Oct 31, 2006

Devotions for Tuesday

After Death, What Then?>>>more
devotion from In Touch Ministries

Now this is one area that many pastors in the church today really do not like to discuss because of losing members, where do you go when you die if you do have Christ Jesus in your life? As the devotion from Dr. Charles Stanley points out you go to a land of torment before judgment by God, then you're cast in the Lake of Fire. If you have giving your life over to Christ Jesus, you go to heaven...no sleep in suspended animation, you go directly to Heaven.

Many people always say, "how could God send someone to hell if he is a loving God ?" And time again and again God doesn't send anyone to hell, we make that choice. I heard someone say this to me because I was on the fence about turning my life over to Christ totally, I wanted to live my life the way I wanted to live it and thinking that God would accept this lifestyle. The brother in Christ said to me, "It's better to be born twice and die once than to be born once and die twice ". It was like a light bulb went off in my head, that was it for me, I was sold out to Him.

I had this notion that I would give my life to Christ once He came back or when the battle began between Good and Evil(Armageddon) began; I would give my life to Him then but that was foolish thinking and I thank God for His mercy and grace because it's so true, tomorrow is not promise to you or I.

Try this exercise: just for one day follow how many deaths occur not in the world, not in other states, but just in your own city(your local news, they love giving us dire situations); and then check out the ages of each person that died...how young, how old and I mean really ponder it...then think about eternity, infinity. We can be dead and gone for 1000 years and those years are just a dot of infinity (I told before, I'm thinking all the time, no wonder I could get my work done when I was in school). Think about how the teenagers thought they would live forever, I know I thought that way as a youth, think about the gentleman or lady who lived to be 80, 90, 100 years old saying again and again, "one day I'm going to get my act together " or "I'll give my life to Christ...but not today ". Eternity is a long time being in torment, unhappiness. Many people have went through painful divorces or we work with someone who is pain in our butt for 7, 8, or 9 hours a day...times that with forever.


If I'm trying to scare you, good. That is something to think about and think about seriously. This is not a game, this is no joke. I thought by me not drinking, smoking, not doing drugs, not out hurting anyone I'm going to Heaven, God couldn't send me to hell but the more I read and read the Bible (I got to know God for myself, it wasn't because of some pastor constantly preaching and yelling about Fire and Brimstone at me and believe me I sat in many of churches hearing that coming up as a child but it went in one ear and out the other). It was about me having a full, fun life he on earth, having the best in life. Not having to feel all alone when I screwed up, because that is how I felt. I thought God was punishing me because of some of the situations I was going through. But once I gave my life over to Him, I grew up and began to realize most of the situations I was in, I made those choices. Didn't want to admit them at the time but that was my own doing. And now that I know that know that when I stumble, God has my back...that is a awesome feeling.

We are all going to go through hardships, people are going to hurt us(read the book of Matthew), situations are going to happen to us that is not our fault(I was a child of molestation) and knowing that God picked me up, put me back together, that brings a smile to my and joy to my heart. I'm so thankful and glad He gave me the chance to be "born twice so now I only have to die once"; I have the chance to have a full life that not only brings me joy but brings my Heavenly Father joy as well...that's a win-win situation.

And most of all knowing that once I die I go straight to God, how can a brotha lose?

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a great Tuesday. :-)

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"I pray that my children would fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel of Christ Jesus "

devotion for your spirit:

tech netcast for this tuesday:

netcast for your soul:

tech news:

for headline news>>>click here

Oct 30, 2006

Mid Day Tech News

A Dot-Com Survivor’s Long Road
story from nytimes.com|tech

When Jim Clark started Shutterfly, the online photo printing service, in December 1999, a 2-megapixel digital camera could set you back $800, investor enthusiasm for e-commerce was soaring and the words-Internet--and--bust--were rarely used in the same sentence.
For his part, Mr. Clark had something of a Midas reputation when it came to technology investing, having started Silicon Graphics, Netscape and Healtheon. But what was expected to be a sprint at the peak of the dot-com boom turned into a marathon--one in which Shutterfly, at times, appeared to be faltering. Late last month, the company finally crossed a finish line of sorts when it became one of just a few e-commerce>>>more

Copying own CDs 'should be legal'
story from BBC.co.uk

A think-tank has called for outdated copyright laws to be rewritten to take account of new ways people listen to music, watch films and read books.
The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is calling for a "private right to copy". It would decriminalise millions of Britons who break the law each year by copying their CDs onto music players. Making copies of CDs and DVDs for personal>>>more

Linux start-up takes path to profits
story from ZDNet.com

Despite abundant rivals, Ubuntu has risen to prominence within the Linux niche, but that's just a means to an end. Canonical plans to become profitable by 2008 by extracting revenue from the same server market that Linux leaders Red Hat and Novell specialize in.
Shuttleworth deliberately is taking a different approach from those rivals, though: The free, downloadable version of Ubuntu is the same as the supported, certified version. He hopes to satisfy conservative customers with five-year support plans on versions such as June's Dapper Drake; for the leading-edge crowd, versions such as last week's Edgy Eft come with 18-month support.>>>more

Tech News..Mainframes, LCD-TV, Competition for YouTube

Mainframes making a comeback story from CNN.com|technology Cheap little servers handle so much of the Internet's dirty work that giant computers known as mainframes, which debuted 50 years ago and often cost more than $1 million, are supposed to be passe. When Hoplon Infotainment, a startup video game company in Brazil, let it be known that it uses a mainframe to operate its signature online game, "People would actually take a step back and say, 'What? Did I hear correctly?"' said Tarquinio Teles, Hoplon's CEO.>>>more

LCD-TV reshaping electronics supply chain
story from techweb.com/eetimes.com

t's obvious that the rise of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Digital Televisions (DTVs) is reshaping the global television and display industries — but the phenomenal expansion also is impacting the wider electronics business, affecting diverse areas ranging from semiconductor production, to the overall chip market, to contract manufacturing.

