the CD, The Takeover}
  12. A Better Place - David Cullen & Michael Manring{from the CD, Equilibré}
  13. My Life Is in Your Hands - God's Property{from the CD, M2K Gospel 2000 Disc 2}

very good messages from men of God:

Dr. Charles Stanley{from Jan 05 & Jan 06}

How to Stay Young and Fruitful All Your Life, Part 1

How to Stay Young and Fruitful All Your Life, Part 2

Pastor Greg Laurie{from Jan 01, 02, & 05}

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - I"

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - II"

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - III"

i.d. drops: Fave & Macedonia

Special Thanx to MrFresh for the track, "Third Sky"

Big Shout Out to a.new.lis on her return to the podcasting community, you were missed sis


December 2008MLFM: InspirationSounds

Hello and Welcome back to another edition of MyLoveForMusic:Inspiration. These are my picks for the month of December and I have to admit these tracks mean so much to me because sometimes God has to remind me who's in charge and for me sometimes having back problems let's me know that I can work as many hours I want, try to achieve my degree if I don't have my health none of those things mean a thing and by me having my back give me trouble these past couple of weeks put that into perspective for me.

This month I truly have so much to be thankful for with having a job in this economy, having a roof over our heads, almost accomplishing something for almost a year and hoping to continue this (my podcast) for years to come. It was times where I wanted to throw in the towel and God put so many wonderful people around via web telling me to "hang in there" and I'm glad I did.

The month of November I introduced a new podcast segment which I will begin to bring you wonderful Gospel, Christian, and Smooth Jazz music because this is something I have wanted to do for a minute because for me I always wondered why can't great instrumental compositions be blended with some of the best Christian artists and I have come to realize that if this has come across my mind I'm sure it has crossed other people minds. Now I'm not trying to mix Gospel with "Club" music because to me I think that would be counter productive because I am not trying to live in both worlds. I know where God has brought me, where I was and if I'm obedient to Him where He will take me. For me when I hear many Gospel and Christian songs I sometimes pay attention to the gifted musicians and say to myself, "that would really be a nice instrumental track." God has gave wonderful gifts to these men and women and for them to bring music to the masses that have you not only relax but to reflect on God awesome blessing is a double, triple blessing in my book.

So, find a place where you can kick, relax, reflect on the goodness of the many blessing in your life.


poem that was read | Myself by Edgar A. Guest

photo: kimi

[click here to listen | right-click to download]

[to subscribe to podcast copy this rss feed into your iTunes player]


  1. Hosanna - Kirk Franklin{from the "the rebirth of Kirk Franklin" LP}
  2. Voices In the Wind - Wind Machine{from the "Voices in the Wind" LP}
  3. King of Kings(He's A Wonder) - CeCe Winans{from the "Alabaster Box" LP}
  4. Welcoming - Michael Manring{from the "Unusual Weather" LP}"
  5. Always And Forever - Raze{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  6. Turning: Turning Back - Alex de Grassi{from the "A Windham Hill Retrospective" LP}
  7. River - Out of Eden{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  8. The Friend I Never Met - Andy McKee{from the "Dreamcatcher" LP}
  9. Alabaster Box - CeCe Winans{from the "Alabaster Box" LP}
  10. River of Lost Souls - Wind Machine{from the "Voices in the Wind" LP}
  11. Consume Me - dc Talk{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  12. Dreaming at the Wheel - Sam Cardon{from the "Serious Leisure" LP}
  13. I've Learned To Lean - Lee Williams & the Spiritual QC's{from the "Love Will Go All the Way" LP}
cool podcasts to check out...

ejflavors - OSW: This Kinda Lovin'

Fave - Fried Hard

GrantLOVE - The Origins of Hip-Hop Series - Part 1

DJ Diva - Soul Christmas

Feb 14, 2009

Reflections for Saturday, 14 February 2009

Devotional Reading: Our Daily Bread
Passage Reading: 1 John 4:7-19 (New Living Translation)

This past week two tragedies hit people families and it began to hit, "We truly do not know when our last day is on earth". I mean, the way people lose their lives and how sudden it can happen. A person can land a job in another state and can be happy one minute and the next a drunk driver can end their life or just yesterday a plane full of passengers can be headed to another destination only to crash. I'm not trying to sound morbid or be a downer on Valentine's Day but we can not take two things for granted, the people in our lives and our life eternity.

Last night at work I was talking to my supervisor at work and we were talking about how another relative (his aunt) has passed away and she died on her birthday! In 2007 he buried his father then in 2008 he buried his mother. He surprised that she lived this long because of how close his aunt and his mother were. It's amazing how death can truly make you realize how precious life is on earth and for me how even when living a long life once it's over it's over.

One thing brings me so much joy and comfort is that knowing Jesus Christ. For knowing Him, getting into His word, he teaches you how to live life to the fullest, how I learn each time I am in his word that following His commandments, His teachings, fearing Him(not fear as in, "Or my God if I do this wrong He will strike me dead" but fearing Him in revering His word, knowing that His word is truth), knowing that what He wants for my life is good and when He tells me no it's not to keep me from life but to have a peaceful life. Turning my life over to God takes the fear from me in reference to death because He sent his son for me, for ME. A person for years that lived my life outside of His will but was so patient with me to realize one day that He truly loved me for me, flaws and all.

Life is short, life can be taken away from you in an instant but having and KNOWING Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior makes life so sweet. For the me this Valentine's Day I have two great gift: The love of God and without Him bringing someone to share the rest of my life with here on earth (my beautiful wife). And even if I did not have that special someone in my knowing that Jesus died for someone like me who has made mistakes and will make mistakes in the future is one of the best Valentine's Day presents I could ever receive.

Be Blessed/Be Safe
& Have a wonderful Weekend.

great messages to check out this weekend
Dr. Charles Stanley
> The Pathway of Faith {Part 1 & Part 2}

Pastor Paul Shepperd
> Dead Man Walking {Part 1a & Part 1b}

photo: InterfaceLIFT Wallpaper