Jan 18, 2010

Reflections From Today's Devotion

Today's Devotion: It Is My Business
Today's Passage: Leviticus 19:11-18

Sometimes devotions and passages when reading them do not register with me until later in a "ah-ha" moment; and then there are others that hit me right square in the face...this devotion is the latter. I'm not going to lie, what's going on in Haiti is terrible, the injured, the death, the loss of homes but it's one of these moments where I'm asking God, "why do I feel really bad about this tragedy?" and then it hits me and I know why.

Living in Florida was an eye-opening experience for me because of the many cultures and what I found out is that when living in the Midwest we as African-Americans encounter hatred toward Blacks every day one way or another and according where you live it's subtle or just blatant from White America but to live in a place where not only Whites but other races try to look down upon you kinda through me for a loop. I found out that many Haitians and Africans look down upon African-Americans and that's truly blows my mind at times. When living in Florida many times Haitians would bypass me to give wonderful customer service to a White person and give mediocre service to me. At first I thought this was just someone having a "bad day" but this would happen time and time again. It's sad in a way because in a way this has left a really bad taste with me because on one hand Haitians look down upon African-Americans but when disasters hit come their way we are all "one" and the older I become the more this bothers me.

In a way I can understand sometimes why they would feel this way toward African-Americans. If I lived in another country and when seeing the news and all the images I saw of African-Americans were negative I guess I would feel that way too, I guess their mindset is, "They are so lazy. They (Blacks) do not appreciate what they have in the states." But most Blacks do appreciate what we have every day. I guess the difference between African-Americans and other races is the when we see someone act un-neighborly we just chalk it up say, "That person" and we do not group a race in one barrel where with other races they lump us all together. It's been this way for years and I guess it will continue to be this way until the day I die but still it's hurtful because we as African-Americans are the first to lend a hand to others and many times we still get shunned but we keep going on with our lives, instilling in our children that you work hard for what you want, never give up, and just take one day at a time.

In Florida I met some wonderful people and I can't wait to get back there and touch base with friends I met there but at the same time now I know that in a melting pot you're going to encounter hurt and sometimes it will come at the hands of a culture or race you least expect. So my prayer to God is for my heart not to become harden as I get older but at the same time not to be surprised when dealing with people that look like me try and treat me like dirt. I will ask God to help me work through my feelings and not feel the way that I do because in the end it only hurts my walk with God and reflects on me as a Follower of Christ Jesus.

photo by paul.charles.k

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