Apr 7, 2007

A Simple Life but Not An Easy Road...But It's Worth the Drive

I just finished reading the devotion from Our Daily Bread (actually I thought I was reading today's reading but then I realized it was from yesterday) how Christ Jesus and the two thieves hung on the cross and one thief is now in Hades and the other is in Paradise. Isn't it amazing how in the time on the cross after living a certain way how our Lord and Savior can still forgive us? Now I am not say we can live our lives any kind of way then at the last moment just cry out, "LORD...I BELIEVE IN YOU!!" and that's it.

Many times people who leave that way heart grows so cold toward the word of our Lord and we have pushed our conscience so far back where we do not hear the warnings because the God who created you and I knows our heart and He knows if we are sincere are not.
Last Sunday our pastor was saying how some Christians make the this life so hard to live and he was saying that following Jesus Christ is really simple...I tend to agree. It's not an easy road I grant your but it is a simple life.

I love living a life with no non-scenes problems. I call it that because we, Followers of Christ Jesus and non Christians alike are going to encounter problems throughout our lives: certain bills that pop up out of the blue, people that dislike you "just because, decisions we will have to make throughout life...it's going to happen. What I have learned that whenever I have put my trust in God's word and I mean not only reading His word but meditating and DOING it how simple my life has become.

I remember years back years back when my wife and I were visiting her relatives in Racine, Wisconsin we got into a discussion on how some churches were allowing gay pastors head their congregation and the role of women in marriage. My wife's cousin felt that people were throwing in "their own opinion" when it comes to that decision and people have a right to believe what they want to believe. I just sat their listening, not saying a word. When he came to me to speak I just said, "I'm not going to debate with anyone, if it doesn't line up with the word of God, there is know reason for me say anything."

He is not an believer but He had to agree with me on that point.
I was not taking the easy way out, I'm just telling the truth. When we give our lives over to Christ, our lives are not our own any more and to be honest it makes life so much "simpler" and again, I am not saying that it makes life easier. It's hard to disagree with some beliefs in this day and age, so many things has become so homogenized and what once was considered wrong is now right.

I have said this time and time again, yes God gave us a free will because He did not want robots be He has made His feeling very clear on what we should and should not do, not to keep you and from living but to keep you and I from unnecessary pain down the road of our lives. Man have I made some choices in my life that I wish I "reformat" my brain and time do over again (as my geek brother Luis have said from time to time) but the truth is, we all have. But now knowing that by me truly giving my life over to the Lord that I have another chance not only on this earth but to have enternal life is so wonderful. I don't worry about, "where I'm going when I die?" and "what meaning is my life?" because I know where I am going and believe me, many people may not say it out loud but they think about it from time to time.

To have that ease of mind is half the battle won to me. ^_^
The other have knowing that as long as I continue to read God's word, study and meditate on His obey His word my road on thing called, "Life" is so much simpler as well. I have come to many detours in my life, some of my own choosing, some not in my control but knowing that even when I stumble, He is there to pick me up and I am not down too long because in the end, I come out a winner no matter what is the best feeling in the world for me.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & have a Wonderful Weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that we can live lives free from everything we have a personal knoledge of that is wrong.

    It's true that GOD doe's not force anyone to follow his plan for our lives, but there are great benefits if we do (Romans 6:17-18)

    GOD'S plan requires that we deny ourselves (Matthew 16:24)of every weight and sin (Heb 12:1). If you would like to discuss this further, contact me at djcmilton@hotmail.com