An examination of iSuppli's vast library of research illustrates>>>more

Runner-Up Takes on YouTube
story from Wired.com

YouTube may be the king of online video, but if Arik Czerniak has his way, the king won't stay on the throne for long.

Czerniak is the CEO and co-founder of Metacafe, one of the web's leading independent video-sharing sites. The company is launching a new service Monday called Producer Rewards which will offer cash payouts to video creators who upload the most interesting and entertaining clips.>>>more

for Monday's devotions and my post>>>click here

Monday Devotion & Tech News...Good Morning Everyone

The Cross’ Impact on Death>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

I don't think about death the way I used to, I know I'm getting older, I know I can't do the things I used to and I know I'm going to die someday. What I don't worry about is where I'm going once I die. It's amazing when I was younger how I wondered about other planets, other dimensions, wanting to live forever. I don't want that anymore because of my belief and love for Christ Jesus.

When I finally gave my life over to my Savior I love science but not as much anymore. I know where my soul is going now and it so much of a comfort because there is "what if" going on in my head. Many people think it's a falsehood to believe in God but when you have tried every other method and religion and still have a empty feeling, a piece of the puzzle missing so to speak, that's not a good feeling to have. But praying, reading, studying, a living God's word assures me that I have nothing to fear about death. Now, I not looking forward to it, on the contrary...it pushes me to live everyday out to it fullest because I want to please my God who gave up His precious son, who lived a perfect life, who only loved and received hate back at the end of his life, to give me everlasting life was my body expires from this earth.

I enjoy just learning more and more about Jesus and in return He has giving me a deeper desire to learn more about other things as well (science, technology) because I don't have worry about living for ever, by turning my life over to Christ I have already cheated death and nobody can take that away from me.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and Have a Great Work Week :-)

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to live lives that overflow with thankfulness, always giving thanks to You".

Oct 28, 2006

Hubble, Google, the Big Tech Apple

Signs promising for Hubble telescope
story from USA Today

Astronomers' hopes are riding on the long-awaited decision by NASA on whether it will repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Signs are promising for a repair of the aging but popular Hubble Space Telescope, once thought doomed because of worries over astronaut safety. NASA set plans for a big announcement Tuesday after top officials met for three hours Friday to consider the value and risks of sending astronauts to repair the Hubble, extending its life for several more years.

The decision rests with NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, who hasn't>>>more

Google Blogger Service
Outages Spark User Firestorm

story from techweb.com

Users of Google's blogging service vented some anger Friday over outages and slow response times that have plagued the service over the last week.

Engineers at Blogger acknowledged the problems on the site's own blog. "It's been a Murphyesque cavalcade of power failures, fileserver trouble, and wonky network hardware, and I hope you'll believe me when I say that the Blogger staff is even more sick of it than you are," engineer Peter Hopkins wrote.

Blogger staff advised users to switch to the new version of the service, which is in beta. However, users publishing team blogs or blogs with more than a couple of thousand posts, wouldn't be able to make the move yet. The same was true for users publishing blogs via FTP to a non-Blogger server.

Users vented their frustration with the service, and some were forced to>>>more

New York Bets on
High-Tech to Aid Upstate
story from nytimes.com

New video game consoles from Sony and Nintendo will soon join Microsoft’s year-old Xbox 360 on store shelves. Most of the microprocessor chips that animate the three machines are being made not in Asia but in a factory here, surrounded by woods, 70 miles north of Midtown Manhattan.

Inside, the factory is filled with hundreds of chip-making tools that are fed by plastic pods, riding on overhead tracks and carrying pristine silicon wafers, in an elaborate symphony of production. Engineers and operators>>>more

for this weekend devotion>>>click here

images: google

Weekend Devotions & Tech News

Wisdom for Good Health>>>more
devotion from In Touch Ministries

I had posed this question last week...why, as Christians when we are in the world, we eat right, exercise, make sure we look good but as soon as we give our life over to the person who made the above things possible we just let ourselves go? Not all Christians but many of my brothers and sisters in Christ begin to look homely, overweight, sluggish, we get the attitude, "if they love me they will just accept me for who I am." Wrong answer. I'm not saying go get yourself in debt just look good, smell good...heck no. There is a balance and we have the greatest blueprint on how to maintain a balance life...the Holy Bible.

Too many of Christians wait on God to do everything for them and we seem to forget it is a partnership, a covenant with God that we have with one another. Abram(before God changed his name to Abraham) told him to leave his pagan society to follow Him(Abram was from a pagan society and God ask him to make the leap of faith, I am so glad he made the choice to follow our Lord and Savior). God told Abram but did not force him to leave because remember God gave you and I free will to obey or disobey Him
. The same went for Noah. We have seen great people in the Bible disobey our Father, Jonah, Samson, David, Solomon...the point is we have that choice but there are consequences for our actions as well.

