Feb 25, 2008

Pressure Truly Shows What A Person Is Made Of

I have to admit I allowed myself to be duped...duped by the Clinton's. Maybe as some people say, "the less of two evils" applied with me when going with the Democrats. No, I'm not switching parties because how I feel about the Conservatives and especially with the first four years of the Bush Administration if they would have had their way it would have been "House Slaves" and "Field Slaves". If it is one thing I can give the Bush Administration credit is that Bush truly showed that if you are having problems filling your tank at the pump, buying groceries that is your problem not his. Now I am not one to have the government bail us out of everything because sometimes we as a nation waste a lot of money on things we do not need, can not afford and then want to blame the big bad corporation on our choices in some things in life. With me, you know what your getting when you deal with the Republicans but with the Democrats I am learning they are just as but and maybe worse.

Hillary Clinton has showed me she will do anything and say anything to win. After watching Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live basically campaign for Hillary and how the skits tried to say that the press is soft on Obama and tough on her because she is a "woman". As I am writing this post tomorrow (Feb. 26th, Tuesday) will be the debate with Barack and Hillary and I am going to try and stomach this debate because what I am seeing from Senator Clinton she does not handle pressure well and as my beautiful/better whole said, "she's no better than President Bush" and you know what she hit the nail on the head. This is her last hour and some people get better when the pressure is on and some do not...she[Clinton] does not. From her desperate showing at the State of the Black Union, her rant about Obama questions about her decision on NAFTA, her sarcastic remarks about his speeches, Senator Hillary is not sticking to the topics we need to have addressed, she's trying to attack him personally. I keep hearing about her "experience" but what does that mean? Let's be honest, we have had bosses with all kind of experience but made situations worse in the workforce, in our classrooms.

One thing I have learned from experience is when you are not happy with yourself, when your home life is not in order, some people allows that to spill over into their work area and that is not healthy. No one has not or do not want to address this but you do not think that ex-president Clinton's affairs with 3 women is not having an affect on her? Do you really think that he[ex-President Clinton] want her to win? My gut feeling is "no" and I also feel that I believe this is the one chance she has to prove to herself that she is important. I could be wrong but from her going from saying, "her and Barack or friends" to trying to tear him down and I know she thinks, "it's not personal...it's business" just has me thinking that if she get the nod for the presidential nominee she will not be getting my vote and here's why.

I'm tired of Republicans treating us citizens (especially African-Americans) like tools and I'm tired of Democrats coming around and thinking just because they are Democrats that equals automatic African-American votes. We as African-Americans should be tired of the 2-4 year "political booty call" and they act as if they are our "white knights in shiny armor."

What I have gathered from the Obama campaign is that the government is there to help you not to hold your hand 24/7 and from what I'm seeing from her[Clinton] campaign is that she is doing what every other Left Wing and Right Wing has told the American votes year after year...what we "want" to hear instead of what we "need" to hear. But the sad thing most people want to be lied to so when the deals falls through we have someone to blame. My advise to Barack is to keep doing what you are doing because when you teach hope and self sufficient you build confidence in themselves and we as one person said today, "we the people become the masters and the businesses are the servants instead of the other way around." Hillary Clinton wants to be our "savior" and Barack wants you and I to begin using common sense.

Senator Clinton, I see how you perform under pressure and what I see there is no way I would want you as Commander-in-Chief. From what I am seeing you are no better than President Bush...if situations do not go your way, you try and bully your way to the top. Word of advise...when you manipulate your way to any position it ends up blowing up in your face...ask the current Commander-in-Chief.

Feb 21, 2008

When Creating a Limited Account On XP Turned Out Well

When our desktop got a trojan horse virus I had to reformat the hard drive and this time I created a limited account for myself, my beautiful queen, our grandchildren. I'm not going to lie, running with the limited account on XP can sometimes be a pain in the neck but I have heard computer professional constantly advise doing this because in corporate America they do this all the time and I have heard Leo Laporte mention when surfing the web you really should do this unless you really know what you are doing when on the web. It came in handy this past weekend.

Our grandson loves the web. He loves going on Nickelodeon, The Disney website, YouTube from time to time and he finds games to play on the web so him surfing the web was no difference than any other weekend. But when my the wifey tried to open IE (Internet Explorer) or even her "My Documents" she could not open it. I tried time and time again and couldn't do it. I logged out of her account and into administration mode and IE opened up just fine so that means either our grandson did something or something happened when he was on the web. So what I did was ran my anti-virus and anti spyware first on wifey's files (no infections thank goodness), burned a couple of her files on CD, deleted her limited account and created another limited account for her...problem solved.

