Aug 13, 2010

What Today's Devotions Help Me See

Today's Devotion: Freedom
Today's Bible Reading: Romans 13:1-10

This devotion hits home with me because I feel the same way when it comes to driving. My queen teases me for driving the speed limit but in the end she thanks me because she doesn't have to worry about unnecessary drama like getting a ticket or hitting the brakes because I see a highway trooper and like Mr. Lamborn's wife has to remind him from time to time, "It's the law."

It is liberating and not a "hinder" when you do the right thing. It's a simple to remember; not easy to live by but the alternative is much worse in the end. That is how I view the Bible in two ways in regards a sense of freedom because even if people wrong you in the end you are the winner because it is you who took the high road and knowing that once you leave this earth you be in presence of God.

Again, I'm not going to lie it is so hard to not be effected when it comes to living right now because with the climate of corporations wanting to pay workers barely a living wage, people living their lives in a immoral way, racial tensions at a all time high, news organization reporting news before getting the facts in order. You can find yourself wanting to reach out and begin living that way but what I have found out is that in the end that way of living turns to ashes. It may not happen at that moment but it will happen and what I have learned the longer you live that way the longer it takes to rebuild your life and rebuild trust and respect from people.

For me the way of the world is going it's pushing me back to my Maker because the more I watch television (which is less and less) the more I getting back to the basics of reading books, rediscovering how much I love God, the price He paid by sending His son to die for my sins. For many people, the older you become the more you see how wonderful life is and you don't have time to waste it.

I wish more people could see the freedom in doing it God's way but as always it's best to lead by example and not just our speech.

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