We are in a covenant with God. Not only does he want our spirit to be one with Him but also our health. How can we witness to people if we look a mess? We have to watch we put in our bodies, we have to exercise because we may not want to believe it but we live in a shallow world. I'm not saying that's the only thing to focus on but we have to in the world but not of the world.

We have to be healthy not only for God but for ourselves: being in shape gives you a pep in your step, you spend less on clothing (I'm 6'4" 280lbs, believe me I have a hard time finding clothing now. I can't imagine if I was 325, 425lbs), you're better in the bedroom for your spouse; it's a plus all around to be fit. We have to stay healthy for the people in our lives because you're a inspiration to your spouse, your children. They, we, want you around for a very long time.

Our bodies are our temples, just like our the vehicles we drive; take care of bodies and our bodies will take care of us.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and have a fantastic weekend. :-)

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

"Father, I pray my children would ask and that you would generously give wisdom to them as you promise".

Christian devotions:

Tech News:

Netcast to help you know:
Christian audio to help you grow:
image: google image

Oct 27, 2006

iPhone...Sure It Can Be Done, But Do We Really It?

Apple + new patent = iPhone speculation
story from CNN Money.com

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Apple Computer Inc. won a patent for a speech-recognition technology earlier this week, fueling speculation that the iPod-maker is laying the groundwork for a future "iPhone."

The patent, approved Tuesday by the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office, allows Apple to assign "meanings to spoken utterances in a speech recognition system.">>>more

Week in review: Browser battles
story from CNet News.com

The revamped Firefox includes a new interface theme and security enhancements such as built-in phishing protection. It also has session memory, which, when the browser is re-opened, brings back the set of Web pages that were in use when it was last closed. Changes have also been made in the technology to import RSS feeds, producing a feed list view with title and first lines.

The Firefox 2 launch comes just days after Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7, the first update to its browser in almost five years.>>>more

Clean Install Is the Way to Go with Vista
story from eWeek.com

IT managers have many questions when it comes to Microsoft Vista, whose final release is looming. One of the biggest: Clean install or upgrade?

To gauge the impact of a Vista migration on existing applications, eWEEK Labs upgraded a Windows XP system to Vista Build 5568. We tested using a Lenovo ThinkPad T41 with 1.5GB of RAM, a 1.6GHz Pentium M processor and an ATI Radeon 7500 video card. Each laptop was loaded with one of Ziff Davis Media's standard Windows XP images.>>>more

to read Friday's devotions and post>>>click here

Revenge Of the Nerds...To OuterSpace

'Nerd' outlines space ambitions
from BBC News

A 58-year old billionaire software engineer is set to join the growing but still exclusive club of space tourists.

Hungarian-born Charles Simonyi, who led the development of Microsoft's Word and Excel, will blast off onboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft on 09 March 2007.>>>more

for Friday's devotions and my post>>>click here

image: google image

Has Bill Gates Lost Touch With The Masses(or does he something we do not?)

Microsoft unveils Vista editions>>>more
from BBC News.co.uk

Let's be honest, it's still early to come out to give it thumbs up or thumbs down about Vista. I have learned over the years some products are good coming out of the gate, some products it takes time to build up steam to get going and other products are disasters before they even hit the shelves. How do I feel about Vista personally? I know I will have to use it later down the line, I will go out and purchase books on Vista but I may not begin using Vista until the middle of 2007 or 2008 because to me I think with Microsoft the first year their products hit the shelves is really the "test run".

from the BBC article people are not pleased so far but like I said it's early. One thing I still can't wrap my mind around is:

  1. Why is it going to be six(6) versions of this product?
  2. Why will it take about 15GB to run this OS(Operating System)?
  3. What's the deal with the EULA? (I need to listen to Leo Laporte and Paul Thurrott netcast again because I still can't make heads or tails of this thing)
I really hope Steve Jobs is taking notes of this what Microsoft is doing to it's core users. Steve and company can sit back and laugh at Bill or really take a good hard look at what not to do when it comes to your customers. Everyone knows that Microsoft is trying to bully people into Vista, they're not coming out with a Service Pack 3 until 2008 which as Leo puts it..."that means waiting forever because they can come out with Service Pack 3 this year." I have mentioned this in one of my post. I really wonder has Bill Gates lost touch with reality? Or maybe he has something up his sleeve. This year maybe the best year for Microsoft, maybe we should hang in there for the long haul, I hope for their sake because I know next year I'm working my butt off to get a couple of Apple machines and really get into Ubuntu because unless Microsoft pull of what Steve and company did with Apple, it's may take a long time for Microsoft to recover from this decision they have made with this OS. I'm not an expert and I'm learning more about the web, the different OS products and it's fun but I am a consumer that works hard to earn my money and when many consumers gets burned by a product where we have to plopped down $400 it takes a while for the average American to bounce back from that. But like I said in the beginning...it's too early to call.

Prove us all wrong Bill Gates...prove us wrong.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Great Day everyone. :-)

other tech news:
Free Wi-Fi Router Promotion Slated For San Francisco
Wi-Fi Exploits Coming to Metasploit
Linux guru warns on security of open-source code

Christian wisdom for Friday:
An Overflowing Cup,
Loving Your Children from a Distance,
Saying I Do to a Financially Strong Marriage

netcast to help us grow:
When Punishment Is Too Severe
The Alternative
Trusting God When What He Does Doesn’t Make Sense

netcast to help us know:
The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast
KFI Tech Guy 286

image: google image

Oct 26, 2006

Friday Devotions/Tech News...Happy Friday Everyone

**What Took Place at the Cross>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

One thing I really enjoy about reading or watching Dr. Charles Stanley is how God has used Him to teach the word of God and break it down to where even a child could understand the goodness of our Lord and Savior

This devotion I really encourage you to read: the devotion and the passage from Luke 23:32-43 because I believe many men and women in the body have this problem from time to time...really knowing if we are truly forgiving by God for our sins.