Now if I would have not created a limited account and left everyone in administration mode I would have had to find out why IE would not open, why I couldn't access the "My Documents" folder, it would have been a nightmare, and I would not have been a happy camper so creating a limited account, especially when surfing the web was a life saver and a lesson for me because this time I did the right thing and not being stubborning when it came to creating limited accounts. Are they a pain at times to use in XP...yes. Was it worth it this time, yes it was. In Vista it's much better when running in limited account mode because Macs has ran they computers this way for years now because with Macs you can not install anything without giving the password for your system.

My advise for anyone who has young people, if you want your system to be more stable and not worry about having to reformat your computer set up "Limited Accounts" for yourself and your children when surfing the web. It will save you heartache in the end.

Feb 17, 2008

Reflections for Sunday, Feb 17th 2oo8

Join The Choir>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

This is a very "on point" devotion because it makes you realize that if you came to the Lord at a very young age you are truly blessed. Now allowing Jesus Christ into your heart at any age is a wonderful thing because you realize that what you thought you were missing out in the world you were not, who you thought were your friends really was not.

Sometimes coming to the Lord at a later age has benefits because sometime when you look "seasoned" people tend to respect what you say quicker than someone that is young; but let me tell you the reason for coming to the Lord at a young age.

First, you realize that what you to yourself and to others have consequences...you learn to respect authority at a very young age. It's amazing what I see when it comes to some young people. Last month I was taking pictures outside our apartment when three young children spotted me. They ran me down and ask me if took a picture of their sign they made on the frozen pond behind our apartment. When I went back and saw what it said, {F*** U}, I turned to them and said, "I can't take a picture of that". Young boy just shrugged his shoulders and went back to what he was doing like "oh well, your loss." As I told my beautiful wife about this she said some key points,

  1. He should have be ashamed to do participated in that activity in the first place.
  2. He should have been ashamed to even approach a grown person to begin with
  3. You should have said to him, "where do you live?"

Everything she said was on the money. I wasn't a saint growing up but there was some things you just did not do in front of adults whether if you were saved or not. You did not use profanity in front of grown-ups, you addressed them by "Mister, Misses, Ms." and "Ma'am" and "Sir"

Another plus of coming to the Lord at a very young age is you love yourself, you see that life is not fair, you develop patience, you always strive to do your best in everything you do and most important when you get older you will not have many, "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda" moments. What are those?

Those are past regrets. This is something that Satan uses on people, Christians and non-Christians alike. God has forgiving us of our sins when you accept Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior...no doubt about it. But every so often we allow our past to hold us prisoner every now and then in some area in our lives. I am guilty of this as well. I think about if I had listened about not having sex before marriage because I have had to many "close calls" worrying if I was going to become a parent (especially since I never wanted children, is that dumb or what...that is how children come about...through sex); if I had listened about not "shackin' up"...for me, I wasted so much time, money because living together is not the best of both worlds, it's the worst of both worlds. On one hand you are not married to that person but on the other hand you do not want to walk away and to be honest what's the ol' saying..."Why buy milk when you got the cow at home."

When coming to God early in life many times you save yourself a lot of headaches and most important you learn that God is not trying you stop from "having fun" he's trying to save you from "unnecessary heartache". We already live in a fallen world so why add unnecessary hurt to it in the process?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Sunday

Spiritual Message for today
What Does It Look Like?[part 2]
{click to listen...right click to download}
In Touch Ministries

My Tech Picks for Sunday:
audio pick:
MacBreak Weekly 77: Fries Done
Hosts: Leo Laporte, Scott Bourne, Alex Lindsay, and Merlin Mann.

tech story:
Yahoo's Jerry Yang is no Bill Gates
Want iPhone Apps? Get Ready to Shop in iTunes
MacBook Pros running dry in the channel ahead of refreshes

My download pick:
Firefox 3 beta 3

Feb 16, 2008

I'm Trying To Hang In There With You Vista, But...

