Oct 30, 2006

Tech News..Mainframes, LCD-TV, Competition for YouTube

Mainframes making a comeback story from CNN.com|technology Cheap little servers handle so much of the Internet's dirty work that giant computers known as mainframes, which debuted 50 years ago and often cost more than $1 million, are supposed to be passe. When Hoplon Infotainment, a startup video game company in Brazil, let it be known that it uses a mainframe to operate its signature online game, "People would actually take a step back and say, 'What? Did I hear correctly?"' said Tarquinio Teles, Hoplon's CEO.>>>more

LCD-TV reshaping electronics supply chain
story from techweb.com/eetimes.com

t's obvious that the rise of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Digital Televisions (DTVs) is reshaping the global television and display industries — but the phenomenal expansion also is impacting the wider electronics business, affecting diverse areas ranging from semiconductor production, to the overall chip market, to contract manufacturing.

An examination of iSuppli's vast library of research illustrates>>>more

Runner-Up Takes on YouTube
story from Wired.com

YouTube may be the king of online video, but if Arik Czerniak has his way, the king won't stay on the throne for long.

Czerniak is the CEO and co-founder of Metacafe, one of the web's leading independent video-sharing sites. The company is launching a new service Monday called Producer Rewards which will offer cash payouts to video creators who upload the most interesting and entertaining clips.>>>more

for Monday's devotions and my post>>>click here

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