Feb 14, 2009

Reflections for Saturday, 14 February 2009

Devotional Reading: Our Daily Bread
Passage Reading: 1 John 4:7-19 (New Living Translation)

This past week two tragedies hit people families and it began to hit, "We truly do not know when our last day is on earth". I mean, the way people lose their lives and how sudden it can happen. A person can land a job in another state and can be happy one minute and the next a drunk driver can end their life or just yesterday a plane full of passengers can be headed to another destination only to crash. I'm not trying to sound morbid or be a downer on Valentine's Day but we can not take two things for granted, the people in our lives and our life eternity.

Last night at work I was talking to my supervisor at work and we were talking about how another relative (his aunt) has passed away and she died on her birthday! In 2007 he buried his father then in 2008 he buried his mother. He surprised that she lived this long because of how close his aunt and his mother were. It's amazing how death can truly make you realize how precious life is on earth and for me how even when living a long life once it's over it's over.

One thing brings me so much joy and comfort is that knowing Jesus Christ. For knowing Him, getting into His word, he teaches you how to live life to the fullest, how I learn each time I am in his word that following His commandments, His teachings, fearing Him(not fear as in, "Or my God if I do this wrong He will strike me dead" but fearing Him in revering His word, knowing that His word is truth), knowing that what He wants for my life is good and when He tells me no it's not to keep me from life but to have a peaceful life. Turning my life over to God takes the fear from me in reference to death because He sent his son for me, for ME. A person for years that lived my life outside of His will but was so patient with me to realize one day that He truly loved me for me, flaws and all.

Life is short, life can be taken away from you in an instant but having and KNOWING Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior makes life so sweet. For the me this Valentine's Day I have two great gift: The love of God and without Him bringing someone to share the rest of my life with here on earth (my beautiful wife). And even if I did not have that special someone in my knowing that Jesus died for someone like me who has made mistakes and will make mistakes in the future is one of the best Valentine's Day presents I could ever receive.

Be Blessed/Be Safe
& Have a wonderful Weekend.

great messages to check out this weekend
Dr. Charles Stanley
> The Pathway of Faith {Part 1 & Part 2}

Pastor Paul Shepperd
> Dead Man Walking {Part 1a & Part 1b}

photo: InterfaceLIFT Wallpaper

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