Let me say this once and for all...once you have giving your life over to Christ Jesus your sins...past, present, and future are forgiven. Once you have committed a sin and you truly repent of it God remembers it no more. Now does then mean that we can go out live the way we wish, get into all kind of mess and treat our forgiveness from God like a "Get Out Hell Free" card? No it doesn't and if we do live that way that means we were never saved because once you give your life over to Christ Jesus you go above and beyond pleasing our Father.

Now this does not mean that Satan will not tempt us in every way because you are now his enemy no doubt about my friends and we are not to give Satan no toehold in our lives what so ever; like our pastor always tell our congregation, "if let Satan ride, he's going to want to drive". We can't play around with Satan, we can not defeat Satan on our own, He's too powerful for you and I because anyone that has been practicing deceitfulness for over 6000 years has his craft down packed.

But the glorious thing about living for Jesus Christ is that no matter what Satan throws at you and I he can not take our lives, we are not condemned to Hell because we have been bought and paid for by the shedding of Christ blood at the Cross. Now can we speed up our death by living the way we wish to live, yes...just read about Samson(read the book of Judges). We can't treat our body any kind of way, we can't hang and shouldn't be around certain people that we once associated with because of the activity they still wish to pursue; we have to remember by Adam and Eve given in to Satan's temptation he is the "prince of the air" meaning that he is the ruler of this world.

How can that be if God is the creator of everything you may ask. God can not break His own laws, when Adam and Eve were created He gave them dominion over the Earth, it was meant for you and I to be rulers over this world but that was handed over to Satan once our Mother and Father gave in by eating of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve not only cut their oneness, covenant with God off but this is why we have sickness because of the choices they made and if you noticed in the Old Testament they had to constantly sacrifice animals to atone for their sins but when Jesus said, "it was finished" He was the ultimate lamb to atone for our sins but by Satan, still the ruler of this world we will suffer and go through hardship from time to time.

This will not stop Satan from trying to put a guilt trip on you and I when we fall short of God's way word but that is all it is, a "guilt trip". We have the victory, we know who comes out the victors so the next time Satan reminds you of your past...point to the Cross and remind him of his future. Your in God's house now, your in God's loving arms and Jesus is your lawyer and He has never lost a case. Once you give your life over to Christ Satan can not touch your spirit, you are going to heaven but also remember you have switched teams so to speak and there will be trials in your lives (read the book of Matthew, this where Jesus goes into great detail once you become a child of God).

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a Wonderful Day and Weekend. :-)

**a Must Read :-)


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Passion For The Lord

"Lord, I pray my children's souls would pant for you as the deer pants for streams of water".

other devotions for Friday: Just Do It, God Understands, What Now?

tech news: U.S. control of Internet remains touchy, Nabaztag: A conflicted Wi-Fi rabbit, Battery Recall Exacts Steep Toll on Sony

Christian netcast: The Joy of Salvation, Part 1, Who Cares? - Part 3, Behaviors That Bind Us - Part 2

Tech netcast: Security Now 63, Engadget Podcast 092, Robert Scoble and Eric Rice on Podcasting Future

for headline news>>>click here

image: google search

Is Google The Party-Pooper For Purchasing YouTube?

The YouTube party might just be over.
from MSNBC.com|Tech

For about a year we have enjoyed the weird and terribly fun video culture if offers. The ease with which people could post, watch, embed and link to videos created a phenomenon that certainly ranks among the top Internet experiences of all time YouTube was more fun than chat, more creative than Napster, and more energized than just about any Web-based application out there.>>>more

to read Thursday's devotion's and my post click here

Tech Thursday...Is Downloading Songs Good or Bad?

The Day the Music Died
story found on Wired.com

Dozing in my usual semi-vegetative state through another daily Wired News story conference, I thought at first I had misheard him. "... library of 90,000 songs, and iTunes can't handle it." That was Mike Calore, one of our editors, pitching a story about new software designed to help aficionados store their vast troves of music, collections so enormous that, without help, the iTunes library would collapse under the sheer volume.>>>more

to read today's devotion and my post on the devotion>>> click here

image: allposters.com

Oct 25, 2006

Thursday Devotion & Tech News

What Happened at the Cross>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

I love God's word, the mind of God. To me this is the only book you and I can read over and over and find new meaning, deeper revelation each and every time. Just when I think I know what happened at the Cross I may read the same passage and receive a better understanding of why Christ died for us. It's amazing of Christ true love for me, for you, for anyone that turns over their life to Jesus.

I am deep thinker, I'm not a brainy or anything but I think about certain situation and really ponder about them like with our Lord and Savior: to know that not only the anguish He was going to face, the friends you were going to make only to know in the end that one will betray you, one will deny you not only once but three times. Twelve men that walked with you for 2-3 years will now run for cover because they were afraid that they would receive the same fate Jesus did. To be riding on a donkey receiving praises one moment and being cursed at, spit upon the next. Knowing that your entire body would be ripped open down to the bone, beating so bad that you would not be recognized. Having to carry your own cross to the place you would hang for hours while people jeered at you, making fun of you. And all of this knowing that down the road that people to this day will say that you were a fake, a fairy tale, that people will think it's foolish to follow someone like yourself...why would Jesus put himself through this? He knew we could not save ourselves and most important His love for you and I.

