Aug 16, 2006

WooHoo....TechTv...ummm..Well Sorta

TechTv reborn As 'UndoTv'
story found by Luis from Wired News|Technology website
read the complete announcement from Chris Pirillo website

Talk about a dream come true...when TechTV was cancelled I believe in 2004 for the G4 televison show (which to me this day I have always said that network kills more brain cells than alcohol) I was really dismade because to me it just proved the point that executives that work in the television industry want to "dummy down" programs to a point where we're babbling idiots; it's to the point the only shows left for me to watch is TBN, INSP, The Golf Channel, HGTV, TLC, and the The Travel Channel (shows like Monk, Pysch,
the Law & Order series, and The 4400 are regular television dramas and comedy shows I watch...oh and The Simpsons, can't forget about the Simpsons).

Fast forward to today...Leo Laporte, John C. Dvorak, Kevin Rose, Chris Pirillo, Patrick Norton, Robert Heron, Roger Chang (man I can go on foever with this list) are more popular than ever thanks to their podcast shows and their shows on the web has taking technology to a whole new level. Guys like them and friends like Luis and Javier have inspired me to create this blog.

Now Mr. Luis, the Guru of research has found an article that has some of the old crew from 'TechTV' forming their own channel...UndoTV. 'Call for Help' & 'The Screen Savers' shows were not only entertaining but was packed with so much information. 'Call for Help' was really for the novice user (like myself at the time) and 'The Screen Savers' was geared toward advanced tech heads. The two shows was really a plus for television but was losing money and that is when Paul Allen sold the show.

Now happy days are here again with the developement of this show and if this is true , I will be proven wrong...people really do want 'intelligent television'.

other articles: new planets, sightseeing, greg laurie's devotion

photo:Aurora Page

1 comment:

  1. Heard you talking to Leo on his KFI podcast. The word is "dismayed", not dismade. Thought you might like to correct it. Keep up the good work. I have bookmarked your site.

    God Bless
    Slater Tubman
    Wolseley, SK Canada
