Aug 15, 2006

Something Old (Protopage)/Something New ('s beta)...sorry nothing Blue has released a new beta version of their popular blogging publishing tool with a little more flexibility for us bloggers, which is a very good thing using a software called AJAX...but before I continue with the new,lets start with the old;

something old....

Earlier in the year, I heard of this new software application, protopage that uses AJAX, which is pretty cool: for example, you can make a item (they look like sticky notes) on your desktop that can show the tempature and another small window(sticky note) with your bookmarks, another with your photos and so forth; then you can move the items around on your desktop, arrange them anywhere you wish.

Amber and Leo from Inside the Net interviewed the creator of protopage, Andre Parrie. You can change the background color of each "sticky note" or widget (I don't know if I can actually call it a "widget" but bear with me, okay?). I told Luis about this cool little site (which was a first, I actually told him about a new fun tool for the computer). I haven't played around with it in a while but Luis found protopage (second time around...LOL) and sent me an invite to try protopage. Trust me, take it for a test drive (it's free...of course) you'll have fun with the tool.

which brings me to...

something new....

Google's has released a beta version of the popular blogging tool that will let you move windows around when you are editing your blog (this too uses a form of the software AJAX). This will give us bloggers more flexibility to arrange our blog window the way we wish.

Adding Link lists is much simpler (before you had to know a little HTML to arrange your blog window...or copy and paste like I did), changing your borders, using more fonts is a added plus as well; yes sir, everyone will be their own "Daily Planet".

These two tools are making it really easy to publish our thoughts and to get them to the masses. WHOOOOO!!!! WHOOOOO!!!(my impression of Ricky Bobby) WHOOOO!!!!

both items found and submitted by Luis
comments by darrenkeith

photo: GUAPA

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