I hear scholars try and explain the reason why we humans are the way that we are. As a child I was very interested in science and after all I have learned I have come to realize one thing more and more, to me the Holy Bible explains it all for me. It's amazing how I have done things and asked myself, "why in the heck did I do that?" Then I get into God's word and it makes it clear to me plain and simple...I was born into sin. I know I can not do anything without Him and I am so grateful. To me, atheists can call me foolish all they want but I know His goodness, His mercy, His grace for me, His love for me is true. Not because someone made me believe in Him, I grew up in church, walked away from God, tried other ways to feel that void in my life through reading horoscopes, reading Rune cards and stones but none of them performed the major thing that my Lord and Savior performed...He died for my sins so I live today and forever. To have happiness not only in heaven but on this earth as well and spread His Good News.

Thank you Lord for giving me another chance, for not giving up on me...Thank you.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a Great and Productive day everyone (you and yours)

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


God, strengthen my children with all power, so that they may have great endurance and patience.

other devotions: The Power of a Testimony, No Need to Pack, Ask More

tech news: Sports stay the same as technologies change, Security, Networks To Converge, And Move Offshore, Oracle to offer Red Hat Linux support

Christian netcast: Behaviors That Bind Us - Part 1, The Alternative, The 2nd Coming, Millennium and Final Judgment

tech netcast: Futures in Biotech 7: Dr. Ronald Desrosiers, Vickram’s View, KFI Tech Guy 289

for headlines news>>>click here

image: allposters.com

Thursday Tech News & Commentary

Building a Better Battery>>>more
from Wired Magazine

Wouldn't we want the ultimate battery for our PDAs, our mp3 players, and especially our laptops. I go to the Barnes and Noble, Borders, St. Louis Bread Company restaraunts (everywhere else they are called Pantera Bread Company) some people are using their batteries for their laptops but most of us are searching for a free power outlet(admit it, you do...I know I do). Right now I work on some laptops that is considered dinosaurs. The killing part is when I finally do get around and buy new laptops I will still have the same problems...battery life.

Some of the laptops now have pretty good battery life but I don't believe they have reached the "8" hour mark and I understand why; unlike our mp3 players which really has one function, our laptops, PDAs are doing multiple functions at one time. Safety is a factor as well. Thank the Lord that no one has not been injured during these batteries having a melt down and even though it's a small number of batteries that has been defective, this is not good for Sony.

I have a 3rd generation iPod and the battery life in that puppy sucks big time. the longest it can go is maybe 8 hours (it's helps if I have the equalizer set for flat and why would I have it set that way, I want to hear every sound possible in songs because I listen to mostly instrumental tracks), I also have a mini 6GB mini ipod before the Nano was released. I really like that small mp3 player. The battery life is much better than my older iPod because of the technology. The new Nano are really nice because of the flash memory card which needs less energy because there is no hard drive which means no moving part inside. The article from CNet has many researchers trying to come up with the "ultimate" battery, which would be nice.

The laptops battery life I believe has been helped along by faster and better processors but more needs to be done and from this article they are hard at work but as always, there is not quick solution. I thank the Lord that we even have the technology to do what I'm able to do now. Hey if I haven't received my flying car by now I'm patient enough to wait for a better battery.

One thing that has been looked at is larger flash based so not only would it make the laptop lighter but less components moving meaning longer battery life but I believe that's down the road but for right now I will settle for a safer battery so you and I do not have to worry about not being able to carry our laptops on airplanes or having a picture taken of our laptop after exploding. Just give me a safer battery for now and I will be a happy camper.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Great Day

more tech news: Mylo has potential, but it has holes, too, Blind Web surfers sue Target, Phones for That Other System

Christian wisdom: Haunting Sin, Caring for the Care Givers, Yielding

Christian & Tech netcast: The Priority of Peacemaking, dl.tv 103; False Premises of Retirement, Your Calls & Emails; NerdTV - Show 2 - Max Levchin

for headline news>>>click here

image: google image

Adobe Investment Into Web Applications Without Running A Browser

Adobe ponies up for Apollo from CNet.com

Adobe Systems plans to spend $100 million in venture funding to promote its software development platforms, with a particular focus on Apollo, which allows people to run Web applications without a browser.

Company executives at Adobe's Max developer conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday disclosed the plans to fund third-party software start-ups, in allocations over the next three to five years. The software maker also released a preview version of Apollo and other development-related tooling.>>>more

to read Wednesday devotion and my comment>>>click here

Hackers Claim To Have Cracked iPod Music Code

Hacker Unlocks Apple Music from Information Week

SAN FRANCISCO - A hacker who as a teen cracked the encryption on DVDs has found a way to unlock the code that prevents iPod users from playing songs from download music stores other than Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes, his company said Tuesday.

Jon Lech Johansen, a 22-year-old Norway native who lives in San Francisco, cracked Apple's FairPlay copy-protection technology, said Monique Farantzos, managing director at DoubleTwist, the company that plans to license the code to businesses.

