Dec 8, 2009

08Dec2009 My Reflections from Todays Devotion

Today's Devotion: A Legacy Of Repentance
Today's Passage: Psalm 51
 The cool thing about Psalm 51 is that in the end King David put the blame on one person and one person alone...himself. I think this is solely needed in this day and age. When watching the news, talk shows, interviews I see time and time again how it's the "other" person's fault for their actions or it's the government fault or a business fault for their short comings. We have lost the sense of the term, "you made your bed now you have to lie in it. I love the terms now of calling drug addiction an "disease" or adultry "addicted to sex". We all fall short of the glory but to constantly place the blame, the actions of ourselves on others is kinda lame.

It doesn't feel good to face the situations we put ourselves in but we have to face them. The wonderful thing about being a Follower of Christ is that even though God will not remove the consequences for our actions but His love never ceased toward us and when we have true repentance we learn from our actions and believe it or not if you were not under the arm of God it could be a much worse. I know from time to time I have made some knuckle-headed decisions that has cost me time, money, friendships but knowing that my Lord and Savior has my back is the most important thing in my life because earthly friends are so important but my relationship with God is the MOST important because he looks after me on this earth and when I die He will look after me from this earth.

It's not easy to live God's way and this is why he sent Christ Jesus to die for us because in our own strength we cannot live the Christian way but with prayer and obedience and just taken it one day at a time we can. We will make mistakes because we are not perfect but by living His way we truly learn the being responsible for our actions and when we do make a misstep we can look in the mirror and say, "Okay Lord, what do I need to learn from this" instead of passing the buck like our first Mother and Father did (Adam and Eve)

Have a Blessed, Wonderful day.


Photo: Violent Crashing Waves
By michaelmjc

Dec 7, 2009

My Reflections From Monday's Devotion

Monday's Devotion: War . . . Then Peace
Monday's Passage: Luke 22:32-43

For some reason this devotion made me realize something in regards to other people action...when they are rude to me it reflects on them and not on if I react rudely then it reflects on me. I'm not going to lie, it's easy to say and hard to do for me because I guess of the era I came up. I grew up in the 70s, that was a time when you respected your elders, when you were acting out in public and if someone that knew your parents they could say something to you and if they told your parents it was a good chance you get a whipping (or in my time a "whoppin'"). Those days are long gone and I have keep reminding myself those days are long gone.

You have people that if you do not tell them what they want to hear, even if the rules are spelled out to them in black and white they throw fits, speak harshly to you; when working in customer service I have customers that just "hang up". We live in an age where people don't want to read the fine print but are "surprised" when they hear the bottom line price. I'm realizing this is nothing new, Christ Jesus went through the same thing when it came to becoming a Christian.

We live in a time when people want you to be tolerant of the way they live but don't want to be tolerant of Followers of Christ. It's a catch 22 really, accept their views of the world, their rules of the game so to speak but don't tell me yours then when things begin to fall apart in their lives many cry out, "Why God did you let this happen!?!" The older I'm become the more I realize that it's better to live the Christian life instead of preaching the Christian life. When you do this either people will enquire about your life or they will reject you plain and simple...either way it's a win-win situation for your light to shine as a Follower of Christ and you will not have any regrets about the path you have chosen and at the same time you have not been rude to others around you and if people are rude to you know it reflects on them and not on yourself.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Monday


photo: Unforgettable Bryce by Philippe Clairo/InterfaceLIFT

Dec 6, 2009

Reflections From Sunday's Devotion

Sunday's Devotion: Advent Adventure
Sunday's Passage: Matthew 12:vv 11-21

The goodness of God. I have to sit back and really think about that at times. I know God knew what his Son would have to bare when coming to earth and dying for me. I have seen movies on the physical pain He had to suffer but sometime I think of the verbal abuse He had to face because sometimes that is worse than physical scarring. The things Christ Jesus heard about his father Joseph...the snide remarks about his mother Mary. Even though He was all God but Christ was also all man as well.

I know growing up as a child I was called so many names, teased about me stuttering and stammering over words. Teased about my physical appearance to this day sometimes stings when even thinking about it and I guess sometimes that is the reason why I try not to think about my hometown. Now I'm not painting my self as a victim because I had my sharing of mouthing off about people myself and now that I look back at it it's in all of us: we get bullied and we bully, we tease and we get teased and when I think about all of this I think of one of the reasons that God sent His Son to die for us because left up to us we would forget about what we have done to people and focus on what was done to us. We would paint ourselves as victims and not deal with our own shortcomings.

When reading Proverbs one thing God despises to the utmost is gossip, slander and I understand why because it can ruin a person's reputation, it can sprew hatred. Before you even get a chance to know someone it can cause one to dislike a person. When you really sit back and think about you wonder who came up with the nonsense,

"Sticks and Stones
May break my bones
But names will never hurt me"

Man that was huge lie. When being called names and teased it warps your mind sometimes on how people are and makes one put up walls around their heart many times. But also in being teased sometimes it makes you strive to become a better person, to have empathy for others and to realize in the end, "you're not the one with's person that sprewing the poison with their words." Yes Jesus Christ endured physical abuse but from a child to his death he encountered much worse when it came to gossip, slander and in the end abandonment and when I think that he took that all for me I can go one another day because I have someone to rely on and converse with because what I went through is nothing compared to my Savior. Thank Jesus for loving me for me and accepting me for me.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& and Have a Wonderful Day


photo: Driftwood By rcheng99/InterfaceLIFT

message to check out today: Sustaining Grace {06December2009 Sunday}

Dec 2, 2009

Message We ALL Need To Hear

The cool thing about being a Follower of Christ is that sometimes we as Christians may not agree on some issues but many times we want the same thing. I have to admit I may not agree with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family on many levels. I don't question his love for God because I know he is a true believer but by us being from different cultures I feel we will never see eye to eye but hearing this 2 part message is something many parents today need to hear in regards to wayward adult children.

