Feb 23, 2009

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds February 2009

This show was a challenge for me because of pride. I don't know why I think that when I make InspirationSounds podcast I suppose not to show there are times that I am going through "storms" in my life but in all honesty being a Follower of Christ it's okay to show sadness sometimes...it's okay to share when I have made mistakes or if I'm being hurt. It's okay to feel this way at time but I have choice not to let it overcome me because in the end when you are going through tough times I suppose to focus on my "provider" not my problems.

Another thing that has hit me is that when I do make mistakes it's okay to show that I'm human because what is so awesome about God is that he has always used flawed people and will continue to use imperfect people because he knows our fears, our faults, our shortcomings. From Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul to John, he(God) will continue to use people like you and I because that is where he gets his glory because when a person has messed up they can look to people in the Bible and say, "If He can still love someone like King David, He can love someone like me too." This is where I am getting a revelation because we as Christians should not be afraid or ashamed to show our flaws because when a non-believer can look to people in this century as well to see that we as Christians mess up, we repent, we suffer the consequences for some decisions we make but they(a non-believer) can also see we are still blessed.

Dr. Charles Stanley put it perfect when giving the definition of *Grace and Mercy

Grace: It is God's undeserved, unearned favor, goodness,
kindness, and love towards us. It is also the only
means by which we are saved.

Mercy: is not getting what we

Know this about God, He loves you, always has, always will. And it is true, God loves the sinner, not the sin. By me putting this podcast together it gave me a sense of peace and freedom to be able to share my pain, my hurt, my flaws and to let people know we as Christians have flaws, we make wrong choices but we know that our Heavenly God loves us, forgives us, want's the best for our lives.

Enjoy the music and always remember, once you give your life to Christ there no sin that can make stop loving you. Be Blessed

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Track Name/Artist(s)/Albums
  1. Faithful Is Our God - Hezekiah Walker & the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  2. Lift It Up - Chi{from the LP "Sun Lake"}
  3. He Reigns - Newsboys{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  4. Bradley's Dream - Liz Story{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 1"}
  5. Jesus Is All [Remix] - Fred Hammond/Radical for Christ{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"}
  6. Dolphins - Darol Anger/Mike Marshall{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 2"}
  7. A Sunday at Home - Ralf Illenberger{from the LP "Narada Guitar: 15 Years of Collected Works Disc 1"}
  8. Take My Life - T.D. Jakes{from the LP "He-Motions "}
  9. Dream Tower - Wayne Gratz{from the LP "Narada Collection 3"}
  10. Spoken For - MercyMe{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  11. Wide Asleep - Michael Manring{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 1"}
  12. Let Go - Dewayne Woods{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  13. Rameau's Nephew - Philippe Saisse{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 2"}
  14. Goodtime - Brent Jones/TP Mobb{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"
*you can download this Life Principle Notes"Our God of Grace" by going here{http://tinyurl.com/lpnotes}

great messages to check out...
Dr. Charles Stanley

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