Nov 22, 2006

Devotion and Reflections for Wednesday

devotion from rbc ministries

This was a neat devotion. I try leave "heartprints" where ever I go. Not to be noticed but because coming up as a youth and going through the things I have went through, I always said to myself I will try and not treat people the way I was treated. Prime example, when first entering high school, I don't know where this tradition came from but juniors and seniors would call "freshman day" where that was some sort of hazing really; they stuff freshman in lockers, beat on them, make the run around the gym in the jockey garment (or as we called them jockey straps). I was blessed in many ways (well one was I was 6'4" and about 245lbs so that helped me a lot) but I said to myself whenever I became a senior I would not do this to incoming freshmen and I didn't.

Leaving "heartprints" is a choice of a individual plain and simple. I remember hearing a pastor talk about you want to leave a good feeling whenever someone mentions your name and I know what he's talking about because it happens in your church, at work, on campus each day. When we here some names it brings a smile to our faces and with other names of individuals mentioned, eyes get the rolling, HUGE sighs come out, smiles drop from our faces and comments like, "or...are you sure you want to have him or her over?"

One good way is just be yourself, I learned this about 15 years ago from a close friend. People would always gravitate around him and I always wandered why. I watched him day in and day out then God brought to me. He has made each and every one of unique to bring something to the table. God has giving us all gifts and that is how I began just being myself, and before I knew as time has passed by I see the same thing happening to me.

It makes me feel good when I'm able to bring a smile to another's face because in this day and time this world has really become superficial. We have a generation, young and older, with a attitude of "give me because I exist" not "help me because we can not be an island all to ourselves". I made it my mission that if someone does not know something and I do, whether it's something about God's word, how to surf the web better, anything...and if they are willing to learn, I will teach them and if I don't have the answer, I will try and direct to a individual who does know the answer.

I try to never make a person feel stupid because some of us learn quicker than others, you and I didn't come out knowing everything but we have come across people in our lives that think and act otherwise. I do not act this way because I wish to get a pat on the back, I do this because people took time out of their lives when I was coming up and showed me that there are people out here that's not always looking to get over on you or try to belittle you in front of others after they have shared knowledge or a skill with you.

Try and be a person today that when you leave your "heartprints" people are not trying to wash them away once you leave their presence.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Great Day.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Father, teach my children the secret of being content in every situation, through Him who gives them strength".

Philippians 4:12-13

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