Mar 31, 2008

Reflections for Monday Morning o3.31.o8

Finding Jesus>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

It's amazing when I finally settled down and allow Jesus into my life. I know what the title of the devotion means but to honest Christ Jesus was never lost from me. It was one of those things where I finally stopped being a knucklehead and began allow true joy in my life. Once I stopped doing what DarrenKeith wanted to do and realized God has always wanted the best for me the for living became smoother. Noticed I did not say "easier" because it doesn't and there non believers ask, "why follow him[Jesus Christ]

I follow him because when I did not, I worried about what would happen to me when I died, worried about what people thought about me, wondered if I was good enough, did not love myself so my mood would swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. When I tried to go life alone I did not know if I was coming or going many days. Again some people will say, "there are other religions that can make you feel whole." For me I beg to differ...I tried other ways and in the end I realized that for me that of all of the religions Jesus Christ told me the truth about myself, what he gave up for me, how the road would be tough at times but in the end he would be with me no matter what I encounter.

One thing I truly love about God is that he tells you why we are fallen and how to reconnect with him. There is no mystery on why his Son is the only way. I am learning that when I get out of bed first thing in the morning that by giving thanks to Him and asking Him to direct my footsteps, to give me wisdom, discernment, and insight on his word it's a step in the right direction for me. For myself knowing that I am sinner and that nothing I do: my good deeds, how I treat people will not get me into heaven and to be honest by doing it God's way is the best way.

When allowing Christ into your life your restriction on some things in life is not to keep you from the good life, it enhanced it 100 fold because when you really think about it, life is more full when you have a road map to tackle your journey than going along blindly in life.

a wonderful message I heard from Dr. Charles Stanley yesterday was right on point for me and I have to share it with you in reference to getting back on track when it comes to Christ.

Intouch Ministries w/Dr. Charles Stanley
When Your Fire Goes Out
When Your Fire Goes Out(Pt. o1) Audio
{right click to download audio}

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
and have a Wonderful Day.

Mar 30, 2008

reflections for Sunday o3.30.2oo8

The Richness Of Humility>>>click here
devotion from rbc ministries

I love how God's word can put me back in my place, get me back on track when it comes to projects I have begun, especially when it has come to my blogs and podcast. This devotion kicks me in the butt to let me know that I started my music podcast to showcase 1) quality music 2) to be able to share music from different genres 3) that I have a way of now sharing my taste in music and not get ridicule for it.

Sometimes I can find myself feeling sorry for myself and then I have to realize when it comes to my podcast that is a hobby for me and not a paying job and God lets me know that to keep my priorities in perspective. God has to remind that when I keep my thoughts, my mind, my focus on Him, that is when opportunities will open up for me. Granted he is not going to do it for because this is a covenant, he[God] is not my "genie in the bottle" but at the same time I must remain humble in the process.

This devotion has reminded me that when I listen to music, when I share music with the masses that is really my outlet, the way I relax. He lets me know instead of griping about rather or not anyone appreciate what you do be thankful that you have know how to bring it to the masses, that you have the tools and equipment to bring to the masses, that you have the voice to say how you feel when it comes to music, that you have a spouse that does not look down upon you when it comes to putting your podcast together, that you have a spouse that doesn't make fun of you when it comes to your taste of music, that if only one person checks out your podcast that's okay. The main thing is that when you do what you do that it does not bring shame to His name...that is the main thing. When I look at it in the frame of mind, I am truly blessed.

I have to keep this concept when writing my blogs or recording my podcast...

“It is amazing what can be accomplished when we don’t care who gets the credit.”

I'm not going to lie, time to time we all wish to be acknowledge for what we do but as Christ Jesus has taught that when you receive human notice that is your reward and I am learning that it only last for just a moment. I have to always put God first, my queen second, me third. Whenever I have followed this order things have always come out good and whenever I begin thinking, "do people really appreciate what I do?" or begin to over analyze things it blows up in my face.