Listening to Windows Weekly with Paul Thurrott and Leo Laporte. I really enjoy the show but the more I am listening to episode 48 (which I have listened to episode 49) the more upset I am becoming. I understand what Paul is saying about not installing a Vista on a machine that is 4-5 years old, heck installing XP on a machine that's 4-5 years is not good because you have to consider your processor, do you have enough RAM or maybe the your computer can not handle more RAM (I have one machine that only goes up to 512MB and XP needs at least 1GB to run sweet and your processor should least be 1GHz) but for Paul to tell people to "get over it." is wrong.

First, I know this but many people do not know this but when you get a new computer with Vista people are not equipped sometimes to buy a new printer and sometimes a new EXternal Hard Drive, a new external dvd/cd burner. Not to mention people may have to buy a new office application...people do not have the income you have Paul.

Second, with the vague release for Vista Service Pack 1 for me that's not a good business. From what I'm seeing from Microsoft is like what must fast food restaurant attitude is "you'll get it when you get it." Microsoft sees that it was bad enough with the delay of Vista now SP1 may not be released to the public until this Summer. We would have thought that SP1 would have been released by now. I may be wrong but if you want to push people to Apple keep this up.

I have Vista and so far so good it's been good to me. I still have issues with Vista but I am dealing with it because I have other Windows machines but other people may not be as patient or many people may not have access to other machines. I like listening to you Paul because most of the time I totally agree with you when it comes to Windows but this time I cannot. People want to really give Vista a chance but with the constant delay from Microsoft it's hard to stick with them.

Giving Goowy Another Chance

About 3 years ago I heard about this web based site on Net@Night and I gave Goowy a shot. What I didn't know that it was a AJAX based site and if you have a older machine you may not want to use it. It's really just for show really but I liked it because of some of the cool things it could do. Well fast forward to today and I have decided to give it another chance.

I must warn you again if you do not have a nice processor and at least 2GB of RAM in your machine this will not flow as nice. It's not as stable like GMail but one thing I wish Gmail had is the ability to create different folders instead of placing stars for important emails. Goowy is cool really for the younger generation because of the "eye candy" and you can create different widgets for your desktop...it has a calender, you can create tabs, subscribe to rss feeds, it has a music player {which for some reason I have loaded a song on it and couldn't get it to work so I need to send a comment on that}. Overall it's pretty cool. With email you can create folders to keep your important emails in different areas. You get about 2GB of storage which compared to Yahoo Mail and Gmail is 'chump change' but I read that later they will be offering larger storage capacity later down the road so that may be cool and 2GB of storage is nothing to sneeze at...that's still a nice size.

What surprises me is that it's still around (well, AOL acquired them so that lets me know it may be around for a minute) give it chance see you like it.

*update[5:23pm]: I just did a re-install of flash player & shockwave player and now my music player is working fine with goowy.

Feb 6, 2008

Reflections for Wednesday

Peripheral Vision>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

This devotion and biblical passage speaks to me and me personally. I think sometimes we forget than when reading God's word we have to take personal and not just "words on pages". I have to remind myself of this. These past weeks I have truly taken my eyes off the prize and have been looking backward instead of looking forward, searching for approval and not doing what God wants me to do. But God is so patient with me and I thank him for that.

It blows me away how focus Christ was. Nothing took him by surprise. I'm not saying he did not get disappointed or he did not get tired or hungry or thirsty because as we know, he was all man and all God(and I still can't wrap my mind around that but it is awesome). Jesus knew and knows today that we as humans we can get caught up in people praises and their insults; we can be our own worse enemy when it comes to dwelling on mistakes (I'm still kinda stewing that I allowed 56 free songs go to waste from eMusic because I let the promotion expire on me last night but I got to shake it off). We as followers of Christ have to know the cost when it comes to following him and Jesus tells us time and time again in detail what that cost may be when deciding to do it his way instead of the world's way.

He[Jesus] also reminds me that when following him I can not take my eye off of him, his commands, his principles...not one second. It's amazing how little by little we drift away from him and before we know it we do not get on our knees or face to pray, we do not read God's word and before long we are wondering why we react to certain situations the way we do, why even in times of prosperity we are still not content and joyful. I can not stew in my failures or bask and glow in my successes...always have to give God his time, always have to move forward because life does not stand still, time is being that you can not bribe, cheat, bargain with no matter what we try and do and slow it down.

I have to do this...God[his word, his principles, me being obedient to him] first, wife second, me third. When doing that how can I lose?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Wednesday

Spiritual audio for today:
The Consequences of Uncontrolled Weakness
from In Touch Ministries
{listen now or right click to download or subscribe thru iTunes}