Nov 11, 2006

Weekend Devotion Reading...Good Morning

Remembrance Day>>>more
devotional reading from rbc ministries

Remembering Jesus Christ and why He did for me gets me up and going every morning. Knowing that His blood was shed for me to be able to have a peace and joy here on earth is one of the best treasures I have...nothing comes close, nothing.

My life is not all rosy but knowing I have someone with me that is guiding me through each day, helping me chose my words, helping me interact with others, helping have patience with others day in and day out takes so much of the weights off my shoulder. Some people who encounter me say I have a "if it happens, cool...if not, that's fine too" attitude. It's not that, I strive for peace in my life, I don't enjoy unnecessary drama in my life and that is why sometimes I think I am at odds with many people because for me my time and words are very valuable. I'm not saying this to be arrogant but tomorrow is not promised to me. And now that I have Christ Jesus in my life I don't have time for the "stupid stuff".

In remembering Jesus Christ I strive to live like Him. I will never be perfect like Him but I try to not make choices in my life that will hurt me down the road. I have made plenty of mistakes and will make more each day I live because I am a "work in progress". There are areas in my life that I need help on and I ask Him everyday to shed light upon them. I was listening to a message yesterday from pastor Paul Shepard on when you follow Christ Jesus it will cost you but the reward is out way the cost and it is so true. Some people at work I am
the "odd man" out and even within my family, my marriage I am not like but knowing that I am pleasing my Father brings a smile to my face and a pep in my step...and this brings me a very important point...

always be equally yoke, have someone that shares your same dreams, your same goals. Someone that truly loves the Lord and not just giving you lip service. A person that will be honest with you when you are not up to your full potential, a person that appreciates what you do, sacrifices you make them and return everything I mentioned back to that husband or wife in full. When you choose your mate, take your time because many single people(and I am not saying it doesn't hurt when you do not have someone in your life) because it's better to be single, searching, asking God to for your mate than jumping into a relationship and worse a marriage and later finding out this may not be the right person for you. I have spoke with many of people who find more pleasure working long hours than going home to chaos. Being equally yoke makes a more peaceful home. :-)

Remembering what Christ gave up for me makes me strive to get His word out there more and more...whether through my blogs, talking with people, just sharing with people how much He has done for me brings me happiness be I am bing obedient to Him. He gives me wisdom because let face it, many people will not come to Him and I have learned not to feel rejected because they are rejecting Him, not me and as long as I plant that "seed" in people I have done my job. That is why so many people get turned away from the Faith because many Christians come across as "judgmental" and "spotless" and without blemish. I do not judge the person, just their choices as well as I should be judged by my actions. God hates adultery but does not hate the person that is committing the sin...God hates homosexuality, but does not hate the homosexual...God hates fornication, not the fornicator...God hates lies but loves the liar...God HATES sin, not the sinner.

If we as Christians can truly get that across, letting people know that we are not perfect(God knows I still have issues) more people will be open and some will not because in the end, God has given you and I freedom of choice. It does not mean just because He has given you and I that choice that we should go down that path. He is just like our parents,your parents love you but will not tolerate some of the choices you make if it goes outside their will, plain and simple.

Do I have a "Remembrance Day" for Jesus...every day He wakes me up.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a Great Weekend.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


Let faithfulness never leave my children, but bind this virtue around their necks.

Proverbs 3:3


Lord, may my children always be strong and courageous in their character and their actions.

Deuteronomy 31:6

devotions for this weekend:

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