Aug 23, 2006

Selecting Hearing.....Devotions for Wednesday, August 23rd 2006

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devotion from InTouch Ministries

I learn so much from our pastor, he is a true man of God. I respect pastor Griffin because he does not compromise God's Word...he let's the Holy Spirit work through him and tell the congregation what God has placed on his heart no matter if the subject is painful or not. It's amazing how we hear one thing or not another like homosexuality...most Christians hearthat loud and clear when the pastors says that's a sin (which it is) but when the pastor touches on 'sex outside of marriage', 'living together out of wedlock', it's like some people hearing just shut off. Having tough love on strangers or friends...loud and clear pastor, tough love on family members?...Huh?!? What was that again?

The book of Jonah in the Holy Bible may be one of shortest books but it's packs with so much information, knowledge in there. Disobedience, selfishness, self pity, arrogance, prejudice, humor.

When God tells us to do something, we must do it plain and simple. We can do what we want because our heavenly Father has giving us free will but sometimes He will let the flood gates of trouble flood our lives until we come back into His loving arms. I have noticed that first hand in my life. I know He has told me to do one thing and I do something else because I want to do it my way and every time I end up coming back repenting and doing His will and the results are awesome.

His love for us is so great, so merciful but he is a just God. He only wants what is best for us even if we don't understand why at times. I'm a work in progress but the more I see when obeying God the results are so nice it gets easier and easier to heed to His direction for my life.


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Lord, help my children to fight the good fight of faith, taking hold of the eternal life to which they were called.

other devotions for today: rbc ministries, greg laurie, leading the way

photo: google image

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