Nov 3, 2009

Reflections of Tuesday's Devotion For Me

Tuesday's Devotion and Passage
Helped By Fear - Our Daily Bread
Proverbs Chap 9:vv 1-12 -

Today I'm going to try and begin using fear as an asset instead of hindering my life. I'm not going to lie, I have let fear stop me from doing so many things I know I should be doing because I'm afraid of sounding silly or failing or even asking God for certain things that I know that will help me in the end in regards to my relationship with Him.

I have heard a powerful message from Joyce Meyers, "10/29/2009 The Power of Simple Prayer"{link to the mp3:} and I have burned it to CD and I listen to before going in to work every day. Zig Ziglar says in order to get into a good habit you have to do it 21 consecutive days and to get the full understanding of something you have to listen to a message at least 16 times. It's amazing with God's Word or men and women that are teachers of God's Word how you can learn something new each time you hear a message. I'm learning that whenever I hear a great message or watch Christian programming I find myself in a very good place when it comes to my spirit-man and I have to begin doing this more and more because in the end it will help my light shine more in honoring God.

I'm learning every day the true meaning of "fearing God"...not fearing Him because of sheer terror of my Heavenly Father but fearing that I do not want to dishonor Him. I still have a long way to go in that department but the more I get that in my soul the more I learn what good things He has for my life and that is a very cool place to be in my life. Today's devotion and passage makes me realize that (1) God is a loving, caring God and (2) Obeying God is the best thing because I'm truly learning that when He tells me "no" he's not trying to keep me from living life but experiencing life to it's fullest. It's funny the things we know we need to do but don't do them and then we wonder why our lives are not the way they should be but deep down when you are honest with yourself you know the answer. For me, it's time to become the man God want's me to be and stop fearing the process it will take to become the man God wants me to because I'm not getting any younger and I want to have peace within and no one else can give me that but Christ Jesus.

Yes "Fearing God" is not a bad thing because when you truly learn what that means you begin to see His ways and the world in a totally different light.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Tuesday.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
      do not depend on your own understanding.
 Seek his will in all you do,
      and he will show you which path to take."

~proverbs 3:5-6

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