Allison Bottke is the author of the book, "Setting Boundaries with Adult Children" is not only talking the talk but is walking the walk in regards to this matter. If there is any message you should check out this is the one.

Help for Parents of Adult Prodical Children (Part 1 of 2) 
Help for Parents of Adult Prodigal Children (Part 2 of 2)

Nov 20, 2009

happy with Windows 7 and neat little software apps

I remember being away from computers for a couple of years (my computers were Commodore 64 and 128), I was going to get an Apple IIe but the first one I got was DOA and I was pressured into feeling like an ungrateful person so I ended up getting a color TV which to this day I regret. Flash forward to 1995 and coming across Windows 95 for the first time. I have to admit I was kind of imtidated of Windows 95 and stepped away from it for a couple of years because I felt I was too far behind. Flash forward to 1998 and and dug in and began messing around with Windows 98 and was so blown away, I never knew computing would be so much fun. This is how I feel about Windows 7

Reflections on Friday's Devotion

Devotion for Today: Help With A Home Run
Passage for Today: 1 Peter 4:7-11 (New International Version)

This devotion hits me in a way that makes wonder why many churches...many Christians are not this way. I say "Christians" because I will never forget what Dr. Charles Stanley said years ago, "Anyone can call themselves a Christian but when you say "I'm a Follower of Christ" that draws a line in the sand to let people know that you truly love the word of God and depend on His guidance and His alone."

What I love about Christ Jesus and his teachings is that he did not sugar-coat it...he told it like it was. The same with Apostle Paul, Peter and so many of the true Followers of Christ. We as Followers of Christ have to let fellow followers that no one perfect, we are not perfect. We fall short but knowing that we cannot live this Christian life without the Holy Spirit and having Christ in our lives we will become full of ourselves and before long we will have the same attitude as the Pharasies. Our heart will become hardend with pride, arrogance and will live by rules instead of Christ's teaching.

People need to see that we are not just "mindless" followers but we are hard working people that know that we have do works and not just wait on our Lord and Savior to just do everything for us. We know that we have to do what we can and God will do what we cannot. We fail, we make mistakes but we do not dwell on our short-comings because we know as long as long as we are granted another day we have another day to do the right thing.

When we show we are not perfect and never will be perfect more people will come to Christ because true Christians "Do"...not just "Talk".

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& have a Wonderful Weekend.


message to check out today: Can you trust God? Part 2 from Dr. Charles Stanley 
photo: MasterChief/InterfaceLIFT

Nov 6, 2009

Reflections on Friday's Devotion and Passage

Friday's Devotion: Where History Comes Alive
Friday's Passage: Exodus 13:14-16 (New International Version)

It's funny as a child how I had a very vivid imagination when it came to the stories I would read and hear when it came to the word of God. I remember sitting there imagining "what it would have been like in the ark" or seeing the people of Babel building the tower toward heaven. Sometime I would smile at the thought of actually being there...but then there were times I would be frighten when hearing some stories of the Bible like the book of Revelation but over all to hearing the story of God's people has always intrigued me.

Nov 3, 2009

Reflections of Tuesday's Devotion For Me

Tuesday's Devotion and Passage
Helped By Fear - Our Daily Bread
Proverbs Chap 9:vv 1-12 -

Today I'm going to try and begin using fear as an asset instead of hindering my life. I'm not going to lie, I have let fear stop me from doing so many things I know I should be doing because I'm afraid of sounding silly or failing or even asking God for certain things that I know that will help me in the end in regards to my relationship with Him.

Sep 24, 2009

Great Messages From Chip Ingram

Yesterday while driving to work I listened to Chip Ingram message, "Love, Sex and Lasting Relationships - Wake Up World! There's a Better Way to do Relationships! Part 2". There are men of God that can make you stop and pay attention to certain subjects and when it comes to relationships, love, sex Chip Ingram has a way to teach you, convict you but in the end makes you sit back and make you realize that yes, God's way is the BEST way. In today's world this teaching will make many people shake their head and say, "This is so out of date" or "Here we go...another Jesus Freak trying to tell me how to live my life and these so called "Christians" lives are just as messed up.

Sep 17, 2009

Reflections From Today's Devotion & Passage

Reflections from today's Our Daily Bread devotion
& passage
photo from Luis

I really like this devotion because it truly speaks the truth when it comes to Followers of Christ, we are "deep thinkers". It's funny how the secular world thinks that Christians are some "mindless zombies" that fall for anything where it's really the opposite. When you study God's word, pray to God, listen to God(yes, I said listen because sometimes we talk and talk and not take time to hear God's response, His guidance for our lives) listen to great teachings of God's word we realize what the world is truly made of and we can move with ease of mind.

Sep 11, 2009

Helping You Cope With A Job You Need For Now

One thing about God is when you truly seek Him...His way, His word it comes to you and all you can say is, "Wow!" Yesterday on my daily walk I was hoping to find a way to a way to really not dreading to go to work because of the job I have at the moment. I try not to complain in regards to my occupation, but it is a job and I know that is not my final vocation, I know I have to pay bills, keep a roof over me and Mrs head...I know I'm only there for 8 hours a day and not 10-12 hours a day but to deal with people day in and day out that make something simple as to setting up a reservation drives me crazy at times.

I know when you complain it makes the day longer, it wreaks havoc on your spirit, physical, and mental being but still it makes me angry from time to time. So imagine my surprise when hearing these two-part message from Dr. Charles Stanley, "How to Ge the Most out of Your Work". It hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm glad to hear these messages because if I kept complaining soon it will reflect in my work, how I feel toward people in general and in the end it will only hurt one person...myself. Some things have helped me cope with what I do like and I hope they will help you and in the process it's helping me as I write these pointers.

a) Don't look at your day of work as the "Entire Day" but just the hours you are there.

