Nov 6, 2009

Reflections on Friday's Devotion and Passage

Friday's Devotion: Where History Comes Alive
Friday's Passage: Exodus 13:14-16 (New International Version)

It's funny as a child how I had a very vivid imagination when it came to the stories I would read and hear when it came to the word of God. I remember sitting there imagining "what it would have been like in the ark" or seeing the people of Babel building the tower toward heaven. Sometime I would smile at the thought of actually being there...but then there were times I would be frighten when hearing some stories of the Bible like the book of Revelation but over all to hearing the story of God's people has always intrigued me.

What I didn't know was the impact it was having on me, even when I walked away from God for about 10 years but always in my heart, in my mind God was welcoming me back into his arms because in the end he knew that is where I was supposed to be because the older I grew the more I realized that God was not keeping life from me, he was keeping life FOR me.

My all-time favorite story is Moses. As a child I loved the fact that Moses had a chance to be powerful man in a family but knew deep down something was not right about it. In the Cecil B. DeMille adaptation it Moses as a person that strong throughout his life and rarely made a mistake. But later in life I began reading the Bible and realized that I could relate to Moses in some ways...he stuttered, he was flawed, he made mistakes, he became angry, sometimes at the wrong time and I realized, "That's me!" The cool thing about God is that everyone God chose had issues, had short comings and yet God knew their heart and still blessed them.

Now the awesome thing about God is that even though they may have been blessed, with their choices they still had to deal with the actions of their choices, including Moses...he did not get to enter the Promise land because of his temper and choice when striking the rock twice instead of once. I think the reason why we have so many people disliking the People of Jesus Christ is that some of us put ourselves on a high horse and we forget the mess we were delivered from and we may still have issues we deal with from time to time.

The devotion and passage today for me is for me to begin reading the Bible to my grandchildren before they go to bed and to begin to let them know that I'm not perfect, they are not perfect but God loves them the way they are, He created them, and to begin planting the seed of the love of God, the fear of God and to trust God and in order for them to learn this I will have to walk closer with God because one thing is clear...children many don't do what you say...they do what they see you do.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Friday


Great Message to check out for today: Conclusion of: Getting Married, Staying Married 3

photo: interfaceLIFT/ Macindows

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