Mar 20, 2009

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds for March 2009

In The Midnight Hour...

It's something when you think God is not listening to you, you feel like He is not answering your prayers, you cry out to Him and just when you think you can't take any more He allows a "little" more to pile on you and just when you are on your knees, you can't cry even when you try you and feel like "enough is enough" that is when God comes the midnight hour.

I am learning that the stronger your faith the more He will allow in your life and I'm learning that for me it is teaching me two things: (one) I realize no matter how strong I think I am I can do nothing with God, no way, no how (two) When the breakthrough comes I can give thanks to know but my Lord and Savior because He presses my back to the wall and then breaks through that wall.

These past weeks I have rushed into God's word, listening to God's word, listening to men of God, listening to God fearing business men when it comes to success, realizing where my strength comes from, realizing the God truly has not put a spirit of fear in me and begin to truly believe that "If God is for me, who can be against me?"

This collection of compositions for me represents for me to always push forward and not to look back, to truly begin to realize that when you fail it is an event, not who I am (a failure). I'm learning to be comfortable in my skin, to smile more, believing that I am "truly and wonderfully made"...

and so are you, never forget that.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
~Psalm 139:13-16

Be Blessed

Great messages from Dr. Charles Stanley.
Overcoming Obstacles:[Part 1] & [Part 2]

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  1. Looking For You - Kirk Franklin{from "Hero"}
  2. Drifting - Andy McKee{from "Art of Motion"}
  3. Jesus Be A Fence Around Me - Fred Hammond{"Purpose By Design"}
  4. Cats Go Forward - Michael Manring{from "Toward the Center of the Night"}
  5. Dive - Steven Curtis Chapman{from "Speechless"}
  6. Love's Embrace - Ozzie Ahlers{from "Keys to the Heart"}
  7. It's Alright(Send Me) - Winans Phase 2{from "We Got Next"}
  8. Turquoise Moon - Craig Chaquico{from "Four Corners"}
  9. Omega - Rebecca St. James{from "Pray"}
  10. Amber - Matthew Montfort{from "Narada Guitar: 15 Years of Collected Works"}
  11. King Of Glory - Third Day{from "Offerings: A Worship Album"}
  12. Clear Air for Miles - Acoustic Alchemy{from "Back on the Case"}
  13. In The Midnight Hour - Lee Williams & The Spirtual QC's{from "Love Will Go All The Way"}
id drops from Fave, Macedonia, the Mixtress, Doug Fresh
Huge Thanx and many blessing to Vibrant Thang...thank U for your input in regards to Soulbounce.

photo: InterfaceLIFT
underscore music: Nicolay {"Hey" from the City Lights Vol. 1.5 LP}