Feb 6, 2007

devotion & reflections for Today ^_^

Spiritual Passion>>>more
from rbc ministries|our daily bread

to hear my gospel/christian songs for today
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What steals your zeal from Christ Jesus. I have to confess, mine is gadgets and television and working a full and part time job. This is about to change. Yesterday after getting home from the 1st job, I went straight into the bedroom, changed into my work clothes, opened up the Bible, read a passage from Dr. Stanley's devotion book and the biblical passage to be read for yesterday, laid down and let God speak through the Holy Spirit He has giving each and everyone one of us who has turned our lives over to God. Got to the second job on time and manage to get out of there on time.

But then I screwed up when I got home...turned on the television and did not go to bed until late, got up late this morning, got to work late and now I have to stay late because of that and the worse part, I did not get a chance to go before my Father to thank Him for waking me up this morning, asking Him what is His plans for me today. I have said over and over I need to cut out television throughout the week because I do not have time to watch it. I need to get home, hop in the shower, spend some time with my heavenly Father and go to bed but I keep falling into that same habit of "television". There is nothing wrong with watching television but everything must be put in their proper place and T.V. should not be at the top of my list.

I find that when I give God my whole hearted attention He leads my footsteps through the roughest terrain in my everyday walk at work, at home....everything. So this should be a no-brainier, right? Not for me. This is making me realizes what is more important in my life and I'm not liking what I'm seeing and I can not blame anyone but myself. I'm not condemning myself but I am convicting myself because whenever I have turned anything over to Christ my outcomes have been nothing but good. So..no more talking, time for me to walk the walk because He has put too much in me to waste time and time is something we can not bargain with, bribe, buy back. I love my life and I love the abilities that God has placed in me to reach.

How is your passion for Christ?

Be Blessed,

Be Safe,
& and always have a Great Tuesday.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church

Love For God's Word

"Lord, may my children regard your Word as more precious than gold and sweeter than honey."

Psalm 19:10

messages from OnePlace.com tech news for tuesday netcast for today from TWiT image: allposters.com

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