Mar 30, 2010

In Touch Ministries Messages on The Ten Commandments

Once again Dr. Charles Stanley breaks God's word down to common sense to where there is NO excuse but to pay attention and to realize the love for God for you life.

The Ten Commandments Part 1 message and Part 2 message

Mar 29, 2010

Monday Devotional from Dr. Charles Stanley

Daily Devotional from In Touch Magazine

The Heart of the Cross

READ | 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Consider how illogical Jesus’ crucifixion looked to first-century observers. The Romans, who were concerned with power, probably wondered how a mighty God could allow enemies to kill Him. The Greeks valued wisdom and no doubt thought, There must surely have been a better way than the cross! And the Jews, who longed for victory over oppressors, probably felt bewildered to see Jesus humbly let Himself be brutally killed.

Yet, what seemed foolish was actually a brilliant plan. Through the cross, the Lord powerfully revealed His character. First, we see His unconditional love in dying for those who sinned against Him (John 3:16). Second, His righteousness is apparent—only the perfect sacrifice of His own blood could satisfy the penalty for sin. Third, He shows His faithfulness by redeeming us at so great a cost. And fourth, Jesus demonstrates power by conquering sin and death.

In addition to all this, the cross exposed and disarmed Satan (Col. 2:15), who no longer has authority over Christians. Though he can tempt and try followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen and guide believers to victory.

One last benefit of God’s remarkable plan is that we are eternally secure because of the price Jesus paid. That gives us hope and confidence about our future.

Though the cross seems absurd to those who don’t understand, God’s children know it is the Father’s wise design. We have assurance for today and security for tomorrow only because of this amazing event that occurred over 2000 years ago. We have no need to fear, but every reason to hope.

Mar 26, 2010

Daily Devotion Reading of Our Daily Bread 27March2010 - Loving God

I will try and do this on a daily basis if time permits, let me know what you think this reading.

Mar 23, 2010

The Ten Commandments

Two great messages from Dr. Charles Stanley in regards to The Ten Commandments{look for messages March 29 and March 30} (go here to listen to the messages and you can download them via iTunes)

Mar 17, 2010

Great Message from Dr. Charles Stanley

if you wish to truly learn about God's grace Dr. Stanley breaks it down (as he usually does in his message, "A Second Chance Now". To me Dr. Stanley has the gift  of sharing God's word in a way that makes you stop what you're doing and listen.

Mar 16, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback (Blogger Style)

I've been a Blogger fan since I first began blogging back in 2006 and I know when it came to templates and backgrounds that Blogger has been kinda, you know, bland. But it was a great starter blogging platform and to be honest I have learned so much when it comes to cutting and pasting code for widgets, how to resize them, how to mess around with HTML (just a little) and to honest it's been kinda fun.

Wordpress for me on the other hand has Don't get me wrong, WP is a very powerful blogging platform and millions use WP and I have to admit I have a WP account but I could never leave Blogger.

Over the years I come across so many cool templates for Blogger and I have learned through trial and error on how to change the themes. Some days it would get the best of me but what it taught me was to walk away for a couple of hours, get my thoughts clear and come back fresh and the solution was staring me right in the face. Yes, Blogger has been like pal through thick and thin in blogging world.

Getting back to the templates and themes. If anyone has worked with Blogger their themes has been really limited and that is why other bloggers moved on to other platforms because of this and for many, they outgrew Blogger but for me I had a feeling that one day they would bounce back with some cool features. The past couple of years Google is doing some really cool things with Blogger and this latest addition has me turning cartwheels...well not "physically" turning cartwheels, but I could I would.

ShoutMeLoud {} is a very cool site where they keep you abreast on the latest blogging tools in regards to many of the blogging platforms so imagining my surprise coming across a post where blogger now has a feature called "Draft Blogger Template"{} maker option and it is so sweet.(If you have been a long time Blogger user go into your Dashboard setting and check the box that says, "Make Blogger in Draft my default dashboard" The themes are still kind limited but two things I really like is the background features and now you choose the Body Layout, Foot Layout and if you need to adjust the width of your Blog it gives you that option. (I believe they give you that option now do to so many computer owners have wide screen monitors).

Another reason why I think this is very cool is the fact when it came to using other templates and themes some of the themes that I would use from an outside source limited me in regards to changing the fonts and sometimes for me something that small would be a "deal breaker" for me. Another small thing is that by sometimes using an outside theme you lost the ability to make a new post on the fly (this feature is in the upper right hand corner). Now with this new feature of themes I have the best of both worlds again.

Now I'm not shooting down the templates and themes that are still being created because I love them and again Blogger has taught me so much when it comes to not only blogging but setting up my blog just right. But it's really cool that Google has finally realize that in order to keep people using your products sometimes you have to listen to your audience. Sometimes the ideas do not take off but on this one I know I'm staying with Blogger for a very long time now.

Lovin' what you're doing Blogger Google, keep up the great work. :-)

Two of my Blogger Blogs that I have switched to using their (Blogger) backgrounds

Theology & Technology