I began the mind set of only being there "8 hours a day" instead of a all day event because lets be honest, we are not there all day. Now I know some people may work 10 or even 12 hours a day but begin looking at it that way it may take the weight off your shoulders just a little bit and may change your attitude toward each day.

b) Break Your Day up in 4 quarters.

This has really helped throughout my day. I map it out now as: 2 hours before break/2hours before lunch/2hours before last break/2hours before heading home for the day. When I think of work in small increments it helps my mindset because of me thinking, "I have 8 hours of dealing with this mess" it helps me realize that I will have a time to "rest" even if it is only 10 minutes (lets be honest...if you work in a call center a 15 minute break is not a 15 minute break because once you walk from your desk, go use the restroom, go find a place to rest your mind 5minutes have past already) By you thinking of smaller portions it helps me deal with what I have to deal with day and day out.

c) When You Have a Break or a 30 minute lunch find a place that is quiet to rest your mind.
It's amazing how when sitting at a desk and hearing complaints after complaints how it drains you not only mentally but physically. I like to get somewhere by myself and not hear another voice. The only voices I wish to hear is God's voice, my beautiful wife or my geek brother or a positive message but many times I will go somewhere to rest my mind, my thoughts. I've found out when I do this I get rejuvenated, it helps me get a new game plan for the second half of my work day.

d) Get enough REST!!!

I am truly realizing that when I get proper rest I get up refreshed, well rested. I'm learning that when it's time for me to go to bed I go to bed. I'm learning that when I focus on my body, taking care of my health it helps me feel much different when I am sitting at my d

e) Get A Marine Mind Set.

Everyone that know me that I love NCIS and I have learned some things from Mark Harmon's character and one thing I have learned is this: either follow orders or retire. If you get to a point where what I have suggested you cannot use to help your job day in and day out it's time to move on find something else(and keep this in mind, it's better to find a job when you have a job than when you DO NOT have a job). Now I know there are times when you have to leave because of a situation where you know you can't take it anymore but for the most part hang in there because in the end it is teaching you how to treat the person that works in customer service because they really do have a tough job. Now I know there are some businesses where customer service is lousy but what I have learned that when I have had a bad experience to start off by having the mindset and let the person know, "This is not aimed toward you ma'am/sir but here is my issue with the company" and I am learning that the best way to let a company know you are not satisfied with their business is to vote with your wallet and now with the web voice your opinion via social networking.

I hope this helps you when dealing with your job and I ask you is to pray for me to remember what I have shared with you because it's sometimes easy share wisdom but when you are going through it yourself sometimes reasoning flies out the window but I am learning I will always be a work in process but I also have to learn I have to be a example not only for my readers but for the love in my life and most important Christ Jesus

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Weekend


The five Principles that Dr. Stanley Shares in his 2-part message "How to Get the Most out of Your Work"(I have links to the messages...I'm burning them to a CD and play it from here on when heading to work everyday)

"How to Get the Most out of Your Work, Part 1"{right click here}

"How to Get the Most out of Your Work, Part 2"{right click here}

5 Ways To Get The Most Out of Our Work
[Coming from Col 3:22-4:1]

1. When We View Ourselves As Servants

2. I am to work as For The Lord

3. To View Christ as Our Authority

4. See Other People as Worthy Persons

5. We are to View our Rewards "Present" and "Future"

Sep 6, 2009

o4Sept09MLFM:InspirationSounds Edition

(inspired by this devotional & passage)

The cool thing about putting these podcast together is that it makes me reflect on how blessed I am in regards to think about what I am or what I have gone through...even though I may want to gripe and complain about what my job puts me through, how cruel some people can be, the coldness of some people heart that makes me want to not deal with the outside world I can hear a passage from the Bible, read a devotion, chat with my online buddies I know I am not alone and even if I could not do that knowing the goodness of my Lord and Savior always gets me through my rough times.

It's amazing how you can hear lyrics or a melody and it can lift you out of a can make you smile, cry tears of joy, dance like you never danced before because at the end of the day you realize that it can really be worse. I'm a work in progress and I am learning that my work day is an 8 hour day and in the end I'm asking God to help me focus on just those 8 hours and not let 8 hours rob me of my joy and peace for the other 16 hours of my day because I have a wonderful wife, my freedom, God's word and the tools to be able to produce these in the comfort of my own home...for me that is something to be a smile to my face.

I hope these 15 tracks reflect on the goodness of Christ and to pay attention to what you have, who you have in your life and as Zig Ziglar says, "Every day is a great day...if you don't think so you just missing one of them."

Be Blessed/Be Safe &
Have a Wonderful Day


[to listen to podcast, click here | to download right click]
to subscribe to iTunes copy & paste this rss feed to your "Subscribe to iTunes" box

info on the artist's albums click below

01. All About the Love - Lamar Campbell
02. In The Middle of the Night - Dave Grusin
03. Never Seen the Righteous - Donald Lawerence & the Tri-City Singers
04. Hot Beach - Interior
05. Hey - LaShun Pace
06. Blue Orleans - Michael Manring
07. The Way I Feel - 12 Stones
08. People Make The World Go Round - Steve Rodby & Ross Trout
09. Love, Peace, & Happiness - Out of Eden
10. Diamond in the Sand - Special EFX
11. Pierced - Audio Adrenaline
12. Spare Change - Michael Hedges
13. Everyday - Darwin Hobbs
14. Honeymoon Nights - Mark Isham
15. Take My Life - Micah Stampley

dig my podcast, become a fan of MFLM

intro underscore track: Where He Leads Me{from Kirk Whalum's LP, "The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter 1"}
ending underscore track: Blessed Assured{from Kirk Whalum's LP, "The Gospel According to Jazz, Chapter 1"}


Sep 4, 2009

White Conservatives Have Lost Their Minds

I'm done with the Republican Party...I'm not a Republican, never could be one but this latest "outcry" in regards to President Obama speech has angered The Right is just plain...stupid. I only caught a snippet on the news the other night that people(I have recently now have seen the entire coverage on the networks), the Conservatives are upset because they feel he is pushing his (the President's) political views on their children.

