Mar 30, 2008

reflections for Sunday o3.30.2oo8

The Richness Of Humility>>>click here
devotion from rbc ministries

I love how God's word can put me back in my place, get me back on track when it comes to projects I have begun, especially when it has come to my blogs and podcast. This devotion kicks me in the butt to let me know that I started my music podcast to showcase 1) quality music 2) to be able to share music from different genres 3) that I have a way of now sharing my taste in music and not get ridicule for it.

Sometimes I can find myself feeling sorry for myself and then I have to realize when it comes to my podcast that is a hobby for me and not a paying job and God lets me know that to keep my priorities in perspective. God has to remind that when I keep my thoughts, my mind, my focus on Him, that is when opportunities will open up for me. Granted he is not going to do it for because this is a covenant, he[God] is not my "genie in the bottle" but at the same time I must remain humble in the process.

This devotion has reminded me that when I listen to music, when I share music with the masses that is really my outlet, the way I relax. He lets me know instead of griping about rather or not anyone appreciate what you do be thankful that you have know how to bring it to the masses, that you have the tools and equipment to bring to the masses, that you have the voice to say how you feel when it comes to music, that you have a spouse that does not look down upon you when it comes to putting your podcast together, that you have a spouse that doesn't make fun of you when it comes to your taste of music, that if only one person checks out your podcast that's okay. The main thing is that when you do what you do that it does not bring shame to His name...that is the main thing. When I look at it in the frame of mind, I am truly blessed.

I have to keep this concept when writing my blogs or recording my podcast...

“It is amazing what can be accomplished when we don’t care who gets the credit.”

I'm not going to lie, time to time we all wish to be acknowledge for what we do but as Christ Jesus has taught that when you receive human notice that is your reward and I am learning that it only last for just a moment. I have to always put God first, my queen second, me third. Whenever I have followed this order things have always come out good and whenever I begin thinking, "do people really appreciate what I do?" or begin to over analyze things it blows up in my face.

When I think of doing right by others God rewards me...when I think that what I am doing I should receive credit for it brings me to sorrow because pride is creeping in and as the author of today's devotion states..

Pride and grace cannot dwell in the same place.

Two great messages that also help me put things into perspective by the wonderful Dr. David Jeremiah from Turning Point

translation=get over yourself DarrenKeith.

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