Aug 22, 2006

Daily Devotion for Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Not To Get On God's Bad Side>>>>more
from Harvest Online website

I was a child that got into trouble a lot...I wasn't a trouble maker but just one of those kids that whenever I tried something I got catch; for instance, my cousin Freddie had a wind up Evil Knievil motorcycle and action figure and we were playing with it in the alley. Freddie would wind it up, let it went into the streets one time and rode right under a moving car...Not a scratch on the action figure or motorcycle, we thought that was so cool. I got a hold of the action figure and toy motorcycle, wound the toy up, let it go into the street...SPLAT!!! A tractor-trailer came along and smashed it into pieces. Man I got a beating that day from my mother and earlier that day she told me not to play with his toy but by me being disobedient I did it anyway.

My mother was the kind of mom that she meant what she said when she said it, if she could buy me something she would, if she couldn't she wouldn't. If she told me not to do something and I did it, I got corrected for it and it wasn't because she did corrected me out of anger but of love (didn't feel that way at the time...LOL). Some kids she would let me hang out with and others she did not. Now at the time I thought she was being mean but later in life I had to go back and thank her because she knew best.

That's the way our Heavenly Father watches over us....God loves us no doubt about it but if you ever get on God's bad's not good. Our pastor has taught our congregation that when you're God's child...He chastises you when you are out of His will...when you're are not a child of God...His wrath is upon you. Is that mean and cruel no, not at all. God is a patient God, His grace and mercy is wonderful...look at Noah, it took Noah and his sons about a 100 years to build the ark and God had Noah preached the Word to the unsaved. Just think, he build, he preach...he build, he preached and no one took heed to Noah's word for about a hundred years. When the flood came the people had no one to blame but themselves.

God wishes no one to perish but God does have a time limit...don't test Him because the
consequence can be servere.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Father, teach my children the secret of being content in every situation, through Him who gives them strength.

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