Is he talking about accepting homosexuality or saying it's okay for sex outside of marriage or even "euthanizing the old"? No...he's talking about being responsible when it comes to their education. I have always thought corporate America never wanted people to better themselves and this just proves it...let me explain.

I have always believed that many companies do not want workers to better themselves when it comes to education. Why? Because this means higher wages, people loving themselves and realizing that their are better than having just a mediocre life in regards to living expensive, lifestyles, in providing a better life for their spouse, their children. Corporate America does not want people to become financial savvy with their income. Corporate America wants the average worker to come to work, become overweight from sitting at their desk all day, gossip, get their party on, get their drink on, get into debt because this way the average worker knows if this cycle is repeated over and over again people will have to stay in dead-end jobs. Corporate America wants the average worker to have sex outside of marriage so when you have upten children again you are stuck at a dead end job.

No one made a fuss when President Bush or President Regan did the same thing. What is going on with The Right? I know what's going on and no wants to say it but I's more than "politics" it's the fact that many White conservative are still steamed that they have to answer to an African-American (oh...did I mention that his mother was white? That means his bi-racial). There are some families that may keep their children out of school if President Obama's speech is played in school.

They will never admit but what they(White Conservatives) are really teaching their children is this, "it's okay to watch them play sports, perform Gansta rap(and correct me if I'm wrong but who purchases most of the Gansta Rap...and is that still around...White America which the majority of them come from Conservative homes), they can cook for you, clean your homes but when it comes to telling you to have respect for your fellow man, become responsible for your own actions don't listen.

Maybe we as Blacks are The Third Reich and I just don't know it. Did we invade this country, rape, murder, throw The Christian Right into slave camps? And I hate to burst the Conservative bubble but many African-American have always have Christian values but to listen to the Fox network and the rest of the Right Wing Party you would think President Obama is throwing the baby out with the bath water. If parents keep their children out of school in regards to President Obama this really should prove to African-Americans how indeed your hatred toward African-American. You can hide behind the "He's forcing his political views on my child" all you want but in the end it is what it still can't accept us as an equal.

We(African-Americans) are doctors, lawyers, CEO's of major companies, scientists, educators, and yes now we have a leader over the White House...Get over yourselves.

Jun 11, 2009

My Thoughts on Miss California Losing Her Title

I don't know if former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean is a believer but this I do know, if you go against the world values you better have all of your ducks in a row. One thing I have learned in today's news is that every rock will be turned over when you are in the public eye so it's best to come clean about everything if you want that lifestyle. Did she not think about the topless photo of her would not come to light? Did she not think that it would not come out that confirm that they[Miss California pageant officials] paid for Prejean’s breast-enhancement surgery? Should that make a difference? In the world's eyes "No." But if you are Follower of Christ..."Yes".

We are not perfect(Followers of Jesus Christ)...never have been...never will be. Heck I know I will make mistakes sometimes today because we all have a fallen nature but what disturbs me are two factors that are growing more and more.

The first is the fact that our youth don't think twice about their actions. When i was coming up if you screwed up you could move to another town or if you have said something that you later regret it would take ions for it to catch up with you...not today. You can take a racy photo in the morning and within a day or two it can be plastered over the web. We can be photographed by cell phones (I myself have began taking pictures of landscapes with my BlackBerry and I have to admit, the photos are not bad). I can't really blame the youth or get angry at them because it is up to the parents to instill in them value. It's up to them(parents) to tell them that your decisions, your actions today...especially in this technology world can cost you big time down the road.

They have watched too many high profile people in the world, whether it has been a sports announcer (remember the incident with Marv Albert), with Robert Downey Jr. and his in and out of rehab, with Kobe Bryant incident in Colorado and after a while it is all but forgotten. Let's not forget about business corruptions, I mean people listen to former Governor Eliot Spitzer, Mark Fuhrman and others who worked in law enforcement and have manipulated the law and now are listened to by thousands or even millions of people in regards to their views and judgements of others and not blink tells me that if parents do not instill in them moral values it's going to get worse before it gets better.

The second thing that really disturbs me are Christians. Me being a believer myself I heard something Dr. Charles Stanley say a couple of years ago and I try to follow this principle:

it's a difference between "a Follower of Jesus Christ" and a "Christian"

I am so amazed how many people say they are a Christian and continue to believe in things that the Bible surely teaches against: from having children out of wedlock, to homosexuality, living together and not married but can come out and put someone else on "Full Blast" From Governor Sarah Palin to Dr. James amazes me that many who are believers in God and yet can look over their faults and their family faults and make comments about others. It amazes me how the Christian community can circle the wagons around former Miss California and not really find out about her past. Should the church hold that against her...No.

But in the world this is why many people do not come to Christ because we beat people down but at the same time we don't live by Christ teachings. She [Carrie Prejean] could have a stronger leg to stand on if she did not have skeletons in her closet. I don't care for Perez Hilton but don't give him ammunition to take you down and that is what happened to her What really makes me nervous is that the "Christian" community will get behind her and brush over the fact of the mistakes she has made and not hold her accountable for her actions. I'm afraid my Brothers and Sisters in Christ will claim she was attacked because of her beliefs but I ask, what is her beliefs? They will try to brush over the fact that she posed topless and say, "she didn't know any better because of her age (she says she was 17 at the time of the photos) they will brush over the fact of her breast enlargement when Christ teaches us that our body is our temple and a "pimp my body" type of deal.

I hope I'm wrong and this post will be another, "rant' but I have a strong feeling I may not be wrong...we will see.

