Nov 12, 2006

Devotions & Reflections for Sunday

A Fortified House>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

I'm so glad that early on that Mr. Cleo Horton taught me to "get to know that man(God)" for myself. I believe that is one of reasons that so many Christians get caught up in false teachings. You would think that some of these people that were fooled by "so called" men of God should have known better but this is what happens when one does not study the Holy Bible and not ask God to open up their minds and ask questions. The Apostle Paul taught this principle of questioning teachers of God's Word or people would follow a falsehood of the Lord's book.

I was young but I remember Jim Jones and the tragedy that took place in
Guyana. I heard people say, "there is no way I would have followed someone like like that to a place and followed his every word". It's easy for people to say things like that but things happen(remember David Koresh?).

When a person really gets into God's word, He will give you the tools to truly understand His ways, this teachings; He will lead to true men and women of God, a good church home. Now know church is perfect because we all are human so just like in a corporate setting, there is going to be disagreements, jealousy, gossip, backstabbing..but one would hope not as much. Even among Jesus' disciples there was jealousy, betrayal, denial. So when I hear non Christians bring up how churches are not perfect, I just, "you're right".

When you build your faith, your life on "the rock", God's true word, you will not fall for any pastors, so called prophet that comes along. Your emotions will not go back and forth. You will not get into the habit of being happy one day, sad the next, angry the next day...that will wear you down and wear you out. When you build your faith of Jesus Christ, he prepares you for trials that will come into your life, disappointment that will come and also great triumphs as well because that is when Satan attacks you and I; at our highest and at our lowest.

Get into God's word and get to know, "that man" for yourself.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Wonderful Day.

other devotions for your spirit:

tech news for Sunday:

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