Dec 6, 2009

Reflections From Sunday's Devotion

Sunday's Devotion: Advent Adventure
Sunday's Passage: Matthew 12:vv 11-21

The goodness of God. I have to sit back and really think about that at times. I know God knew what his Son would have to bare when coming to earth and dying for me. I have seen movies on the physical pain He had to suffer but sometime I think of the verbal abuse He had to face because sometimes that is worse than physical scarring. The things Christ Jesus heard about his father Joseph...the snide remarks about his mother Mary. Even though He was all God but Christ was also all man as well.

I know growing up as a child I was called so many names, teased about me stuttering and stammering over words. Teased about my physical appearance to this day sometimes stings when even thinking about it and I guess sometimes that is the reason why I try not to think about my hometown. Now I'm not painting my self as a victim because I had my sharing of mouthing off about people myself and now that I look back at it it's in all of us: we get bullied and we bully, we tease and we get teased and when I think about all of this I think of one of the reasons that God sent His Son to die for us because left up to us we would forget about what we have done to people and focus on what was done to us. We would paint ourselves as victims and not deal with our own shortcomings.

When reading Proverbs one thing God despises to the utmost is gossip, slander and I understand why because it can ruin a person's reputation, it can sprew hatred. Before you even get a chance to know someone it can cause one to dislike a person. When you really sit back and think about you wonder who came up with the nonsense,

"Sticks and Stones
May break my bones
But names will never hurt me"

Man that was huge lie. When being called names and teased it warps your mind sometimes on how people are and makes one put up walls around their heart many times. But also in being teased sometimes it makes you strive to become a better person, to have empathy for others and to realize in the end, "you're not the one with's person that sprewing the poison with their words." Yes Jesus Christ endured physical abuse but from a child to his death he encountered much worse when it came to gossip, slander and in the end abandonment and when I think that he took that all for me I can go one another day because I have someone to rely on and converse with because what I went through is nothing compared to my Savior. Thank Jesus for loving me for me and accepting me for me.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& and Have a Wonderful Day


photo: Driftwood By rcheng99/InterfaceLIFT

message to check out today: Sustaining Grace {06December2009 Sunday}

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