May 25, 2009

Love&Honest Letter To My Beautiful Black Sistas

{inspired by Fave's discussion with Doctor REALove}

I am so happy and blessed that I'm married...I really am. This is a post I've been thinking about this since downloading and listening to his his "G&SeXtra: Grown Folks ONLY" show. What started off as a question from a young man asking about which direction he should allow his interracial relation to take because of the looks and reactions he's receiving from some Black women and how he feels that when he was single no Black woman in his area would "give him the time of day" spiraled into a heart to heart discussion between Fave and Doctor REALove. It hit home for me, not because of the fact that I have been in a interracial relationship (and not to say at one time or another I haven't tried, I guess I frightened women because of my height and weight, who knows) but what Fave said really hit home for me when it comes some of my sistas in the workplace and how many times they will not speak, make eye contact with many Black men.

Let me say this is not ALL of my beautiful black women but I'm not going to lie, I have witnessed it time and time again when it comes to myself in my workplace today. I am so glad I am not single in this day and time because God forbid if anything would happen to my beautiful queen I think I would go into the priesthood (and I'm not even Catholic). I'm at a age now where at one end of the spectrum it makes me angry and on the other end I can do nothing but laugh when it comes to my beautiful sistas not wanting to say "hello" when passing me in the hallway, not making eye contact, not smiling...I just do not get it. What has we as Black men done to you(Black women) to make you act as if you just spoke we would try and jump your bones right there on the job. I can see if you were walking down the street or if you were in a bad neighbourhood or in a club but you are in the workplace. I have come to a place in my life where now I deliberatly sometimes look and smile at my Black sistas to see if they will make eye contact and just speak and to be honest 8 out of 10 times they will not make any type of jester to speak.

Now I'm a realist and I know some of us brothas are knuckleheads, some of us will try and hump anything with a hole. I know some of us have turned out to be real dawgs and many times my brothas are little boys inside grown men bodies. We sometime want to blame every Black woman for our downfall and in many cases we need to look inwardly...we need to look in the mirror and have a serious conversation with ourselves and ask, "what can I do to make myself a better person, a better man, a better Black man?" I was brought up by a single mom and coming up I did not have not one girlfriend growing up...NOT ONE!!! I tried, believe me I did and time and time again I was shot down but as I grew older and I look back I wasn't really ready for the opposite sex. I know if I would have had my way I would have had upten babies and probably living with my mom sleeping in that same little bed with the poster of Tony Dorsett on the wall.

{that's a lie. I hated the Cowboys so it would have been a poster of Franco Harris on the wall...but anyhow...}

I know some of us Black men have left a bad taste in out Black women mouths but you can not throw out the baby with the bath water. We all are not lepers, we are all not "no-good bastards". Many of us may not the corporate jobs but we work hard, put up with nonsense in the white and blue collar workforce just like you do. What I really loved the conversation between Fave and Doctor REALove was how open and honest she was about having date a White man and how Fave was honest when he dated outside his race...about how he went through the same dilemma the young man was going through and I feel both of them. If a person wished to date outside their race because of "love" so be it but they have to realize what they will face for a lifetime.

All relationships are work...yes work! And to date outside your race that is another culture class because let's be honest dating the opposite sex in my book is "opposite" enough so imagine when you bring someone into your life that is of a different culture. I also feel what DoctorREALove said when saying when you date outside your race because you think one race is better than another that is a problem. That person really, in my opinion does not love themselves and need to take a long, hard look at themselves before bringing someone in their lives.

I think what hurts me when seeing this behavior with some Black women (I have to keep stressing that because I know it's not all of my beautiful sistas) is how cozy they are with White men and will walk right past and not even speak to a brother. I just turned 44 and to me it's like in some ways we are going backwards and not forward. Just last night a sista received a note on her desk...a young man left his number and ask her to "text him". Some of the things she said I understood...she said, "Whoever it was needs to say something face to face...I'm not into playing games." I nodded my head in agreement; but when my sista said, "and besides, I don't date dark men...only light complexion guys." That was a quick, horrific flashback for me circa 1970s and I'm hoping we are not going back to that day and time. Now, she has every right to date only light complextion brothas because as she puts it, "I've only gotten along with light dudes" but at the same time that kind of stings because I went through that coming up because I'm a brown complexion dude and to here that took me back to the days of seeing groups like Switch, The Debarges(wait...they are from the 80s right? anyhow...) I couldn't do anything but shake my head.

To my beautiful sistas out there, I just ask one thing of you...when you see a Brotha in the hallway of your workplace at least speak. I know you have had it hard, I know at times you have been treated badly but sometimes we as people have to be honest with ourselves and say with some of those "losers" I hooked up with, "Did I ignore the warning signs when dating this person?" One thing I know that I know in my 44 years on this earth, God has given women the "golden touch" when it comes to judgment but I'm afraid many times you are lead by your heart and not your head. If your inner voice (I don't care what anyone says, it's the Holy Spirit) is telling you that hey walk away from that person....DO IT!!! If a man, while you are dating insults you on purpose privately or in public...LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! It's not going to get better. If a man puts his hands on your ONCE...leave him alone. You cannot love someone if they do not love themselves.

Okay, that's my rant...I'm getting off my soapbox. I love you my sistas but as the one brother said in "Dairy of a Mad Black Woman" said, "Don't make me pay for the mistakes of how you were treated in past relationships" It's a drain on you and the person that is trying to treat you the way you needed to be a queen.

{if you have not listened to Fave's podcast it is a MUST!!! Thank you again Fave and DoctorREALove for this insight show}

May 9, 2009

Should I "Confirm" or "Ignore"? That is the Question

More and more people I went to high school with are discovering me on Facebook and I don't know how I feel about that. I mean it's cool when co-workers discover me on Facebook or people you went to college with find you on there but I feel kind of uneasy with old high schoolmates coming across me. Wasn't it Mark Twain that said, "You can never go home again?"

I guess I feel this way because I have learned over the years that people you grew up with have the tendency to want to "reminisce a little too much". It's cool to remember somethings but spending 3,4,5 hours on how it used to be or remembering how you used to be does not set well with me. Maybe people will say about me that I'm trying to block out some things in my past or maybe that I think I'm better than them but at this age of my life, so what.

