Jan 3, 2008

What Nintendo Got Right

I'm a geek but a simple geek and when it comes to gaming console I have fallen away from the whole genre...until this Christmas. I played Nintendo Wii with my grandson Casey, and I have to say, I want one. Why? Because for me they make gaming fun again. Come to think about it the last gaming console I really had fun with was a Nintendo. I have had a PlayStation, we have a PlayStation2 (and the only time I really use it when the grandson is over and if we do not play games like Star Wars, Crash Bandicoot I do not use unless to watch movies on it) and forget buying a PlayStation3 or an XBOX 360, I can't see myself paying that much for a gaming console. I have buddies that have these gaming console but I'm going to be honest, I do not like the sport games, especially WWF (my grandson has tried to teach me to play the game it makes me just sick and tired just thinking about it). If it's not a adventure game or just "fun" I'm not interested.

Christmas has sparked my love for video games with the Wii. Nintendo, known for Donkey Kong, Mario Brothers, games that make me want to go out and plunk down money. I'm from the old school. I pulled up old games for my grandson on the net (Space Invaders, Tempest, Battle Zone, Elevator Action, and of course Frogger & Ms. Pac Man)...games for me that makes time fly. I'm not taking away from the XBOX and PlayStation gamers but for me I do not want to take hours on top of hours learning to "this combination" and "that combination" to play a game. Some gadgets I want to learn, I need to learn but when it comes to gaming, I want to not think so hard, I just want to play and have fun.

Nintendo did right and what the other two companies(Microsoft and Sony) did wrong was two things...first the price of the console and two...they made their gaming cosole fun. Even with the low end of the Playstation 3 (40GB unit) the price is still $400 and the low end of and XBOX 360 is $350. The Wii is $100 less and most of their games are $10 less than the xbox 360 and playstation 3.

I'm not knocking the true gamers because that is your thing. The graphics in these games now blow me away and if I was into sports, adventure(well, I do like adventure games but I think to die hard gamers "Crash Bandicoot does not count) but some of us just want to turn on a game console, learn a few moves and have at the game. I guess the only bad thing is that Nintendo can't make them quick enough to stay on the shelves which is a shame because from what I'm hearing they lost $1 billion because of this but this should let the other two companies know that most of us just want to have fun and to be able to share with the entire family.

Nintendo, you got it right.

For more info on how Nintendo is running rings around its competitors check out...

With Wii and DS, Nintendo has two hit game devices

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