Sep 17, 2009

Reflections From Today's Devotion & Passage

Reflections from today's Our Daily Bread devotion
& passage
photo from Luis

I really like this devotion because it truly speaks the truth when it comes to Followers of Christ, we are "deep thinkers". It's funny how the secular world thinks that Christians are some "mindless zombies" that fall for anything where it's really the opposite. When you study God's word, pray to God, listen to God(yes, I said listen because sometimes we talk and talk and not take time to hear God's response, His guidance for our lives) listen to great teachings of God's word we realize what the world is truly made of and we can move with ease of mind.

One thing is what today's devotional makes clear, it gives us clear discernment when it comes to people actions: how non-Christians respond to issues in their lives, how they interact with people. These past two days has been a eye-opening experience for me because I have not been viewing my current job that way. At first I thought it was just the fact that I would be away from my job for the next five days that was bringing me joy and it was making the hours go by smoother but it wasn't because if it was I would have been more anxious and more tense but it has been the Holy Spirit giving me peace, having me realize that when people get upset, when people do not listen they are so wrapped up in their own lives that they are not thinking of someone else feelings. When you are a "Thinking Christian" you view yourself as a servant of God and you look for Him for peace, for words of wisdom, to think before you speak. Yesterday instead of saying mean things under my breath I began saying, "Thank you Jesus" and "Lord, Bless Them" and I really get what the latter means because when you say it from the heart you can do nothing but smile and laugh. God knows I need this job because I have small things I have to take care of: you know like paying bills, providing a roof over me and Mrs. head...stuff like that. (come on people, it's okay to laugh, God gave us laughter.)

When you are a Thinking Christian you know we live in a falling world caused by the "First Adam". You begin to realize that you do not make excuses for someone rude, deliberate actions but you understand why they do it because of the hurt they are going through, the lack of training they may have received as a child, how many times we have been taught that the world revolves around "us" and the heck with anyone else. When being a Follower of Christ you begin to think of working for God and not your manager, not your team lead and your day goes smoother.

You will have rough patches some days but you get the mind frame that you are there to shine for Him and not for yourself...when you shine for Jesus Christ everything that you deserve truly falls into may not happen overnight but it will come. Now does that mean that you stay at a job no matter what the conditions are? No. But when you finally move on from that "tent" to another(sometimes you have to think of your job{not your occupation}as a tent because sometimes we get wrapped up in the moment and that can be frustrating)you would have passed that "test" and when heading to another job you will not have to go through it again because believe me God will have you go through it again until have that, "Oh, I get it! Thank you Jesus" moment.

Yes being a Thinking Christians and working for Christ Jesus truly has its that is true "Trickle Down Economics" that works.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Thursday


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