Jan 30, 2009

Reflections from Today's Devotional

Devotional for Today: "Planting Time"
Passage Reading: Galatians 6:6-10 (New Living Translation)

"Sow today what you want to reap tomorrow."

What a powerful statement.

We never take this "sowing and reaping" theory to heart until something bad happens in our lives like a job loss, a love one walks away from us, a friendship ends then deep down when if we are really honest with ourselves we begin to self evalute our situation. We realize that we could have been a "little" nicer to that sales associate or we could have carried the weight a "little" more, we begin to run into the famous, "shoulda, woulda, coulda" senarios in our mind. It's amazing how I try and think behind the scenes of some events when it comes to bad news. When I see on the news when someone is being interviewed in reference to a job loss, the first thing pops in my mind is, "was he or she kind to the people around them?" "Did they treat the night cleaner nice?" Part of that comes from the fact that I'm a night cleaner and I see how corporate America treats the blue collar workers and it's not good and in my mind sometimes these are same people looking into the news camera, tears swelling in their eyes asking, "Why did this happen to me?"

Deep down you know why.

This is not to say every bad thing that happens in a person's life it's their fault, many times that person has sown good in another person life or have gone over and beyond to help their company prosper and the end results is a loss of job. That person may have been a wonderful person to everyone they have met and events take place where they have no control over the same question arises, "I've done my best/I've treated that person with honor and respect and they walk right out of my life, why?"

I have been on both sides of that coin, many of us have and what I have learned from both sides is that believe it or not it feels much better in your spirit and in your heart to have tried your best and to be let down than to have caused the train wreck in your life. That may sound odd but think about, even though both hurt it takes most people more time to recover when you were at fault. You begin going through many, "What If?" moments in your mind. When you have not caused the hurt in someone's life it really hurts but in time you realize that it may have been the best thing to have happen to you.

The devotional today from rbc makes me take in the fact that when you seek God's heart you cannot go wrong because He will always be there for you. People will be people, they will let you down but when reading His word every day it makes you realize we live in a fallen world but when you constantly sow good in other people's lives you are the winner in the end.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Friday.

Great messages for Friday

Dr. Charles Stanley - The Rewards of Service
Pastor Paul Sheppard - Conclusion of: Lessons We Can Learn from Abraham 1