Aug 19, 2006

Devotions and Wisdom For The Weekend...August 19 & 20 2006

Staying Committed To God>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

It's hard to keep your focus on our Lord and Savior when you're going through a rough patch in your life...whether it's dealing with people on your job, your finances, dealing with your children in their teenage years. We go through guilt, anger, sadness when we call on Him and it seems nothing is happening. I remember on one television broadcast when Dr. Stanley said, "when we're waiting, God is working".

We can't see what's going on in the background but let me assure you, God has not left our side. While we're going through the storm, God is making us stronger and stronger because it will get better and we will come out wiser each and every time. Sometimes our plans fall through and we knew that was the right decision or idea at the time and we can't understand why things did not work out but later on down the line we thank God that 'idea' or 'situation' did not pan out the way we thought it should go.

There is a saying which is so true: "Thank God he does not answer ALL my prayers".

Have a Blessed, Safe, Productive and Fun weekend.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Emabassy Church

God, please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all

Titus 3:2

other wisdom tibits: teaching children about finances, overspending during the holidays, nurses assisting in patient not smoking

photo: google image

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