When I think of doing right by others God rewards me...when I think that what I am doing I should receive credit for it brings me to sorrow because pride is creeping in and as the author of today's devotion states..

Pride and grace cannot dwell in the same place.

Two great messages that also help me put things into perspective by the wonderful Dr. David Jeremiah from Turning Point

translation=get over yourself DarrenKeith.

Mar 26, 2008

Devotion, Laundry, Scripture, and Dr. Charles Stanley

This morning I did something that I have to admit I have not done in 2 months...get into God's word the way I should. This morning after Z went to work I made our bed, washed our dishes, grabbed the bag of dirty laundry Z separated last night, headed downstairs to our laundry facility and washed. Afterwards I came upstairs and opened the Our Daily Bread devotional book and read something that spoke to my heart, Honest Doubts. We all have them from time to time when it comes to Christ Jesus. As I was reading this it struck me that how come at times people can believe in life in another galaxy but can't believe Jesus Christ did not rise from his grave in 3 days? How come when it comes to worldly things we can believe whole heartily but when it comes to Christ "that's impossible" many will say?

Even before I truly gave my life to Christ, just looking out at nature, seeing images and pictures of our solar system for me it had to be a creator the did this? How our body is created, from the tiniest of insects to different birds, animals, reptiles, how can't believe this all just happened just by chance. For me it's amazing how we think we are so in control of our own lives and in an instant it can change. I mean at this moment while writing this I can just "drop dead". But one thing I am sure of is that if I do just "drop dead" I know where I will be...with my heavenly father.

Honest Doubts from rbc ministries

It amazing how many people believe that once you die that it. Many people may not admit it but I know it creeps in their mind at times what really happens to you when you die. And once you are gone just think, you're going for eternity and for me that is something I am not willing to take a chance but that my friends is for a very, very, very long time. And I will say this to my atheist and agnostic friends...what if there is a God and once you are gone and you have not giving your life to Christ, what then? Do you honest think there are "do overs"? He gives us that chance every day while we are six feet above ground.

We all have doubts from time to time, God knows this...he created us. We have doubts, fears, we feel anger, sadness but what I have grown to love about him that I can come to Him with anything and I do mean ANYTHING. People may crack jokes about most Christians but for me that's okay be being a follower of Christ gives me so much freedom to know that by honoring him, loving him, coming to him in time of sorrow and happiness he guides my footsteps on what to watch out for, who to let into my life, who to deal with a "long handle spoon" so to speak and who not to allow in my life period.

Maybe people think that when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior that all fun is zapped out of your life? I beg to differ. My queen and I recognized that one of the first thing you received is "unnecessary drama" in our life. Now noticed what I said, I say "unnecessary drama", I did not say that our lives are drama or pain free. My way of thinking is that we all are going to have troubles in our lives from time to time but what is better. Having troubles that you did not cause on yourself and having a wonderful God to help you through those times are having those troubles plus situations that we put ourselves in...for me that's double the work and I hate to work for no reason at all.

Another cool thing today was reading Proverbs Chapter 26. I have to admit, I need to really begin reading a chapter a day. There is no excuse for me not to because the book of Proverbs alone is a wonderful guide for one's life. Chapter 26 is a really good read because it teaches you how to deal with foolish people. While reading that chapter I realized that racism has been the world problem since the beginning of time. It has been here and it will continue to be here. That does not mean I roll over and just accept it but at the same time I will not allow to be a victim of this act of hatred. We live in a fallen world. When Eve and Adam took of the forbidden fruit every known sin crept into our world. Proverbs 26 teaches you to pick and choose your debates, your battles.

