Nov 7, 2007

Wednesday Devotion & Reflection...Finding My Way Back

Inspired by today's devotion from
Our Daily Bread...rbc ministries

This past month I have found a new love for writing, blogging again. To be exact it happened last Saturday morning around 3am after going into my new found "prayer closet"(our's amazing sitting on the side of the tub reading God's word can do for a man) and finding out what I need to do when it comes to posting blogs, finding insight on what to write. I found that my focus was on the wrong place.

I know we all go through this spell when sometimes writing because a "job" and not fun. We sometimes put unnecessary pressures on ourselves and forgetting why we began blogging. For me I found myself paying attention more to who was commenting than writing and when you begin down that road that's not good because after a while you begin to seek approval from people. And let me tell you, True bloggers, true readers are not stupid at all, they know when you are writing from the heart more so than trying to please the public so in the end you only hurt yourself. When you begin looking for comments, and lets be's praise it turns into pride and when that creeps in you begin thinking it's all about you and to be honest it's not all about you. That is how I was feeling for a while but again having to Christ Jesus bringing me back to why I began in the first place I am back where I am when it comes to seek, find and share information with others, it's not "all about me." As a Vox buddy has told me time and time again, "it's about having fun, not about work." (thank you again Patrice )

This devotion from this morning shouts out to me that by putting God first in EVERYTHING I do, a heavy weight is lifted from my shoulders. I learn that I am writing for him, what brings him joy, what I do needs to satisfy him and when I put all of my just in him, apply God's word to my life(there it is again, doing my part, Christians need to get out of that habit of treating him like a Genie in a bottle, He's not having that) and do it on a consistent basis I will be just fine.

I did small things to help this process along like clearing out my Firefox toolbar with my blogs and replacing them with sites that I get my information from to share with the masses. By me having my blogs up there it made focus on them first thing in the morning to see who posted a comment...again the focus on me and not what I should be doing, gathering information. Another thing that I began doing is the first site I go to is either RBC, In Touch, or to get God's word in me. I can't tell you how that makes the rest of my day go so peacefully.

Next after I have read the devotion I read a chapter of Proverbs. I may have shared this but I heard this is what Billy Graham does. Proverbs has 31 chapters and most times there are 31 days in a month so I try and keep to that schedule. I slip up sometimes but I'm getting better.

Next I pray for guidance, wisdom, discernment, keep me alert and then I LISTEN for him. Sometimes we pray so much we don't give God a chance to talk back to us.

And then I go about my day applying his word and I always keep in mind that his time and my time are on two different time schedules. Many people think if God doesn't do it in "microwave" time it does not work. Think of it as gaining and losing weight at times. You didn't gain it over night and it takes time to take off the pounds through exercising(they it is again...doing something about it, putting things into motion). These habits has began to keep me grounded and keep me focus on Him and not reward I get from man because that comes and goes with a quickness.

Just like in the devotion how Hezekiah found his way back to God to lead his kingdom I have found my way to Him and finding peace in my life again, finding blogging so much fun and loving sharing God's word, music, tech news with the masses again.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and
Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

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