My childhood wasn't the worst but it's nothing to write home (sorry about that) about. As a child I was very insecure, stuttered really, really bad, didn't feel I was attractive. I think I tried to hard because it was something how some people would come over when they needed something but when I went to visit them I wanted to be around them. Now don't get me wrong I had some really cool people back in my hometown and come to think of it they are not on Facebook (or so I think) and maybe that a key too.

The last thing I want to hear is, "man remember when you stuttered so bad that you could barely talk" and "Dude I think you was the only classmate that never went to the prom" or "Remembered when you score "x" amount of point in the basketball game?" Maybe I'm being too hard on myself? Maybe I'm being too hard on my high school chums? Maybe, Maybe? Naw.

I never had a girlfriend and good knows I wanted one but I look back now God had has angels around me because with me wanting it so bad and at the time really didn't know about sex I would have had upten kids maybe still at home with momma sleeping in my room with that poster of Tony Dorsett on the wall (that's a would have been a poster of Franco Harris of the Steelers...couldn't stand the Cowboys back in the day.) And I admit I think people can smell desperation on you when you want something so bad and that you want to belong. Come to think of it I may have been the Ally Sheedy character from "The Breakfast Club" being a outcast just because I was mad at the world. I will admit some of the misery I brought on myself and some was people being cruel but when you're young you take dish it out, either way it's not cool. But with those struggles made me a stronger person, made me to realize that when growing up in a place where everyone knows you it's cliques and once you get the courage to move from your comfy zone it's a whole new world out there. Even though I may not have had the best childhood God instilled in me many days to think "outside" the box...I loved going to the library in our wasn't large but it was my escape...I stayed there hours on hours looking at World Atlas books, reading Sci-Fi books, reading The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mystery books...just thinking about that brings a smile to my face.

In the long run I don't think I want to go down "memory road" I love the people I have met at work, through the social networks, my podcaster buddies, college buddies. I haven't been to my hometown in close to 10 years and I don't think I will be going back any time soon because I love my life now, I love the place I'm at in my life right now.

May 8, 2009

Reflections for Friday 08May09

Inspired by Today's Devotion from Our Daily Bread
Bible Passage[2 Kings 5:1-15 (New Living Translation)]

Sometimes I forget that many times to accomplishing big goals is to take small step, one day at a time. I was reminded of this when I woke up this morning to find our kitchen sink full to the brim with water because I forget to turn the water faucet off all the way. I'm so thankful that we have a double sink and it did not overflow onto the floor but to hear that constant "drip, drip, drip" sound and to think that in a matter of 4-5 hours the entire sink was full of water.

That is how we should accomplish many positive things in life, take small steps but be consist ant. It's amazing how my Heavenly Father can take a bad experience for me and have me flip it for my good. I have been saying for about a month now, "I have to start walking, I have to start doing push-up, ab work but allow myself to talk myself out of it because I am wanting results NOW. I remember what a good friend told me years ago, "The same way you get yourself out of a hole is the same way you get out of shovel at a time.

The devotion I read for this morning ties into this because with the bad thing that happened with the overflowing sink when at first I thought was "Thank goodness the water did not damage our floor" to "Ah! This is how I should read God's word...This is how I should pray...this is how I should look and act toward my goals!" Those 'one drips at a time' translates for me, 'One day at a time' or 'One step at a time'.

Isn't life's experiences something?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
Have a WONDERFUL Friday/Weekend.


Messages to listen to and download...

Dr. Charles Stanley
An Inspiring Example of a Godly Mother[from In Touch Ministries]

Pastor Paul Sheppard
Conclusion of: Storm Proof Your Life -- Part 2[from Enduring Truth]

Mar 20, 2009

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds for March 2009

In The Midnight Hour...

It's something when you think God is not listening to you, you feel like He is not answering your prayers, you cry out to Him and just when you think you can't take any more He allows a "little" more to pile on you and just when you are on your knees, you can't cry even when you try you and feel like "enough is enough" that is when God comes the midnight hour.

I am learning that the stronger your faith the more He will allow in your life and I'm learning that for me it is teaching me two things: (one) I realize no matter how strong I think I am I can do nothing with God, no way, no how (two) When the breakthrough comes I can give thanks to know but my Lord and Savior because He presses my back to the wall and then breaks through that wall.

These past weeks I have rushed into God's word, listening to God's word, listening to men of God, listening to God fearing business men when it comes to success, realizing where my strength comes from, realizing the God truly has not put a spirit of fear in me and begin to truly believe that "If God is for me, who can be against me?"

This collection of compositions for me represents for me to always push forward and not to look back, to truly begin to realize that when you fail it is an event, not who I am (a failure). I'm learning to be comfortable in my skin, to smile more, believing that I am "truly and wonderfully made"...

and so are you, never forget that.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
~Psalm 139:13-16

Be Blessed

Great messages from Dr. Charles Stanley.
Overcoming Obstacles:[Part 1] & [Part 2]

[click here to listen\right-click to download]
{to subscribe to iTunes, copy and paste this rss feed]

  1. Looking For You - Kirk Franklin{from "Hero"}
  2. Drifting - Andy McKee{from "Art of Motion"}
  3. Jesus Be A Fence Around Me - Fred Hammond{"Purpose By Design"}
  4. Cats Go Forward - Michael Manring{from "Toward the Center of the Night"}
  5. Dive - Steven Curtis Chapman{from "Speechless"}
  6. Love's Embrace - Ozzie Ahlers{from "Keys to the Heart"}
  7. It's Alright(Send Me) - Winans Phase 2{from "We Got Next"}
  8. Turquoise Moon - Craig Chaquico{from "Four Corners"}
  9. Omega - Rebecca St. James{from "Pray"}
  10. Amber - Matthew Montfort{from "Narada Guitar: 15 Years of Collected Works"}
  11. King Of Glory - Third Day{from "Offerings: A Worship Album"}
  12. Clear Air for Miles - Acoustic Alchemy{from "Back on the Case"}
  13. In The Midnight Hour - Lee Williams & The Spirtual QC's{from "Love Will Go All The Way"}
id drops from Fave, Macedonia, the Mixtress, Doug Fresh
Huge Thanx and many blessing to Vibrant Thang...thank U for your input in regards to Soulbounce.