"What he did was basically reverse-engineer FairPlay," she said. "This allows other companies to offer content for the iPod.">>>more

to read the devotions & my comments>>>click here

HDTV sales strong-among wealthier
from USA Today

NEW YORK--->Electronics stores are selling lots of HDTV sets, but that doesn't mean the technology has gone mainstream just yet. Well-to-do consumers still dominate buying: 26% of HDTV owners have more than one set--up from 11% last year--according a study out Wednesday from Leichtman Research Group. "That's a dramatic difference," says Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst. "What is developing is an HD divide.>>>more

for today's devotion & my comment>>> click here

Oct 24, 2006

Wednesday Devotions & Tech News

Your Body—God’s Temple>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

I'm glad Dr. Stanley brings this subject up about our bodies, what I may write may offend some people but I say this out of love. This is aimed for men and women (especially women) in the body of Christ because even today I believe many churches are not addressing this subject..taking care of our body.

Women and men of Christ, again I say this out of love but we have a crisis on our hands. The divorce rate are just as high as non-Christians. We are not taking are time when it comes to choosing our mates (we spend more time choosing a home, a car, a computer than choosing a mate for life). So many things we have to take into consideration, the mental state of the person we will bring in our lives, their love for the Lord, their discipline, their finances (yes their finances..that is one of the leading causes of divorce) and our appearance. Many churches don't wish to address this because the subject is sensitive, especially toward the sisters in the body of Christ but this must be said...ladies, our queens, we men are PHYSICAL creatures, there I said it but it's true.

This is not the only thing that attracts men to you but it's very important. God wired us to be visual and women to be internal. This does not give us men the right to be dogs and try to sex anything with a hole(hey, we are all grown here and trying to keep this subject as real as possible..this is why many non-Christians look at us and laugh, how can we tell them to keep their relationship intact if we can't). We, men and women have to keep our bodies in tact for our mates once we are married, plain and simple. We are all going to gain weight over the years but this does not mean we just let ourselves go. I have heard so many women over the years say, "he should love me just the way I am". Very true he should and I truly believe he does but I have heard it best put this way (from the Simpsons more or less) Marge told Homer when he was deliberately putting on weight, "I'm still in love with you Homer, but not attracted to you sexually the way I once was."

Many and I do mean many men Christians or non-Christians do want to step out on their spouse "just because", physical attraction plays a very big part of a relationship. Read the book *Song of Solomon. Every time the woman describes him she says, "my lover"...intimately, inwardly; when the man describes his lover he describes her physical beauty. To a man this is not the whole package but I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty big part of the package. Now let me say this to the man, this gives you no right, NO RIGHT to step out on your spouse when she begins to pick up weight or you think she is not keeping up herself the way she used to(she is the mother of your children, a housewife, so don't use the "Eric Benet" syndrome,"I have to have sex or I will die"). I'm tired of men using that as a cop out to have affairs with someone else, she is your best friend, your mate for life. And to my sisters in Christ, don't get upset when the subjects comes up because we have to be open with one another, this is what keeps a marriage strong, (but fellows be tactful when you bring it up please..she's a woman, your queen okay?)

Fellows, this does not mean we let ourselves go as well. How can I tell my spouse I want her a certain size and I'm not pushing away from the kitchen table myself...really do you think your spouse want someone as big as Biggie Small on top of her doing love making, I don't think so (like I said, I'm trying to keep this as real as possible).

To single men and women, keep yourselves together as well, physically, spiritual, and mentally as well. I have come across many of beautiful women in my days and as soon as they open their mouths my interest in them went right out the window.

And to the fellows, pick up good hygiene habits please. Women do not want a man that looks sloppy, don't wash his hands after using the restroom (yes women pay attention to this). God place place men and women on this earth not only to be man and wife but He also wanted you and I to take care of ourselves the best to our ability, to have fun in and out the bedroom. How can we win people to the body of Christ when we look like something the cat dragged in, it's just not possible.

Women, be true to yourselves and believe me, when your husband see that you are taking care of yourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically there is nothing he will not do for you and men, learn to appreciate the tremendous job your wife is trying to do not only by being a mother, a helper but by being a lover as well. The world is watching us, we (men and women) can't look young forever but if we keep our 'Temple' the best way we can we will have a happy, joyful, and strong marriage.

*Please read the books of Song of Solomon

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Great, productive Day.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

"God of Hope, grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness bu the power of the Holy Spirit".

Two Good (and fun) Things Coming This Week To The Web

Firefox 2>>>more
from CNet.com

Two good things are being released this month which to me that makes the web fun...Mozilla Firefox and Vox. Firefox 2.0 web browser has improved their browser and this is the reason I will not make IE7(Internet Explorer 7 now released) my main web browser. What make Firefox a cool browser is the features, the plug-ins, the tabbing (without this tabbing, I could not do my blogs as smooth as I do), the themes I can change, but it's the security that has always sold me on this open source product.

By this being open source it's like having a 24 hour security system for your browser. A couple of other things they have added that is cool is the spell checker, this works great for when you're doing blogs and it's has a tool where you can add words to your personal dictionary as well. CNet gives this product 8.3(how they come with the .3 I have no idea) out of 10. My advise to you, load it on your system and use IE7 only for either your updates for Windows or when you truly have to use the "other" web browser.

Firefox is available for the Mac, Windows, and Linux, check it out.

