Dec 20, 2006

Devotion and Reflections for Wednesday

The Lord Will Reveal His Will>>>more
from In Touch MInistries

"...We always need to be asking, "God, what are You teaching me today, and what would You have me do with that knowledge?"

Sometimes for me it's hard to pray, hard for me to know His will for my life, knowing what to say to Him, what questions to ask but reading today's devotion from Dr. Charles Stanley has helped me. I too am guilty of sometimes treating God like a "information clerk". We have to spend time in His word, talking and listening to Him. Too many times we talk and talk to God and not sitting still and listening to His answer for our lives. We have the television on or the music(that's my confession) and not letting the quietness be our music. Sometimes when I'm driving to work I have nothing turned radio, no CD, nothing. That to me is my time with God, listening to Him to give clarity, give me direction, give me wisdom for that day or situation that I'm facing and just sometimes giving thanks to Him because of what Jesus has done for me.

Sometimes when driving I can look out the window and see someone standing on the bus stop and I give thanks to Him because at one time, I was that person standing, waiting for public transportation. I'm not saying ALL people that are on the bus line need transportation because sometimes it's better to ride the bus because it saves on gas, you do not have to concentrate and you can sit back and relax. But there are people that are on the bus line because they do not have a car and not being able to be on your own schedule can be tough to adjust to sometimes.

I'm finding everyday that learning to communicate with my Heavenly Father gives me peace, give me a much clearer direction for my life and less stress day in day out.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Holy Father, I pray that You would clothe my children with the virtue of compassion."

Colossians 3:12

other devotions for today:
The “Mom Box”
Amazing Gift

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