Oct 27, 2006

Has Bill Gates Lost Touch With The Masses(or does he something we do not?)

Microsoft unveils Vista editions>>>more
from BBC News.co.uk

Let's be honest, it's still early to come out to give it thumbs up or thumbs down about Vista. I have learned over the years some products are good coming out of the gate, some products it takes time to build up steam to get going and other products are disasters before they even hit the shelves. How do I feel about Vista personally? I know I will have to use it later down the line, I will go out and purchase books on Vista but I may not begin using Vista until the middle of 2007 or 2008 because to me I think with Microsoft the first year their products hit the shelves is really the "test run".

from the BBC article people are not pleased so far but like I said it's early. One thing I still can't wrap my mind around is:

  1. Why is it going to be six(6) versions of this product?
  2. Why will it take about 15GB to run this OS(Operating System)?
  3. What's the deal with the EULA? (I need to listen to Leo Laporte and Paul Thurrott netcast again because I still can't make heads or tails of this thing)
I really hope Steve Jobs is taking notes of this what Microsoft is doing to it's core users. Steve and company can sit back and laugh at Bill or really take a good hard look at what not to do when it comes to your customers. Everyone knows that Microsoft is trying to bully people into Vista, they're not coming out with a Service Pack 3 until 2008 which as Leo puts it..."that means waiting forever because they can come out with Service Pack 3 this year." I have mentioned this in one of my post. I really wonder has Bill Gates lost touch with reality? Or maybe he has something up his sleeve. This year maybe the best year for Microsoft, maybe we should hang in there for the long haul, I hope for their sake because I know next year I'm working my butt off to get a couple of Apple machines and really get into Ubuntu because unless Microsoft pull of what Steve and company did with Apple, it's may take a long time for Microsoft to recover from this decision they have made with this OS. I'm not an expert and I'm learning more about the web, the different OS products and it's fun but I am a consumer that works hard to earn my money and when many consumers gets burned by a product where we have to plopped down $400 it takes a while for the average American to bounce back from that. But like I said in the beginning...it's too early to call.

Prove us all wrong Bill Gates...prove us wrong.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Great Day everyone. :-)

other tech news:
Free Wi-Fi Router Promotion Slated For San Francisco
Wi-Fi Exploits Coming to Metasploit
Linux guru warns on security of open-source code

Christian wisdom for Friday:
An Overflowing Cup,
Loving Your Children from a Distance,
Saying I Do to a Financially Strong Marriage

netcast to help us grow:
When Punishment Is Too Severe
The Alternative
Trusting God When What He Does Doesn’t Make Sense

netcast to help us know:
The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast
KFI Tech Guy 286

image: google image

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