Oct 15, 2007

Monday's Devotion & Reflection

Costly Gift>>>>click here for devotional reading
from RBC Ministries

For the past four Saturday we have been partnering with another church for what is being called "Spiritual Fitness" and it has been really insightful for me and this past Saturday was no exception. We have a panel of pastors that come in speak on different topics... our walk with Christ Jesus, how to study God's word more effective, how to Co Pastor Cecelia Holloway spoke on "Church Burn Out" and how we burn out in church, how we can burn out our pastor, how to treat one another in the body of Christ. As her message came to a close and the panel of pastors were on stage one pastor(put his name here) said something so profound that gave me new insight and a big weight was lifted from shoulders, a weight really I should not have been carrying in the first place...trying to please the masses. I loved how Pastor Steve Wingfield put it,

"When being a pastor you have to focus on pleasing just one master, Christ Jesus, when you do that your load is light, your burdens will not weigh you down; but when you are trying to please the masses(the congregation) your burdens become heavy and that is not for the pastor to carry."

He was so on point with that statement. From pastors to Christians out burdens should be heavy all the time. We have at times have issues on our mind, we're human but to constantly be weighed down with troubles or someone else troubles is not what God called Christians to do. We sometimes get what we need to handle and what God needs to handle mixed up many times. When it comes to spreading His word, we are just to do that and mostly not quoting scriptures 24/7 but our walk. We can only tell people about the goodness of Christ and how turning your life over to him is a joy but in the end it's up to the individual to make that decision because in the end, God has giving us all free will but he also wants "no one to perish".

I have and continue to learn that when trying to write to please the massed I do become so bogged down with pressure, with trying to post everyday I have become "burnout" so to speak from time to time. But this past Saturday taught me to just please "one master" my Lord and Saviour. When you do that, you do what's pleasing in His eyes and your are true to yourself and when you live your life this way you find yourself having more joy out of life.

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