Oct 26, 2006

Friday Devotions/Tech News...Happy Friday Everyone

**What Took Place at the Cross>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

One thing I really enjoy about reading or watching Dr. Charles Stanley is how God has used Him to teach the word of God and break it down to where even a child could understand the goodness of our Lord and Savior

This devotion I really encourage you to read: the devotion and the passage from Luke 23:32-43 because I believe many men and women in the body have this problem from time to time...really knowing if we are truly forgiving by God for our sins.

Let me say this once and for all...once you have giving your life over to Christ Jesus your sins...past, present, and future are forgiven. Once you have committed a sin and you truly repent of it God remembers it no more. Now does then mean that we can go out live the way we wish, get into all kind of mess and treat our forgiveness from God like a "Get Out Hell Free" card? No it doesn't and if we do live that way that means we were never saved because once you give your life over to Christ Jesus you go above and beyond pleasing our Father.

Now this does not mean that Satan will not tempt us in every way because you are now his enemy no doubt about my friends and we are not to give Satan no toehold in our lives what so ever; like our pastor always tell our congregation, "if let Satan ride, he's going to want to drive". We can't play around with Satan, we can not defeat Satan on our own, He's too powerful for you and I because anyone that has been practicing deceitfulness for over 6000 years has his craft down packed.

But the glorious thing about living for Jesus Christ is that no matter what Satan throws at you and I he can not take our lives, we are not condemned to Hell because we have been bought and paid for by the shedding of Christ blood at the Cross. Now can we speed up our death by living the way we wish to live, yes...just read about Samson(read the book of Judges). We can't treat our body any kind of way, we can't hang and shouldn't be around certain people that we once associated with because of the activity they still wish to pursue; we have to remember by Adam and Eve given in to Satan's temptation he is the "prince of the air" meaning that he is the ruler of this world.

How can that be if God is the creator of everything you may ask. God can not break His own laws, when Adam and Eve were created He gave them dominion over the Earth, it was meant for you and I to be rulers over this world but that was handed over to Satan once our Mother and Father gave in by eating of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve not only cut their oneness, covenant with God off but this is why we have sickness because of the choices they made and if you noticed in the Old Testament they had to constantly sacrifice animals to atone for their sins but when Jesus said, "it was finished" He was the ultimate lamb to atone for our sins but by Satan, still the ruler of this world we will suffer and go through hardship from time to time.

This will not stop Satan from trying to put a guilt trip on you and I when we fall short of God's way word but that is all it is, a "guilt trip". We have the victory, we know who comes out the victors so the next time Satan reminds you of your past...point to the Cross and remind him of his future. Your in God's house now, your in God's loving arms and Jesus is your lawyer and He has never lost a case. Once you give your life over to Christ Satan can not touch your spirit, you are going to heaven but also remember you have switched teams so to speak and there will be trials in your lives (read the book of Matthew, this where Jesus goes into great detail once you become a child of God).

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a Wonderful Day and Weekend. :-)

**a Must Read :-)


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Passion For The Lord

"Lord, I pray my children's souls would pant for you as the deer pants for streams of water".

other devotions for Friday: Just Do It, God Understands, What Now?

tech news: U.S. control of Internet remains touchy, Nabaztag: A conflicted Wi-Fi rabbit, Battery Recall Exacts Steep Toll on Sony

Christian netcast: The Joy of Salvation, Part 1, Who Cares? - Part 3, Behaviors That Bind Us - Part 2

Tech netcast: Security Now 63, Engadget Podcast 092, Robert Scoble and Eric Rice on Podcasting Future

for headline news>>>click here

image: google search

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