The other good thing that is being released to the public is a blogging tool from Ben and Mena Trott from Six Apart, Vox. This Thursday they are taking of the beta and invite sticker and releasing it to the public. I have been using Vox for a couple of months now and let me tell you, this to me is the "Apple" of blogging for me. It really makes blogging fun again. From the quick, interchangable templates, to uploading audio, video this let's do what you have always wanted to do...write. I like Blogger, my main blog is with Blogger what I like about it is I can tweak it by adding different items to it but sometime you can get bogged down with just doing that...tweaking it. With Vox (which is my personal blog) I can write and keep going. Some people may not like because you can't tweak it like TypePad, WordPress, or Blogger but to my advise..enjoy Vox for what it is...a fun tool to get to writing. A big shout out to Ben, Mena and the entire group from Six Apart for coming out with this wonderful, fun blogging tool, the Macintosh of blogging.

My advise, download the latest Firefox, use Vox, open upten (I know "upten" is not a word but it's a fun word so bear with me, okay?)tabs on Firefox, load audio tracks on Vox and blog to your hearts content. This way you can listen to tracks from other "Voxers" and write at the same time...a win-win situation.

Be Blessed, Be Safe &, never take that special person in your life for granted.

other tech news:
Hacker claims to have cracked iPod restrictions, Microsoft Offers Vista Discounts To Holiday Shoppers, World's fastest texter bested by computer

Christian reading for your soul: Commitment, Characteristics Of Great Leaders, How Could Someone So Persecute Jesus!

netcasts for your spirit and tech for your head: Replace a Critical Attitude . . . ( Part 2 ), MacBreak Weekly 12: Smokin', The Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet, NerdTV - Show 1 - Andy Hertzfeld

headline news>>>click here

photo: google image

Oct 23, 2006

Tuesday Devotion & Tech News

The Message of the Cross>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

What does the Cross mean to you? This devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley looks at it from different perspectives; from Pilate's view, from the disciples' view, from Mary's view, from the Pharisees and Sadducees' view, even from Judas's view. How about your view?

I remember when I REALLY became saved. The year 2000, my wife and I was sitting in our pastor's office and him asking was I saved. I told him that I raised in church and I had been baptized but in my heart I really did not know if I was. When the pastor showed me the passage in Romans and read it aloud it was like a huge weight had been lifted off of me and I really began to understand who Christ Jesus was and what the Cross meant to me.

It meant no more guessing about my salvation, it meant how much Christ Jesus gave up for me to have internal happiness and joy. The Cross meant to me where Jesus kept himself up for me because He knew what kind of person I was and what kind of person I could be once I gave my life over to Him. The Cross meant to me at was at a crossroads...either I was for Him or against Him, I know longer wanted to be against Him. The Cross meant to me I had to let go my own ways, my so called friends and be an outcast for people who did not understand my new life and ways. It's been a rough road but they is no way I could ever go back to the old life, never.

I have always been a "strange" kid coming up, an outcast. But now I realize if I'm going to be an outcast I might as well be in the best "outcast" camp there is...my Lord and Savior. I thank you Lord that you kept me alive so I can become one of your allies instead of one of your enemies. God is long suffering and does not wish anyone to perish. There is a saying that God watches over babies and fool, thank you Father for watching over me as an baby and given this "ol' fool" time to come to my senses and give my life to you.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and have a productive day everyone.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

A Servant's Heart

"God, help my children develop servants' hearts, that they may serve wholeheartdly".

other devotions: The Power of a Changed Life, The World's Patina, Be An Example

other tech news: Sony recalls 3.5 million more batteries, Google raises curtain on customized search engine, Mozilla unleashes Firefox 2

Christian & tech netcast for today: The Things God Uses - Part 2, Antichrist, America and Armageddon, The Alternative, Daily Giz Wiz 177: Pzizz, NPR:Science Friday, *NerdTV - Show 1 - Andy Hertzfeld

for headline news>>>click here

image: allposters.com

Oct 22, 2006

Devotions and Tech News for Monday

The Cross>>>**more
from In Touch Ministries

I don't wear a cross around my neck, I don't deserve it and I will not trivialize it because I know what Jesus Christ had to give up for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone who wears a cross around their neck is not for real about Christ because each of us has their reason for wearing one...or not.

Just knowing what God had to do from the beginning of time blows me away. Knowing that we were going to sin even before Adam and Eve walked the earth He knew He was going to have to turn away from His only son because of the sins you and I have done and will do in the future. When watching the Passion of the Christ and to see how Christ Jesus stood in my place knowing what he was going to endure makes me grateful and sad.

I had a meltdown today. I have a step son who tried to take my life about 5 years ago because I asked him to wash the dishes. Me and his mother had not been married no more than two years and it ended up with him and I getting into a argument, a scuffle (this is the result of his natural father not stepping up to the plate and not being a man from the beginning..to all the brothers out there, White and Black, if you're not willing to be responsible for a child, don't bring life into this world) and he ended up trying to take my life. I saw him today and a flood of that day came rushing back on me and I was about to do something I know I shouldn't do; I am trying to get past this, like a friend always says to me, "I am a work in progress". I have tried and tried and I say that I have forgiven him but deep down I haven't. Knowing that you treat their mother like a queen and they know I have never disrespected her in anyway you would think I would have a great relationship with them..but I don't. It's very hard to be a step parent and I have come to accept the fact they (her children from a previous marriage) probably will never accept me but there is nothing I would not do for this beautiful woman that is my wife and even though these are not my grandchildren by blood I love them just the same. This has been very hard on her as well because by him being the youngest, that's the baby child. She has not made excuses for his action but she's caught in a dilemma as well.

So to know that I am not a Jew by blood but how Christ gave His life for me to have everlasting life in heaven makes me feel ashamed of my behavior today. But i will ask for forgiveness, not condemn myself and keep going because God's love for me is real and He knew this was going to happen before I even we walked down the isle my wife and I and said "I do."

