Nov 25, 2006

Devotions and Reflections for this Weekend

Emptiness Without God>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

The title of Saturday's devotion from Our Daily Bread says it all. It's amazing how when I didn't have God in my life how I tried so many things feel that void and at the end of my journeys I still came up empty inside. Only when I truly began honoring God, studying His word, being obedient to His will, asking Him to be the leader is of trying to treat Him like a genie in a bottle that I feel complete.

This past week has been a trying week for me, from dealing with family issues, people not caring about you are your possessions you work hard for to obtain them, I have had to ask God to give me strength, patience, calmness and I have slipped up from time to time this week and have lost my cool. But I will tell you this, by the Holy Spirit flowing through me now it would have been much worse for me, the people around me if God was not in my life right about now. When having God in my life He has given me the answering what I need to do, on how to handle my situations for this week. I'm I still angry from this week, a little(am not going to lie, this just happened Thursday and Friday) I in a better place, yes.

Having the word of God flow through me let's me know that some people in your life whether they are close friends, relatives, your children, your spouse will let you down from time to time and I will let people down from time to time because you and I are not perfect, we all are flawed. But God has also have given you and I common sense and sometimes we have to put our foot down on certain issues, certain matters. I thank my Lord and Savior for His love for me and by me doing His will He gives me new insight on how to not only put Him first but He allows me to have a peace within, to be able to enjoy my desires that are pleasing to Him.

This year has been an eye opener for me because I am learning why God should come first for when you put Him first in everything you do, He truly gives you the desires of your heart.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & have a Wonderful Weekend.


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"God of hope, grant that my children my overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Romans 15:13


"God, strengthen my children with all power, so that they may have great endurance and patience".

Galatians 5:22

other devotions for the weekend:

Godly messages for today:

tech news for today:

netcast for today:

"Don’t demand an audience with the king
or push for a place among the great.

It’s better to wait for an invitation to the head table
than to be sent away in public disgrace."

proverbs 25:6-7

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