One other thing I have not done in a while was to sit still and allow God to speak to me, rather just in silence, or through the wonderful podcasts I download from Dr. Charles Stanley. I would get on my beautiful wife's case about turning on the television and began watching the news and for the past two months that is what I have down when it has come to the primaries. Today was the first time I can honestly say in a while that I started my day on a positive note. No news from the television...just listening to God speak to me, washing the dishes, emptying the trash, washing, drying our clothes, listening to 2 wonderful podcast from Dr. Charles Stanley, "A Fresh Encounter With God". It's amazing how one can let God's goodness slip from you little by little and before you know you begin to think that you have drifted from him so far that you can not come back to him. That my friend is a lie straight from hell. This 2 podcasts has let me know that when I slip from Christ I should be convicted and not condemned. While the clothes were washing I went outside and just sat on a bench by the pond and just let Dr. Stanley's words refresh my spirit to get me back on the right track to what is really important...listening and obeying God. I have to be truly honest, when I have completely turned everything over to him I have allows come out on top. Listening to his sermon let me know I have allowed the wrong thing to run my life.

We all get into a funk every now and then but one thing I can say, it's wonderful to be able to come back into God's fold so he can let you see that when He runs your life he's not keeping fun from me but allowing me to have the best fun ever without having regrets down the road.

Be Blessed, Be Safe
and Have a Wonderful Day.

Messages from Dr. Charles Stanley

Mar 14, 2008

A Great Fresh Air Episode to Check Out

As you well know my love for music(no plug for myself I promise you) and how I try and bring you music, music insights, and how the music industry has change and yesterday NPR's Terry Gross showcased a music segment that is truly worth while listening to if you want to know how the landscape of digital music has played on you and I receive our music now.

The first half of the show Terry interviews Eliot Van Buskirk of on how we now discover, listen and purchase our music. It's kind of sad that it has taken mainstream this long to realize that major music companies are not the main players in the music world any more. They hit on SWSX, CD Baby, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and as Eliot tell Terry that you can not lock down music because it only hurts the "law abiding" citizen (haven't John Coulton, Leo Laporte and others been screaming this for years?)

The second half of the show Dan Kennedy is interviewed in reference to what he thought was a "dream job" working in the music industry until he realize that in a nutshell the major music labels are behind the times which resulted in him being laid off from Atlantic Records when he was a Creative Development Director. This may be a podcast when you hear it, you say, "about time they[mainstream] is getting it but for me this is still a good podcast to check out and learn from because even though I follow music I can always learn something new...even if it's just a couple new music websites.

Fresh Air Thursday[march 13, 2008]show
  • Terry's interview with [The Music Industry, Adapting to a Digital Future] Eliot Van Buskirk
  • Terry's interview with [Dan Kennedy's Rocky Times in the Music Biz] Dan Kennedy
  • The show as a whole
You can subscribe through the NPR site or through iTunes

Mar 7, 2008

This Is Why It Pays To Research

Yesterday as I reformatted my hard drive for my Vista laptop I began installing programs that I truly like. I have always and at one time I was praising this little "browser that could", TheWorld Browser {} a while back. I mention how small and fast it was but then yesterday as I was installing it my AVG antivirus software popped up and declared it was a trojan horse {Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.bajz} At first I was going to sound the alarms and put out a post advising not to install this program. I was feeling kind of down because I had recommended this browser but then after further researching I found this explaination on their {} website...

"The explanation for false alarms from security software
We have received reports from our members since yesterday, claiming that some security software (such as Avira Antivir, Kaspersky Anti-Virus and Filseclab) deleted TheWorld Spring and TheWorld 2.1 Final as Trojan (Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.bajz) by mistake.

After contacting the official support and engineers from Kaspersky Anti-Virus, we solved this problem with a database update.

However, at the present time still some users report that Avira Antivir, Filseclab and F-Secure have misreported TheWorld Spring and 2.1 Final as Trojan. This phenomenon may result from such security software’s reference to the virus base of Kaspersky.

We think that with the update of the virus base false alarms will be solved.
Please believe that TheWorld Browser is a safe and clean product without any virus or Trojan inside!

Best wishes!

Phoenix Studio
Even though Kaspersky Anti-Virus did not detect it AVG Anti-Virus marked it as a trojan horse. I will keep you all abreast throughout the day. On this.

to read the original forum click here

They advised the problem has been resolved but if you wish to wait a day or two to install that's okay as well because it is better to be safe than sorry.