Jun 11, 2009

My Thoughts on Miss California Losing Her Title

I don't know if former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean is a believer but this I do know, if you go against the world values you better have all of your ducks in a row. One thing I have learned in today's news is that every rock will be turned over when you are in the public eye so it's best to come clean about everything if you want that lifestyle. Did she not think about the topless photo of her would not come to light? Did she not think that it would not come out that confirm that they[Miss California pageant officials] paid for Prejean’s breast-enhancement surgery? Should that make a difference? In the world's eyes "No." But if you are Follower of Christ..."Yes".

We are not perfect(Followers of Jesus Christ)...never have been...never will be. Heck I know I will make mistakes sometimes today because we all have a fallen nature but what disturbs me are two factors that are growing more and more.

The first is the fact that our youth don't think twice about their actions. When i was coming up if you screwed up you could move to another town or if you have said something that you later regret it would take ions for it to catch up with you...not today. You can take a racy photo in the morning and within a day or two it can be plastered over the web. We can be photographed by cell phones (I myself have began taking pictures of landscapes with my BlackBerry and I have to admit, the photos are not bad). I can't really blame the youth or get angry at them because it is up to the parents to instill in them value. It's up to them(parents) to tell them that your decisions, your actions today...especially in this technology world can cost you big time down the road.

They have watched too many high profile people in the world, whether it has been a sports announcer (remember the incident with Marv Albert), with Robert Downey Jr. and his in and out of rehab, with Kobe Bryant incident in Colorado and after a while it is all but forgotten. Let's not forget about business corruptions, I mean people listen to former Governor Eliot Spitzer, Mark Fuhrman and others who worked in law enforcement and have manipulated the law and now are listened to by thousands or even millions of people in regards to their views and judgements of others and not blink tells me that if parents do not instill in them moral values it's going to get worse before it gets better.

The second thing that really disturbs me are Christians. Me being a believer myself I heard something Dr. Charles Stanley say a couple of years ago and I try to follow this principle:

it's a difference between "a Follower of Jesus Christ" and a "Christian"

I am so amazed how many people say they are a Christian and continue to believe in things that the Bible surely teaches against: from having children out of wedlock, to homosexuality, living together and not married but can come out and put someone else on "Full Blast" From Governor Sarah Palin to Dr. James Dobson...it amazes me that many who are believers in God and yet can look over their faults and their family faults and make comments about others. It amazes me how the Christian community can circle the wagons around former Miss California and not really find out about her past. Should the church hold that against her...No.

But in the world this is why many people do not come to Christ because we beat people down but at the same time we don't live by Christ teachings. She [Carrie Prejean] could have a stronger leg to stand on if she did not have skeletons in her closet. I don't care for Perez Hilton but don't give him ammunition to take you down and that is what happened to her What really makes me nervous is that the "Christian" community will get behind her and brush over the fact of the mistakes she has made and not hold her accountable for her actions. I'm afraid my Brothers and Sisters in Christ will claim she was attacked because of her beliefs but I ask, what is her beliefs? They will try to brush over the fact that she posed topless and say, "she didn't know any better because of her age (she says she was 17 at the time of the photos) they will brush over the fact of her breast enlargement when Christ teaches us that our body is our temple and a "pimp my body" type of deal.

I hope I'm wrong and this post will be another, "rant' but I have a strong feeling I may not be wrong...we will see.