photo: InterfaceLIFT
underscore music: Nicolay {"Hey" from the City Lights Vol. 1.5 LP}

Feb 23, 2009

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds February 2009

This show was a challenge for me because of pride. I don't know why I think that when I make InspirationSounds podcast I suppose not to show there are times that I am going through "storms" in my life but in all honesty being a Follower of Christ it's okay to show sadness's okay to share when I have made mistakes or if I'm being hurt. It's okay to feel this way at time but I have choice not to let it overcome me because in the end when you are going through tough times I suppose to focus on my "provider" not my problems.

Another thing that has hit me is that when I do make mistakes it's okay to show that I'm human because what is so awesome about God is that he has always used flawed people and will continue to use imperfect people because he knows our fears, our faults, our shortcomings. From Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul to John, he(God) will continue to use people like you and I because that is where he gets his glory because when a person has messed up they can look to people in the Bible and say, "If He can still love someone like King David, He can love someone like me too." This is where I am getting a revelation because we as Christians should not be afraid or ashamed to show our flaws because when a non-believer can look to people in this century as well to see that we as Christians mess up, we repent, we suffer the consequences for some decisions we make but they(a non-believer) can also see we are still blessed.

Dr. Charles Stanley put it perfect when giving the definition of *Grace and Mercy

Grace: It is God's undeserved, unearned favor, goodness,
kindness, and love towards us. It is also the only
means by which we are saved.

Mercy: is not getting what we

Know this about God, He loves you, always has, always will. And it is true, God loves the sinner, not the sin. By me putting this podcast together it gave me a sense of peace and freedom to be able to share my pain, my hurt, my flaws and to let people know we as Christians have flaws, we make wrong choices but we know that our Heavenly God loves us, forgives us, want's the best for our lives.

Enjoy the music and always remember, once you give your life to Christ there no sin that can make stop loving you. Be Blessed

{Click here to listen | right click to download}
(to subscribe to iTunes: copy RSS feed to iTunes)
Track Name/Artist(s)/Albums
  1. Faithful Is Our God - Hezekiah Walker & the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  2. Lift It Up - Chi{from the LP "Sun Lake"}
  3. He Reigns - Newsboys{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  4. Bradley's Dream - Liz Story{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 1"}
  5. Jesus Is All [Remix] - Fred Hammond/Radical for Christ{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"}
  6. Dolphins - Darol Anger/Mike Marshall{from the LP "Windham Hill: The First Ten Years Disc 2"}
  7. A Sunday at Home - Ralf Illenberger{from the LP "Narada Guitar: 15 Years of Collected Works Disc 1"}
  8. Take My Life - T.D. Jakes{from the LP "He-Motions "}
  9. Dream Tower - Wayne Gratz{from the LP "Narada Collection 3"}
  10. Spoken For - MercyMe{from the LP "WOW Hits 2004 Disc 1"}
  11. Wide Asleep - Michael Manring{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 1"}
  12. Let Go - Dewayne Woods{from the LP "Wow Gospel 2007 Disc 1"}
  13. Rameau's Nephew - Philippe Saisse{from the LP "Sanctuary: 20 Years of Windham Hill Disc 2"}
  14. Goodtime - Brent Jones/TP Mobb{from the LP "WOW Gospel 2000 Disc 1"
*you can download this Life Principle Notes"Our God of Grace" by going here{}

great messages to check out...
Dr. Charles Stanley

Feb 16, 2009

new smart phone coming from Palm

pretty cool.

MyLoveForMusic InspirationSounds podcasts

These are podcasts I recorded earlier this year and will begin posting them over here as well, enjoy...

MyLoveForMusic: InspirationSounds - January 2009

This podcast went through a couple of song line up and just me finally recording this was a task within itself. This month has not been the best for me so far but I'm keeping my head up and keeping my eyes on Christ Jesus. I'm learning first hand that they are some situations I have to step out on faith, other situations I have to have patience. I have to keep reminding myself that I have to do what I can and God will do what I can't.

While listening to the playback of the tracks I selected it makes me sit back and reflect forward because I keep focusing on my mistakes I will never move forward in life and what my Lord and Savior has in store for me. This podcast almost did not get recorded until I read this passage from Proverbs 3:27-28...

27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it

when it’s in your power to help them.

28 If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say,

“Come back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you.”

It reminds me to sow good in someone else life because people are hurting worse than yourself.

to listen click here {right click to download}

to subscribe to podcast copy this rss feed to iTunes

Tracks - Artist - Album

  1. My Life, My Love, My All - Kirk Franklin{The Rebirth Of Kirk Franklin [Live]}
  2. Third Sky - Doug Fresh
  3. Walk Right - Commissioned{from the CD, "WOW Gospel 2001"}
  4. Shaman Song - Shadowfax{from the CD What Goes Around: The Best Of Shadowfax}
  5. Holy Is the Lamb - Oleta Adams{from the CD, WOW Gospel 1998 Disc 1}
  6. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square - Ron Affif{from the CD, 52nd Street}
  7. Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullen{from the CD, Redeemer: The Best of Nicole C. Mullen}
  8. Aerial Boundaries - Michael Hedges{from the CD, Aerial Boundaries}
  9. Run To You - Twila Paris{from the CD, WOW 2000 [Disc 2]}
  10. Vanishing Point - Alex de Grassi{from the CD, The Water Garden}
  11. More Than Conquerors - Praiz'{from the CD, The Takeover}
  12. A Better Place - David Cullen & Michael Manring{from the CD, Equilibré}
  13. My Life Is in Your Hands - God's Property{from the CD, M2K Gospel 2000 Disc 2}

very good messages from men of God:

