Aug 14, 2006

Open Office: An Alternative to Microsoft Office (oh...and did i mention it was FREE)

This is one of the reason why Luis and Javier are very good at what they do: finding software tools and applications for your computer and will cost you nada, zip, zero.'s Open Office (version 2.0.3) is that tool.

This open source office suite is good for people who either can't afford to shuffle out $200-$300 for an application or like me, is just tired of paying outrageous prices for a office application that frankly hasn't really changed since Office 2000.

The size of the program is 93MB (after installation the size is over 200MB) so people who are still using dial-up...please have a friend to download this for you (you can order the program on CD
from Microsystem for a donation). Once you get this program installed you will really like the performance. I use this suite more than the Microsoft Office suite...I have OpenOffice on my laptop and i really like.

The program has just about all the applications as Microsoft Office, except for Outlook (but hey, I don't use Outlook myself unless I was at work, and at home that's why I have Yahoo and Gmail). The word application ( Writer) is a sweet little program that let's you save documents in a PDF form...I hear Microsoft Office 2007 will do this but this gem of an program beat them to the punch.

To me, Sun Microsystem has a winner on their hands with this treasure. Who says something for nothing is not worth a thing...not me.


1 comment:

  1. A fairer comparison to open office would be the product which Microsoft sells at a closer price point which is Microsoft Works. This sells for a few bucks if you buy it with a new PC. You might like it as well if you like openoffice.
