Apr 21, 2007

Weekend Wisdom & Reflections

Love Life or Live for the Past?

t's okay to be cautious in life but sometimes dwelling on the past is harmful as well as always worrying about the future. I was a "average" athlete...actually, the only reason why I played sports was I thought that would girls would be swooning all over me (that never happened). One thing I am really thankful for now is that I wasn't an "all out" jockey. This I mean I'm glad I do not dwell on, "when I made this shot" or "I remember when we were down by this many points and I brought us back from behind." Playing football and basketball was cool but it is not who I was then and it is not who I am now.

I say this because when I used to go back to the old neighborhood that is all what some of my classmates used to harp on day in and day out. It's okay about an hour or so then it becomes "boring" to me. It's not that it brings bad memories for me but at times I think to myself, "but it's so much more to see in this world." I have been really blessed. I never was a drinker, the drug scene never appealed to me, don't smoke and I do not have small children so I still have the freedom to move about freely. I am married so somethings I used to do I can not but over all, life is good. I am not working where I want to work at the moment but I am working toward what God has put in my heart to pursue. Sometimes I may think about "what if?" but it never last long because I'm loving life at this very moment.

This devotion from Our Daily Bread shows how Moses did not dwell on the fact that he did not make it into the promise land. Was he disappointed? Maybe so, but to have an intimate relationship with God and to be able to pass his wisdom on to Joshua was his main focus.

Too many times I have worked with older people and they are so angry with the world, the youth, they feel that the "world" has let them down or the government or they company and really they are angry with themselves. This is why I am trying to live each day to the fullest. Mind you, I am paying attention to my future but I am keeping my eyes on the Lord. Staying in His word because if anyone knows my future and what is best for me is Jesus Christ. I hope I can always have the mind set to never stop learning and to never stop sharing because as an older gentleman talk me years back, "When you stop learning that is when you become old.

One thing I have realized being a follower of Christ Jesus is that I do not really have to worry about my future because I know where I'm going when I die, he has let me know life is not fair, people will not like you sometimes"just because" but as long as I have your back you will be just fine. That's pretty cool to know. So really it's up to me when it comes to the comfort of my life here on earth: do as Christ says and keep receiving wisdom through the Holy spirit, wonderful people he places in my path of life or try and think I can do it all of myself, look down upon people and stop learning?

I choose the latter.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and have a Wonderful weekend.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord grant that my children would learn to be responsible, for each one should carry his own load."

Galatians 6:5

Wisdom for soul:
What's Your Story?

Geek wisdom for your noggin':
MacBreak Weekly 37: Kung Fu Grippe

image: allposters.com

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