Dr. Charles Stanley{from Jan 05 & Jan 06}

How to Stay Young and Fruitful All Your Life, Part 1

How to Stay Young and Fruitful All Your Life, Part 2

Pastor Greg Laurie{from Jan 01, 02, & 05}

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - I"

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - II"

"Strengthening Your Marriage + Q&A with Greg & Cathe - III"

i.d. drops: Fave & Macedonia

Special Thanx to MrFresh for the track, "Third Sky"

Big Shout Out to on her return to the podcasting community, you were missed sis


December 2008MLFM: InspirationSounds

Hello and Welcome back to another edition of MyLoveForMusic:Inspiration. These are my picks for the month of December and I have to admit these tracks mean so much to me because sometimes God has to remind me who's in charge and for me sometimes having back problems let's me know that I can work as many hours I want, try to achieve my degree if I don't have my health none of those things mean a thing and by me having my back give me trouble these past couple of weeks put that into perspective for me.

This month I truly have so much to be thankful for with having a job in this economy, having a roof over our heads, almost accomplishing something for almost a year and hoping to continue this (my podcast) for years to come. It was times where I wanted to throw in the towel and God put so many wonderful people around via web telling me to "hang in there" and I'm glad I did.

The month of November I introduced a new podcast segment which I will begin to bring you wonderful Gospel, Christian, and Smooth Jazz music because this is something I have wanted to do for a minute because for me I always wondered why can't great instrumental compositions be blended with some of the best Christian artists and I have come to realize that if this has come across my mind I'm sure it has crossed other people minds. Now I'm not trying to mix Gospel with "Club" music because to me I think that would be counter productive because I am not trying to live in both worlds. I know where God has brought me, where I was and if I'm obedient to Him where He will take me. For me when I hear many Gospel and Christian songs I sometimes pay attention to the gifted musicians and say to myself, "that would really be a nice instrumental track." God has gave wonderful gifts to these men and women and for them to bring music to the masses that have you not only relax but to reflect on God awesome blessing is a double, triple blessing in my book.

So, find a place where you can kick, relax, reflect on the goodness of the many blessing in your life.


poem that was read | Myself by Edgar A. Guest

photo: kimi

[click here to listen | right-click to download]

[to subscribe to podcast copy this rss feed into your iTunes player]


  1. Hosanna - Kirk Franklin{from the "the rebirth of Kirk Franklin" LP}
  2. Voices In the Wind - Wind Machine{from the "Voices in the Wind" LP}
  3. King of Kings(He's A Wonder) - CeCe Winans{from the "Alabaster Box" LP}
  4. Welcoming - Michael Manring{from the "Unusual Weather" LP}"
  5. Always And Forever - Raze{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  6. Turning: Turning Back - Alex de Grassi{from the "A Windham Hill Retrospective" LP}
  7. River - Out of Eden{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  8. The Friend I Never Met - Andy McKee{from the "Dreamcatcher" LP}
  9. Alabaster Box - CeCe Winans{from the "Alabaster Box" LP}
  10. River of Lost Souls - Wind Machine{from the "Voices in the Wind" LP}
  11. Consume Me - dc Talk{from the "WOW 2000" compilation double LP}
  12. Dreaming at the Wheel - Sam Cardon{from the "Serious Leisure" LP}
  13. I've Learned To Lean - Lee Williams & the Spiritual QC's{from the "Love Will Go All the Way" LP}
cool podcasts to check out...

ejflavors - OSW: This Kinda Lovin'

Fave - Fried Hard

GrantLOVE - The Origins of Hip-Hop Series - Part 1

DJ Diva - Soul Christmas

Feb 14, 2009

Reflections for Saturday, 14 February 2009

Devotional Reading: Our Daily Bread
Passage Reading: 1 John 4:7-19 (New Living Translation)

This past week two tragedies hit people families and it began to hit, "We truly do not know when our last day is on earth". I mean, the way people lose their lives and how sudden it can happen. A person can land a job in another state and can be happy one minute and the next a drunk driver can end their life or just yesterday a plane full of passengers can be headed to another destination only to crash. I'm not trying to sound morbid or be a downer on Valentine's Day but we can not take two things for granted, the people in our lives and our life eternity.

Last night at work I was talking to my supervisor at work and we were talking about how another relative (his aunt) has passed away and she died on her birthday! In 2007 he buried his father then in 2008 he buried his mother. He surprised that she lived this long because of how close his aunt and his mother were. It's amazing how death can truly make you realize how precious life is on earth and for me how even when living a long life once it's over it's over.

One thing brings me so much joy and comfort is that knowing Jesus Christ. For knowing Him, getting into His word, he teaches you how to live life to the fullest, how I learn each time I am in his word that following His commandments, His teachings, fearing Him(not fear as in, "Or my God if I do this wrong He will strike me dead" but fearing Him in revering His word, knowing that His word is truth), knowing that what He wants for my life is good and when He tells me no it's not to keep me from life but to have a peaceful life. Turning my life over to God takes the fear from me in reference to death because He sent his son for me, for ME. A person for years that lived my life outside of His will but was so patient with me to realize one day that He truly loved me for me, flaws and all.

Life is short, life can be taken away from you in an instant but having and KNOWING Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior makes life so sweet. For the me this Valentine's Day I have two great gift: The love of God and without Him bringing someone to share the rest of my life with here on earth (my beautiful wife). And even if I did not have that special someone in my knowing that Jesus died for someone like me who has made mistakes and will make mistakes in the future is one of the best Valentine's Day presents I could ever receive.

Be Blessed/Be Safe
& Have a wonderful Weekend.

great messages to check out this weekend
Dr. Charles Stanley
> The Pathway of Faith {Part 1 & Part 2}

Pastor Paul Shepperd
> Dead Man Walking {Part 1a & Part 1b}

photo: InterfaceLIFT Wallpaper