Mar 18, 2007

Devotion & Reflection for Sunday

Religion Or Christ?>>>more
from rbc ministries|odb devotions

A while back I heard Dr. Charles Stanley say it's better to tell people that "I'm a Follower of Jesus Christ" more so than telling people "I am a Christian". I think that's really good because many people claim to be Christians and think just because of their works that will give them a VIP into kingdom of God...that is not the case.

Our Father knows how our ego would swell so big if we were saved just on our works alone. We would not treat people with respect because if God received you and I just for our works, we would treat one another like dirt because all we would have to do is "play" catch up with our works for the Lord and we would skate into Heaven with no worries.

And then the other end of the spectrum, some people would feel like they could never do enough to find favor with God because of guilt, not enough skills. We would look around and feel inadequate because some people may have "the proper tools" so to speak and we would feel less worthy.

Thank God He knows you and I better than we know ourselves. By our Lord giving you and the "gift" of salvation we can not buy our way into the kingdom. Knowing that as long as we are sincere in our repentance to our Father we know we are forgiving and not to worry about "working" our way out of hell. He knows we are born into sin but thank God he has giving you and I the way to be his children and not his enemy.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and Have a Great Sunday

Praying for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, teach my children to persevere in all they do, and help them run with perseverance the race set before them."

Hebrews 12:1

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