Nov 3, 2006

Happy Friday Everyone...Devotions For Your Spirit

Getting Even>>>more
from rbc ministries

This concept I have made progress but I am still a work in process. I have grown in this area of my life because it is so true that when you seek revenge the only thing that it accomplish is your time, your health, your sanity and not the person you have in your site for getting even. Somethings you learn early in life and something you learn later in life. This one I wish I would have learned early in life but when Christ was not my life, this was the only thing I knew at the time.

Holding grudges, trying to get even only gets you twisted up mentally, physically. It pushes people away from you because your whole demeanor changes and people pick up on that change in you. You begin to build walls around yourself, afraid to let anyone get close to you and you think you're being protective but you are only hurting yourself. I am not saying not be cautious because sometimes people can be cruel. If you know that person has done you harm on purpose, let them know what they have done, forgive them. If they have a attitude as if they do not care you still forgive them and move on with your life and not have any dealings with them (unless you work with them) because our Savior did not die for you and I to be walked over.

Some people may not know if they have offended you and that is why communication is the key. This is a concept which has taken me years to come to grips with but it has finally sank into my thick skull. When you truly want peace of mind ask the Lord how to address the individual and then go and speak with them. Sometimes we find out it was all a misunderstanding.

Forgiving is a hard concept, I'm not going to sugarcoat this subject, we are wired to get even when people have wronged you and I, God know this because the fall of man in the garden and sin was introduced in our lives but He sent His son to give you and I a blueprint on how to live or lives.

Once we realize we are going to get hurt from time to time and we learn to forgive and not waste energy to get even we will always be open to love and being loved. It's a beautiful thing to have a forgiving heart because a closed heart only brings "looking over your shoulder" and not being able to be yourself.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe,
& Have a Great Friday & Weekend everyone. :-)


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Father, grant that my children would learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who lives in them".

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