Mar 20, 2007

devotion & reflections for Tuesday

A Word From The Wise>>>more
devotional from odb>>>rbc ministries

We live in age of loose tongues now. We live in a age of people saying what they want when they want. This small little muscle in our mouth has cause people either pain or pleasure and it's to a point now that people do not care what is said because they feel, "I can say what I want to say". This is very true, you can say what you want, you have that problem is many people now days feel that way but do not want to face the consequences that come behind their speech.

I work in customer service and by me hearing customers again and again call me every name in the book has actually humbled me, make me really think before I speak (I have always done this because 1. I stuttered so bad and 2. I know once words have left your mouth, you can not take them back.) I have learned that a certain tone in my voice no matter what can escalate or calm down a person. I am also learning at my age (finally) that when you constantly "go off" on people it shows "your" character...not theirs.

It is really true in this day and age how I hear so many young people can curse in front of older people and not blink an eye without thinking, without caring. At first I used to get upset with the young but God has matured me just this year that most of them hear their parents swear like a sailor so they feel it's normal. You here it and see it all in our television shows, in our music because it sells. All of us have done it from time to time...I was just never good at it, not that "I'm holier than thou", I'm just no good at it that's all and I am so happy.

It's really something how this little muscle inside our mouth can cause so much happiness for some and misery for others. Jesus Christ was telling the truth when he told his disciples, "'s not what goes inside a man but what comes out of a man that tells his true character." I try to be as courteous as I can and I am not going to lie, it can be difficult at times. Some people make it hard, some people we just do not care like for good reasons, some we don't have a reason. But I am taking to heart more and more what my mother taught me..."If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." It saves me unnecessary grief down the road. I am truly learning the meaning of hurling "blessings" at people more so than "curse" words because in the end, people are going to be people and I can't control their speech but I can surely control mine.

Makes me feel better about myself in the end.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, & Have a Wonderful Day.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Holy Father, I pray that You would clothe my children with the virtue of compassion."

Colossians 3:12

message from for Tuesday:
The God of Second Chances...Part I
The God of Second Chances...Part II

tech podcast for today:
Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy 333

tech news for today:
Jaxtr Opens Door to MySpace Calls
Apple TV Projected To Surpass TiVo And Netflix
Security Watch: Apple Takes Over Patch Tuesday With Massive Update

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