The cross for me is not just a piece of jewelry to worn around my neck, but it is my beginning, my middle, my end. His(Jesus Christ) broken by body has been my healed soul and spirit, knowing that I will reign with God forever and ever is all I need to know.

I don't need to wear a cross because it is in my heart, spirit, and soul. Keep me lifted up in prayer.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & have a productive work week everyone.

Love you :-)

~Praying For Our Children~
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to fight the good fight of faith, taking hold of the eternal life to which they were called".

other devotions: Ripples, People Are Watching, Temporary . . .

tech news: Security analysts: Mac attacks rare but may rise, PlayStation 3 shines in prelaunch test, *No HDTV for Me

netcast for today: TWiL 1: Hank Barry, KFI Tech Guy 294, NPR: Technology

christian netcast: The Things God Uses - Part 1, Antichrist, America and Armageddon, Trust Him - Part 3

*Article is from January 2006 but a good article
**Must read devotion

headline news>>>click here

Devotions & Tech News for Sunday

from RBC Ministries

Three words...three words our Lord and Savior said before giving up His spirit has changed my life forever, and I do mean forever. What an awesome feeling knowing what Jesus Christ gave up for me to have eternal oneness with God.

It's amazing how we can read long passages in the Holy Bible and get deep meaning out of it but sometime just reading one verse can have a very deep impact on your life. When Jesus hung on that cross and said, "it is finished" that was it, everything Satan thought he ownership over had Jesus Christ took it back and much more. Jesus Christ has connect anybody who confess in their heart that Christ is our Savior and believe in their heart that God rose him from the dead will be forever connect with the heavenly Father.

This is what I love about the Holy Bible, this is the only book we can read over and over again, read a passage you don't understand, ask God to open your heart, mind, and soul for understanding and we may get it right then and there, or time will have passed by and you're in a situation and He will bring understanding to you at that time. It just blows my mind the way my Lord and Savior works.

I may have mentioned this before but try this for a couple of months (I read this is what Billy Graham does), read a chapter of Proverbs each and everyday. This book alone will give you better understanding when it comes to coping with the world in general. To me this is one of my favorite, FAVORITE books in the Bible...it gives us a blueprint of how we should live our lives and that is just ONE book. Now imagine reading and taking in the whole book. Just makes me smile just thinking of it.

Down the road I may begin putting audio passages of the Bible in my personal blog, techmusicgospel.vox.com God has given me an opportunity to share not only my joy for tech and music, finding free software for people but more over, spreading His gospel via internet is and will be my main focus. His word is so awesome and has brought so much joy into my live I just can't keep this just to myself. Some people help God spread His word in so many different ways; some with song, some dance, some with rap, some with poetry, some through the information highway but we're all working together for Him because Satan is coming at you and I, our youth full force and we have to fight him head on with Christ by our side. There are so many battles in front of us we do not tackle and we must bring out in the forefront.

Sure we talk about the issues of homosexuality, abortion..these are important issues true enough; but what how divorce is rampant in our Christian community, what about Christians(my brothers and sisters in Christ) living together and not married, what about how we're (Christian & non-Christians) constantly having children out of wedlock, and my biggest pet peeve...division in the church because of race. How can get the world in order if we can't get our own camp in order?. I mentioned this before by the late Adrian Rogers, "we're the only army that shoot our own wounded."

When I lived in Sanford, Florida one pastor hit the nail on the head when teaching God's word, pastor Marvin Jackson said, "how come we have such a division when it comes to race in the church, why are we so divided when Sunday comes around, why?" We haven't achieved that ultimate, agape love as Christ wants you and I to achieve. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ, ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST. Our leaders in churches, on the radio don't really want to address this matter, why? Maybe if we did I truly believe we would be a very strong force against Satan and his demons. Since being on the web I have met so many wonderful Christians from around the world, Black, White, Hispanic, Asians...just learning from one another, just trying to do one thing, share the gospel with people.

We may not agree on every topic, Peter, Paul and the many other apostles may not have agreed on everything on a personal level but they did agree the main thing...getting the gospel, the TRUE gospel out there to masses. We have to do this, get our act together, we must stop analyzing one another and just practice the two commands Christ put before us..

**Matthew 22:34-40 (Amplified Bible)
Amplified Bible (AMP)

34Now when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced ([a]muzzled) the Sadducees, they gathered together.

35And one of their number, a lawyer, asked Him a question to test Him.

36Teacher, which [b]kind of commandment is great and important (the principal kind) in the Law? [Some commandments are light--which are heavy?]

37And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect).(A)

38This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment.

39And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself.(B)

40These two commandments [c]sum up and upon them depend all the Law and the Prophets.

I love you all, I appreciate you all my brothers an sisters in Christ, no matter what the race, we all are important and effective in the body of Christ, the world is watching us. :-)

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, & Have a Great Day.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Father, teach my children the secret of being content in every situation, through Him who gives them strength".

more devotions: God Knows Your Ways, Reaction or Response, Dare to Obey

tech news: Sony shows off PS3's online chops, Study of IBM Deaths Links Chip Manufacturing To Cancer, ***Wireless USB poised to cut the cable

netcast for your spirit: When Jesus Touched the Leper, The Alternative, It’s All About Relationship, 1

tech netcast: Windows Weekly with Paul Thurrott 3, PodTech.net, KFI Tech Guy 291