Mar 1, 2007

Devotion & Reflections for Thursday

Reborn Identity>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

When first reading this devotion to be honest I had a hard time really getting into it, really understanding it because some devotions and bible reading fall on you like a ton of bricks, it speaks right to your heart, and then there are some passages you read and you go, "huh?" But God is so awesome as always. Then it hit me...we don't always read God's Word for just a "good feeling" all over, we read, study, meditate on God's word for peace and even as I write this I'm getting a deeper revelation.

To know Jesus Christ and to know what He came on earth for is to give of peace within. His sacrifice for us is for us not to wonder, "who am I?" and "why am I here?" I enjoy science, I always have coming up. I have so many interest coming up some I have forgotten about and something will trigger it and make me remember like space. As a kid, I wanted to become an astronaut (as must little boys growing up). Time travel I was fascinated by as a kid(H.G. Wells The Time Machine with Rod Taylor is still one of my favorite movies). I remember how me and my friend Walter use to pretend to have built a time machine or built a mini submarine like Captain Nemo to see different lands.

Maybe the reason why I also thought of those things was many times I felt alone, didn't know where I was going to end up when I die, what was my purpose for being on this earth(sad huh...this young in age and already thinking of these things...I was a deep thinker as a child) and even though I was saved as a child I did wonder about heaven...I read some of the Bible about how the streets would be paved with Gold and walls of pearls. But mainly I thought about why am I here on earth.

Fast forward to today, I getting to know Christ Jesus more and more and to know His love for me I'm learning more and more each day why I am here. Sure he has placed in me some desires but I am learning His desires for my life and I'm finding when I do this...turn everything over to Him how many doors are opening for me. Some roads are a little bumpy for the most part He is making a way for me. I know now that when I do reach my vocation desire I will not feel empty and feel like I have wasted my time because studying His word, listening to Christ Jesus, he has filled that void in my life where now once I begin college again and fulfill my dream I will not say to myself, "Is this all there is to life?"

It's funny now, I don't think about what goes on in space anymore, not saying I'm still not in awe of looking up at the heavens on a clear night seeing the beautiful stars in the sky, I just think about if there is other intelligence out there on other planets(although I still enjoy astronomy) anymore because knowing Christ now I know what matters must...trusting in Him and knowing when I die where I'm going to end up is good enough for me....

**although, I'm really curious about the garden of Eden, Noah's Ark, and King Solomon's I said, I've always been a deep thinker.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe, &
Have a Wonderful Thursday.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, I pray that my children would obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory."

2 Timothy 2:10

messages from

tech news for Thursday:

podcast for Thursday:


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