Jun 23, 2007

Reflections and Devotions for Today

Getting Free...
Devotion from RBC Ministries

I am not going to lie, I have a hard time letting go of things even when I don't need them anymore...my wife doesn't and many times I have seen her blessed time and time again. Why is that with many of people, Christians? We have seen God work in our lives time and time again and we know He can give us something better but we still want to cling onto old thing (with me it's old computer parts). In our human mind we come up with millions of excuses from "how long it will take us to save up for that certain thing" to "not being able to get it again." I know God has a sense of humor because I know sometimes he chuckles at you and I because he says, "If you only know what I have in store for you, you would freely let go."

This is one of my things I really need to come to grips with because I have seen what awesome things he has done in my life and continues to do in my life from the small, "Lord please find me a close parking space" to blessing me with some expense piece of electronic I never thought in a millions years I would own.
Isn't it funny the older you become the grateful you become for just the smallest things and at the same time we become more cynical in other areas in our lives.

I think that will be my prayer for myself...help me to develope a "child's faith" when it come to you Lord because if I have that type of faith, look at so much you can show me, trust me with, give me and most important, to share with the world.
This saying is so true, "When you have an open hand so much you can have...with a closed fist, you only have what's in your hand." And even that disappears soon or a later.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe
and have a Great Weekend

"Don’t waste your breath on fools,
for they will despise the wisest advice."

~Proverbs 23:9

1 comment:

  1. Thank you,
    I have added your blog onto my bolg too.. i'm sure i'll learn a lot from your blog
    Have a great day,
